Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Caleb is in the house rescuing a young girl, would it really have made sense for Caleb to take off his mask, and put it on the child he is rescuing? I mean the child was unconscious, and he would still need oxygen. It's really hard to breathe in buildings. I would like an actual firefighter to answer this question.

Answer: As a Firefighter, in a fire your own life and safety are your top priority. You can't save anybody if you become a casualty. And you never take your mask off. We are trained to work in all our gear, it all stays on until we come out.

Answer: I'm not a Firefighter but I believe that the masks are uncomfortable and he took it off so he can work faster. It only makes since to give the mask to the unconscious girl because it might help her breathe better or start to breathe again. He is trained to do these types of things.

Caleb would have a pretty hard time breathing by taking his the oxygen mask off.

Question: How did the principal characters end up on opposite sides of the metal fence after they initially escaped from the raptors?

Answer: Alan Grant became separated from the others after escaping the raptors. He was later rescued by Eric, who then took him to his hideout. When they went looking for the Kirbys and Billy, they took a route that put them on the opposite side of the fence.


Answer: Most likely because of possible broken fences that have either been taken down from being eroded by the elements for a long time, or just straight up an opening, since we don't necessarily know if they did or did not land in a pen when they crashed, but it's safe to assume that there was most likely an opening around them, and they must have gone through that way.

Question: I have searched everywhere and cannot find the name of the male soloist in the opening scene who wears a white shirt and opens the back of the truck. What is it, please?

Question: Why did the warden hate the fact that Doc painted a picture of him? Did he think he was mocking him?

Answer: The portrait was deliberately done as an unflattering caricature to mock the warden, thus offending him.


Answer: There is no specific reason, the warden took away Doc's paintings. When he was in Doc's cell, retrieving his nail clippers, he saw the portrait of himself and had an amused smile, meaning he though it was pretty good.

Obviously, this is not the case as he would not have felt the need to take the painting, despite being an A-hole. The first answer is more likely correct, as he definitely felt mocked or ridiculed based on his actions.

Question: How old was Jenny when she died?

Answer: 36. (4 months shy of 37). Her date of birth was in July 1945 and she died in March 1982 according to her headstone shown in the film.

Question: Can someone please explain to me why Carmen takes off her shoe and smells it?

Answer: She can hear Juni's thoughts and he says (telepathically) that her feet stink, so she takes her shoe off and smells it to check if that is true.


Chosen answer: The firm had landed the "Texas Tiller" account and had decorated the office to make the people from Texas feel "at home". They felt that in addition to the Texas state flag and horns on the wall that a confederate flag was in order too (since Texas did join the Confederacy).


Question: Who got the main roles in the musical?

Answer: The lead roles went to Gabriella and Troy with Sharpay and Ryan as their understudies.

Question: Wouldn't Shinzon have had to know where the enterprise is being assigned in order lure them to pick up B-4? Data's brain has a safeguard so his positronic energy signature cannot be tracked. And how did he know a different ship instead of the enterprise wouldn't come to Remus to pick up B-4?

Answer: Long range sensors can show the general location of specific ships (this is part of the reason Romulans and Klingons use cloaking devices). All Shinzon has to do is find a remote planet close enough to the Enterprise that would cause them to be the most prudent choice to investigate. It's definitely a gamble but not one that is made without calculation.


Question: Is Lokar based on a real person?

Answer: No, he's a fictional character, but could be a composite of multiple people.


I don't what you mean by a composite of multiple people.

Taking plot-relevant characteristics, behaviour, roles, etc. of a few different real life people and putting them all into one new character. While technically fictional, he might share traits with real people.

Question: Did Eric Stoltz dye his hair blonde for this film? His natural hair colour is red, but it looks lighter in this film.


Chosen answer: His hair is not blonde in this film. It is the lighting that makes it appear so.


Question: One of the crew members tells Worf that the Borg control decks 26 to 11, and stopped when they reached deck 11. Picard says, "We can't get to deflector control or a shuttle craft." I did some research, and the main shuttle bay is on deck 6. So why can't they get to a shuttlecraft? Would this be a plot hole?

Answer: The borg took control of specific areas of the ship as part of their plan. This included deflector control and the shuttle bay.

My mistake. The main shuttle bay is around decks 5 and 6. The Borg didn't take control of those decks until after the beacon was destroyed.

