Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What does Manolo's mother mean when she says, "Wait until he gets here," as she refers to Manolo's father?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: She's saying "wait until he gets here" as in 'wait until his time comes and he's in the land of the remembered'. As in, more morbidly, just wait until Manolo's father dies & she's able to scold him in the land of the remembered.

Question: Why were the carnival Strongman and the other carnival workers chasing Oz?

Answer: Because Oscar (Oz) was flirting with the wife of one of the strongmen.


Question: OK, hope I'm articulating this properly: when Marty returns to 1985 from 2015 with Jen and the Doc, he places Jen at the porch of her own home. At this point, he hasn't realised yet that he's actually in an alternate 1985, because old Biff has discovered the time machine, and taken the Sports Almanac to the Biff of 1955. We all know what happens from there: Marty and the Doc now have to go back to 1955 (again) to stop Biff from getting the almanac, thus making the upcoming 1985 timeline "correct." Well, as they are come Jen is OK? Surely, as she was left in the alternate 1985 and isn't really in the "correct" 1985, she now fails to exist when Marty comes back to the "correct" 1985 to collect her at the porch? She must disappear with the alternate 1985? Or am I over thinking this?

Answer: According to Doc, the timeline fixed itself around her. The best explanation I found online was since she was from the original 1985, when everything reset, it was as if she was still in the original timeline.


Answer: Because when Marty arrived in 1885 and reunited with Doc, he told him "God, Jennifer I hope she is all right Doc, I can't believe we just left her there" to which Doc replies that when Marty burned the Almanac in 1955 the timeline was restored. This is proven when the newspaper reveals that George McFly honored and Doc Brown commended.

Question: Is Edward supposed to be Hansel and Gretel's father? If so, was there some explanation as to how or why since the head evil witch told Hansel and Gretel he was hung? Was she lying?

Answer: Edward is not Hansel and Gretel's father. He helps them because he is a troll. Trolls serve witches.


Question: Isn't the plot inherently flawed? Chow was already in Las Vegas, so there's no real correlation between him and the main characters, so he would've stolen Marshall's gold, whether or not he met them right?

Answer: Not necessarily. Keep in mind, before that, Chow didn't have any prior relations to Marshall, but after they showed up, he did, when he kidnapped B. Doug, who works for Marshall. It would make sense that Marshall would then be angry at Chow, and prompt the latter to steal his gold.

Question: Did Rupert Grint truly get nicked in the face by debris during the wizard's chess match? All google searches come back with blogs of personal opinions.


Chosen answer: Only people who know for sure, ie. cast and crew, have neither confirmed nor denied him really getting hit. As of right now it's up to speculation.

Show generally

Question: Can someone explain why there is no door to Monica's balcony? Is it normal to climb out a window to get on to the balcony in these types of apartment buildings? It doesn't seem like something that would be allowed due to building regulations.

Answer: There's never been an explanation, but it's an older building, and theoretically there could have been a laxer construction code when it was built and inspections were less stringent. It may originally have been intended only an access to the fire escape and not as a recreational area. Of course, this likely would never have happened in real life and it simply makes it more humorous for the character to have to climb in and out the window. Also, the size of the balcony changes over the course of the series and the fire escape comes and goes.


Question: What happens to Bobby Dagen after he fails to save his wife from being incinerated?

Answer: We are never told or shown, but it could be speculated that he was trapped in the building or died from his injuries.


How do you know that?

They don't know. They qualified their answer as being speculation.


Plus Jigsaw's games are normally set so that if you fail, you're not escaping alive.


Chosen answer: I took it as a joke referencing the stereotype that many Catholics focus more on the doom-and-gloom aspects of their faith such as sin, eternal torment in Hell, Christ's suffering, etc., rather than on the more pleasant components like salvation, Heaven, Christ's resurrection, etc.


Answer: She puts it away and it's never seen again for the rest of the movie.

Question: Which Robin is it in this movie? It's hard for me to tell. His personality is kinda like a mix of Jason Todd and Tim Drake, but he talks a lot kinda like Dick Grayson and fights with a staff like Dick from Teen Titans. So I can't quite tell which Robin it is.

Quantom X

Answer: Tim Drake.

