Question: An N64 game called Jet Force Gemini was published and developed by Rare alone, but this game was published by Nintendo. Does this mean that Rare created Banjo-Kazooie at their own headquarters and called Nintendo to publish it, or did they make the game at Nintendo's headquarters?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
The Engagement Reaction - S4-E23
Question: When they're at the hospital Howard never said that he told his mother that he was engaged, so how would Bernadette know he said that?
Question: Shouldn't Dr Jonas and his men have been arrested for what they did? And shouldn't the guys who employed have been arrested too?
Question: During the party near the ending, why did the guests panic when they saw Jonathan's true identity?
Answer: Throughout the movie, Dracula has been drilling into his guests the history of humans' mistreatment of monsters, hence the building of the hotel, which was to be a monster's refuge from the human world. Most of the monsters likely had never interacted with humans, so that coupled with the stories from the past caused the monsters to freak when they saw Jonathan's true identity as a human.
But they had been hanging out in the hotel for long and johnny wasn't a bad person so the shock is unjustified.
The fact that he'd been hiding his identity the whole time would be enough for anyone to be concerned, especially when the reality was that he was a human, who they all have been in fear of for centuries.
Answer: Part of the shock would be him lying all this time, or the possibility of him being a fake Johnny.
Question: How old is Samara? Some websites say she's 10 when she died but others say she was 8. Other sites say 11 or 12.
Answer: According to the first movie, Samara is around 8 years old whenever she is thrown in the well. Richard and Anna Morgan returned to Moesko island in 1970 with baby Samara. Whenever Rachel is researching Anna Morgan, she finds that Anna committed suicide in 1978, shortly after she disposed of Samara at Shelter Mountain inn. Some details have been changed in the 2nd and 3rd movie, raising the question of how old Samara is. But after looking at the hospital records in the first movie, she is 8.
Brian's Got a Brand New Bag - S8-E4
Question: In this episode, Brian goes to the bar, when he's supposed to be picking up Rita's medicine. When he's there, he meets an attractive girl, who refers him to her friend. Before that, the attractive girl says texting lingo which is too fast for me to understand. What is the translation?
Answer: You may be getting episodes mixed up. In the bar, Brian meets a girl and tries to explain what a book is by saying, 'it's the internet made out of tree.' Then they go have sex in the bathroom.
Question: What did Pazuzu (when possessing Regan) mean when he told Damien that performing an exorcism would bring them closer together?
Answer: Pazuzu is secure in its position and does not believe it can be exorcised, so it is a taunt to Damien, who is in the midst of a deep crisis of faith, that the attempt at exorcism will fail and send Damien further down the path of darkness.
Answer: When the Exorcism failed, Father Karras asked the Demon to take him, which it did, he continued his hold on him through the Legion story line.
The One With The Lesbian Wedding - S2-E11
Question: Why did the gang not understand why Ross didn't want to go to the wedding? Most people wouldn't go to their ex wife's wedding.
Question: How did Nick know that the man in the window was their dad, given he never met him before?
Chosen answer: Kevin says "he use to hold me like that." Kinda obvious after that.
Question: Where does Rusty go to be repaired, as he is the only narrow gauge diesel? Does the diesel works have narrow gauge tracks?
Answer: The diesel works don't have narrow gauge tracks.
Answer: He probably gets repaired at Crovan's Gate Works.
Question: At some time in the film Philip shouts at Blackbeard and tells him that the mermaid has a name, "Syrena." How does he know her name?
Question: What are the lyrics to the song Omouri sings to Lorenzo?
Question: In the final episode, when Godber is struck on the head, why doesn't he call an ambulance rather than his wife?
Question: Are there any obvious nods to the previous 2003 film version? A friend said he thought he caught a few subtle nods to it, but I don't recall seeing any during the first two seasons.
Answer: There are none. Only nods to the comics.
Question: Did Snape know that Draco and Harry were the masters of the Elder Wand?
Chosen answer: No, Snape never knew this. Draco had briefly become the Elder Wand's master when he disarmed Dumbledore on the Astronomy Tower and prior to Harry disarming Draco at Malfoy Manor. Draco never knew that he commanded the Elder Wand and never physically possessed it. Harry figured out later how the wand's allegiance had changed, making him its master.
Question: Why were the captured and imprisoned Ellaria and Tyene Sand both with their shirts opened and their midriffs exposed?
Answer: As mother and daughter are being paraded through the streets, they are wearing their usual Dornish clothing. Dorn, located in the south, has a hot, tropical climate. Dorn residents generally wear lesser and lighter-weight outfits year-round. This is what they were wearing when Euron Greyjoy captured them.
Question: Why did Mr Mertle invite them into his house? Given how they just made all that noise and took down his fence.
Chosen answer: Because he was a nice guy. He also maybe wanted to talk more about baseball since he probably has no one else. He even says it "Let's talk about this ball".
Question: Why was Mr Mertle a lot more mean in this movie than in the first one?
Answer: In the first movie Benny and company were also making a great deal of noise and Mr. Mertle didn't complain.
Answer: Because it's annoying when you have to hear kids scream and break a window.
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Chosen answer: She figured it out from what he did say. Since their engagement is a relatively recent development, it's an easy deduction that the shock of such a huge step in their relationship is what knocked his mother for a loop.
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