Answer: I don't think it's ever explained why Mac refused to tell Hawke where St. John is.

Question: When Channing Tatum fixes the chain on the gate in the time replay, why does he yank the West Virginia insignia off the gate? Where is it used? Does the film explain why this is important?


Chosen answer: There was nothing wrong with the gate, he set the sign up to cover the laser sensor so the gate wouldn't open, this held them up and gave Logan time he needed to load the other bags. He yanked the chain to make it look like the chain was caught and causing the problem.

Question: Does the ending mean that the policewoman gives up on her hunch?

Answer: No, she didn't give up. When "Smith" called Detective Atwood, she realised that it was a different voice (Brooks) and that the police may have fingered the wrong person. She was not the type who would let this go.


Question: Why didn't the FBI ask Ben's father what type of car he owns like they would do in real life? They type of car Ben, Riley, and Abigail stole from Ben's father has an on star system that would allow the authorities to track them through satellite, and intercept them ruining any chance of escape for the them. So why didn't the FBI use the on star system to track them?

Answer: One of the agents, when they are interrogating Patrick at his house, mentions that the car that Patrick owns (although I don't know the brand) is missing, so they have asked. There is also a correction at some point about the on-star system (similar to your question) that shows that the on-star system could have been removed for any number of reasons.

It's a Cadillac Deville.

Question: Why did the Apollo 13 spacecraft need a parachute? They were landing on water not solid ground. It's easier to survive a fall when landing on water, so why would they need a parachute if they were landing on water?

Answer: Spacecraft re-enter Earth's atmosphere at extremely high velocity (thousands of miles per hour). Atmospheric friction slows the spacecraft descent somewhat; but, without parachutes, the Apollo spacecraft would still reach the surface traveling at hundreds of miles per hour. Landing in water at such high speed would be like hitting concrete, which would of course be instantly fatal. Hence the necessity of multiple parachutes. The Apollo program (and all early U.S. manned space programs) chose to land in the ocean for two reasons: 1) It was easier to track spacecraft re-entry from horizon-to-horizon at sea without visual and radar obstacles, and; 2) It was faster and easier to position several Navy vessels in the general splashdown location, then deploy helicopters to rapidly retrieve the astronauts and their spacecraft.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: If woody just wanted to go back to Andy's house to be with Andy again, and to prove his innocence why not just tell Buzz the truth about it instead of lying to him, and trying to trick him into going back to Andy? By telling lying to him about what he found and about his intentions, he only made things harder. So why not just tell Buzz that he wants to get back to Andy's house, and needs to take him Buzz with to prove to the other toys that he's innocent?

Answer: Because Woody knocked him flat out the window back at Andy's house earlier, and believing he's an actual space ranger, Buzz decided he would like to go separate ways, and let his guard down with Woody, ending the conflict between the two, and decides to continue the mission he believes he is on elsewhere. Going back with Woody is not an option for him. He says farewell to Woody, and Woody starts to see that Buzz is not interested, so tries to condone Buzz with a plan he knows Buzz would most likely fall for.

The Gold Rush - S1-E18

Question: In this episode, Hogan and company used gold bars disguised as bricks to replace the destroyed wooden steps. However, the next episode, "Hello Zolle", the steps are back to wood. Is this considered a Continuity mistake or was it cost a cost cutting measure?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: It was neither of those. In earlier TV shows, it was typical that each episode was a self-contained story, and the plots and non-regular characters were rarely carried over from previous shows to the next. Any problems or situations were resolved at the end, even if some plot threads were illogically left unexplained. This allowed episodes to be aired in any random order. Today's TV series usually have ongoing linear timelines and continuous plots that are played out over multiple seasons.


Question: Did the Morehead state game against Marshall in 1971 happen as shown in the movie? How did Morehead state score their touchdowns in the actual game?

Answer: According to Wikipedia: "For the season opener, the team visited the Morehead State Eagles for the I-64 Rivalry. Despite losing 29-6, the [Thundering] Herd (Marshall's team nickname) managed to score late in the game with Reggie Oliver's touchdown pass to Tom Smyth, prompting a standing ovation from the crowd." I have been unable to find a play-by-play account of the Morehead State touchdowns.

Michael Albert

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