Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why did the coach act so paranoid about safe sex if he was actually sleeping with a student?

Answer: Precisely because he was sleeping with a student. Getting her pregnant would bring their affair out into the open and create a scandal for the whole nation to know what he was up to. Therefore safe sex was really important to him.


True, but since he was spending time with her, he could make sure that birth control was being used (i.e. him using a condom). I think he was trying to appear "uptight" about sex, so he could be the least likely suspect.

Answer: He wanted to appear to be strict and "uptight" about sex, so people would be less likely to believe any rumors about him.

Question: Why do all of the Death Eaters hesitate to lend Lord Voldemort a wand? In "Chamber of Secrets", when Ron's wand was damaged, Professor McGonagall just said he would need to replace it. So I am assuming that purchasing a new wand is not particularly unusual or difficult.

Answer: Normally replacing a wand is easy, but there are only a few wizards who can make them. Voldemort has kidnapped Mr. Olivander, tortured him, and destroyed his shop, so he is not currently in a position to be making new wands. The Death Eaters fear offering their own wands to Lord Voldemort because he often strikes out, often fatally, at anyone who fails or displeases him. If someone gives him their wand and it does not perform adequately, they know there may be severe repercussions. Voldemort is also gauging his Death Eaters' reaction to his request so he can judge their loyalty and willingness to do his bidding. Most also realize that the request is mostly aimed at Lucius Malfoy, who has fallen from Voldemort's favor. Voldemort is taunting him.


Question: When Christof and his employees examine the basement where Truman is supposedly asleep (just before Marlon is sent there), Christof discovers something under the chair that obviously reveals to them that Truman is gone. What is it that they discover?

Answer: Christof sees Truman's hand as he is sneaking away. This means that he can't be under the blanket.

Greg Dwyer

Question: How does the security boss of the firm listen to the conversation between the wife of Cruise and the secretary of the private detective, in the last scene of the hotel in the Bahamas? Why did he have any reason to suspect anything in the first place?


Chosen answer: At first the security guy doesn't suspect Mitch any more than any other new associate hired by the firm. His job is to keep a close watch on all new associates to see if they realize the firm has mafia ties. He starts watching Mitch (Tom Cruise) more closely after he was approached by the government agents who wanted him to spy on the firm. He knows that Mitch now suspects there are illegal activities going on and may decide to aid the government. It is also shown that Mitch's house was being bugged, and it can be assumed the resort cabana regularly used by the firm in the Bahamas would also be bugged.


Question: What is the point of so many dream layers to get to the "inception" of the idea? I guess the movie would lose all of its intricacy without it, and would be much less appealing. So what is the excuse to use that trick from the director?


Chosen answer: For inception to work the idea must be planted very deeply within the subconscious. The more dream layers there are, the deeper into the subconscious you get.


Question: Going along with another question that was submitted, why did Bellatrix teach Draco how to do Occlumency? Anyone who knows her character knows that she wouldn't want to conceal his thoughts and plans from the Dark Lord, she'd be going against the master she loves.

Answer: So nobody else, aka Dumbledore, could read his thoughts and know he was going to kill Dumbledore. She assumes Voldemort will be able to see if he is trying to hide something from him, so she's not worried in that aspect.

Question: Is there some reason why Lucius wanted to give the diary to Ginny in particular? Why did he not give it to someone else years ago, allowing Voldemort to return sooner?

Answer: Voldemort gave Lucius the diary with the intention he would sneak it into the castle so the chamber could be re-opened. Voldemort vanished soon after the diary was in the possession of Lucius, so he didn't get the go ahead from Voldemort. Malfoy was also unaware it was a horcrux, he just thought it was a dark object that would look bad if he was found to have it. Slipping it in with Ginny's books was killing two birds with one stone. Get rid of the diary and try to discredit Arthur. If he knew it had a part of Voldemort"s soul, he most likely would have treated it with greater protection. Remember, Voldemort never shared with anyone, even the death eaters, that he had made horcruxes. This is confirmed by Dumbledore in the 6th book while speaking with Harry.

Answer: Ginny's father had proposed a piece of legislation to the Ministry of Magic called the Muggle Protection Act, which offended much of the pure-blood population. The Ministry was about to look for dark artifacts in wizarding homes, and in fact Draco mentions this while Harry and Ron are disguised by the Polyjuice. Lucius wanted to get the diary out of his manor, and the opportunity to involve the Weasleys in particular was too much to resist.


The Gooseberry Bush - S3-E6

Question: I have watched this episode probably 30 times - I watch it in bed, to put me to sleep - and I don't understand the plot at all, unless it is just an excuse so Rosemary and Laura have to deal with a baby. Is there anyone out there who watches this show besides me? If there is, can you please tell me what this episode is all about?