Question: In the original Goldeneye game, the first level (The Dam) has a part of the level that was left incomplete but originally intended to be accessible as part of the mission. If you stand on the dam and look out from the towers or the dock on it on the side with all the water with the Sniper Rifle's scope, you can see the unfinished area on the edge of the map left there. So I wonder is there any such similar place in the remake of this game as sort of tribute or something. A similar inaccessible area viewable by scope? Or an area that is accessible? Or anything at all?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: No. There is no such area in the game.


Answer: Have you ever SEEN demon doll DNA? It's creepy! Not at all like your 'normal' DNA. Now, if you have a Barbie and Ken doll having a kid, you'd get something nice like a P.J. Doll. You mix evil, twisted, Chucky with psychopathic Tiffany and all bets are off, baby-wise. I'm surprised that Glen turned out as well as he did! And with a Cockney accent?


Question: Where specifically was this filmed? What historic district?


Chosen answer: The movie was filmed in several cities: Subiaco, Mantua, Caprarola, Lazio, Rome, and Verona.

Greg Dwyer

Episode #2.1 - S2-E1

Question: In the street scene with the three brothers leaving in a car for London, the car has 'Fiat' the grille. In the next scene with the car, there is nothing on the grille. Could they have had this car, at that time? After all there was mention of 'Bugatti' at least he beginning of the same episode. Would a Lanchester made in Sparkbrook be more likely?

Question: Why does James vomit before each race?

Answer: It's a case of bad nerves before a race and has developed into a habitual behavioral pattern.


Question: If the Sultan of Turkey needed 1,000 boys to be trained for his army, then why not just use the Turks' own children? Why demand the children that were under Vlad's protection?

Answer: It was very common in the Middle Ages for those who ruled over an area to demand various forms of tribute, a very common one being soldiers or children to train as soldiers.

Greg Dwyer

Chosen answer: Bruce has always been the character's middle name. In the comics he is Robert Bruce Banner, here he is David Bruce Banner. Apparently the executives behind the show preferred the name David.

Question: To elaborate on the question regarding Drago facing criminal charges for killing Apollo: when he pushes the ref aside you say that in real life the fight would have been stopped, however, he almost lands the fatal blow right afterwards so he didn't give anyone time to stop it, wouldn't he be charged with criminally negligent manslaughter or something similar? I can understand him not facing charges if it had happened during the normal course of the fight, but the fact that he didn't allow the ref to stop the fight leads me to believe that he was negligent and thus responsible for Apollo's death.

Answer: Unless Drago did something deliberately illegal to increase damage (altering his gloves or wraps like Luis Resto), then no. Risk of severe injury is a standard for contact sports and boxing especially.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: Yes. Not only would Drago have been suspended from boxing indefinitely for pushing the ref aside, but, he also would have been charged with manslaughter considering that Drago landed the blow that killed Apollo immediately after the official stopped the fight. If the blow that killed Apollo had occurred during the fight however, Drago wouldn't have faced any charges.

In reality, Rocky was responsible for Apollo's death because he would not throw the towel when begged to. Furthermore, had this been a real fight, Apollo's entire corner would have flooded the ring since it got so out of hand. So, there wouldn't have been a fatal blow; it would have been total chaos with one corner coming to the defense of their fighter.

Chosen answer: Although Bob intended to kill Charles (to obtain his wife and wealth), they unexpectedly were struggling for survival in the wilderness. Working together increases their chances of rescue, and Bob cannot survive without Charles' help. He therefore saves him from the rapids. Plot-wise, this makes Charles think that his suspicions about Bob may be wrong. Also, Bob is not a born killer, and may be hesitant about actually committing murder, particularly someone he had admired and respected. Bob likely planned to kill Charles when rescue was imminent and then claim Charles died accidentally. Regarding the title, because the movie is not based on a book of that name, the filmmakers probably chose it for its marketing value because it sounded dramatic. This is a suspense/adventure movie, and "edge" can have multiple meanings, such as being "on the edge," as to whether or not Bob will carry out his plan. It can also refer to the razor-sharp edge of a weapon, an "edgy" emotional situation, and so on.


Answer: It is called the edge because Charles had a mental edge on Bob.

Answer: Two reasons for the title: They had an edge on the bear with their human intelligence, and they utilized the edge on that knife with it. Two edges.

roy sandefur

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