Question: A couple times throughout the film the phrase "I had to make the call" is used. It is first used by Dom at the beginning of the film directed towards Brian: "You had to make the call, huh?" and then towards the end of the film by Brian when the car chase ends and he saves Dom and says "I had to make the call." So my question is: what exactly were the calls that were made? I'm assuming the second one was Brian letting Hobbs know what was going on since he arrives seconds after Brian kills Zizi.

Answer: They don't mean a call as in a telephone call, they mean it as in a judgement call. The first one is that Brian went along with Vince on the job, and the second one is when he turned around to help Dom instead of leaving him behind.


Question: Seeing how most of Christopher Nolan's movies are filled with symbolism, themes, and deeper meanings, what exactly was Nolan trying to say with the brief introduction of the copy-cat Batmen? I ask because it would seem to contradict the recurring theme of "Anyone can be Batman", but I doubt Nolan would include something like that without having a reason that goes beyond simple plot reasons.

Answer: Batman has inspired others to take up the cause of vigilantism, but they're taking it to an extreme and crossing lines that he never would.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: On Mustafar, when Anakin accuses Padme of bringing Obi-wan to kill him, why doesn't Obi-wan tell him that Padme didn't actually do it (Obi-wan hid on her ship)?

Answer: Obi-Wan knows Anakin is so far gone into the Dark Side that he won't believe him, despite it being the truth.

Cubs Fan

Question: The last person to take out the tape is Samera's father, Robert. Did he mix up the images on the tape, or did she put them on there in that order? Also, if he knew about the tape (clearly he didn't want to watch it) perhaps he watched it once and gave it to his wife so committed suicide and he lived, leaving the tape at the inn.

Answer: The tape that Richard Morgan was the last one to watch was not Samara's cursed tape; it was a tape that monitored her sessions at the Psychiatric hospital. The taped sessions were significant because it proved that The Morgan's knew of Samara's psychic photography abilities. I highly doubt Richard knew of the cursed tape beforehand. Once Rachel told him about the existence of the tape, he automatically knew what it was and who created it because Samara was still tormenting him from the grave.

Answer: She put them on there. It never says anything about the father doing it, but it does say Samara used her powers to burn the images onto it.

Question: When Snape tells Dumbledore that he "doesn't want to do this anymore", does he mean his spy work in general or just the agreement to kill Dumbledore?

Answer: He is referring to his promise that, if necessary, he will kill Dumbledore as they had planned. Snape wants to protect Draco from having to do this as Voldemort planned, but he also does not want to end Dumbledore's life in such a manner.


Question: I really don't get the ending. Can someone please explain it to me? Thank you.

Answer: The Maitlands and the Deetzes have agreed to share the house peacefully. Meanwhile, Beetlejuice is returned to the afterlife waiting room after the sandworm "kills" him again; he then angers a witch doctor who shrinks Beetlejuice's head, thus adding insult to injury.


Answer: No.

Corazon - S6-E12

Question: In the scene near the beginning, Morgan and Hotchner are on video call with Garcia, she is away from the screen, Morgan calls for her and she comes running to the screen saying she is on. They ask her to research something and she replies like usual and Hotchner thanks her but I think instead of saying "Garcia" I think he called her "Kristin." Can anyone confirm?

Pa Tshia Vang

Chosen answer: I just double-checked, he does say Garcia.

Question: This bugged me for years, when Billy said there is something in the trees to Dutch and in the next shot it shows the trees, is the Predator there, as in visible onscreen?


Chosen answer: Yes. The predator can be seen not in the immediate shot after, but the one a few seconds later as they are seen walking away.


Before or after Ramirez gets hit in the face with the branch?

About 3 seconds before. If you look VERY closely (probably needing to pause the screen around 00:40:55 - about a minute after Billy said, "There's something in the trees"), there appears to be a transparent image of The Predator in the background above the major's (Arnold's) right shoulder. If this is meant to be The Predator, its body is curved around a tree trunk and its arms are extended toward the right of the screen (near Arnold's right ear), camouflaged as green leaves.


The Predator - in a recognizable form - really wasn't visible until another minute later @ 00:41:55 when it was on the ground approaching Hawkins and the woman.


That's a tree, not the predator. We see Billy and Dutch head on in "predator vision" as they're talking, which means the predator is directly in front and slightly above them (unknown distance). The thing you're referring to would be in the wrong position.

No, it can't. I've just been through this several times and the predator isn't shown on screen at any time during or just after after the conversation.

Chosen answer: Elsa still needs to eat. However, she has only been in the mountains for a day. One can go three weeks without any food, Elsa would eventually have to leave the mountain to find some food.

Casual Person

Chosen answer: For scenes like when Bill Murray is covered with it and it gets in his mouth, it's gelatin mixed with food coloring. For other scenes it's various plastics.

Question: Why was Voldemort at a train station in one of Harry's visions? I am wondering why he would let himself be seen by several people. The news that he has returned would get around to Cornelius Fudge.

Answer: Voldemort wasn't actually at the train station. Harry is just having a mental vision of him. This only happened in the movie, and it was to show the growing mental connection Harry shares with Voldemort.


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