Question: I heard somebody say that Danny and Sandy actually had sex at the beginning, something about how a shot of waves in movies alludes to sex. Is this true? I don't think it is, as it'd go against Sandy, but I'm curious.
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Answer: They did not have sex as one of the Pink Ladies says something like "you spent all that time together and he didn't even lay a hand on you." Rizzo then says he sounds like a creep.
Answer: They did have sex. In the song, "Tell Me More" Danny sings, "We got down in the sand." While gyrating his hips.
Question: At the beginning of the movie, Goldblum's wife makes him bacon and eggs for breakfast, then when she has to go to work, she takes his uneaten breakfast away and brings it to the kitchen while he is still sitting there. Why?
Question: If it is really like what Dick said "It's just like reading a book", or that the spirits in the hotel don't have a physical existence, how did Danny get the bruises on his neck from the lady in the bathtub? I also don't understand the transformation in Danny's' character, I do understand that at that point he was taken over by his imaginary friend, but what actually happened to the real Danny?
Answer: Hallorann is just trying to reassure Danny so he won't be afraid, even though he (Hallorann) knows it's not the truth. This is why he so adamantly orders Danny not to go to Room 237. And Danny isn't so much ¨taken over¨ by Tony, so much as he suffers an extremely traumatic experience (being strangled by a naked, undead old woman) and goes into a state of extreme shock, through which he communicates as Tony (the personification of his shining power). He snaps back to reality when Jack tries to murder him and Wendy.
Question: In the first fight scene as gladiators they are chained up together as pairs. Maximus continues not saying anything...then the next battle scene Maximus walks across all of the gladiators and is greeted just like he was when he was a general to his soldiers, and he has a battle against 6 or 7 people. Why was he singled out to fight all by himself? The movie didn't portray him as standing out in the first gladiator battle when he was chained with the Nubian.
Answer: After the first battle he was quickly identified as being General Maximus Decimus Meridius, the great leader of the roman armies, by his fellow gladiators and Proximo. Although the outside world didn't know, Proximo put him up for more prestigious battles because he is a great warrior and leader.
Question: At the beginning in the training scene, Shifu was disappointed, pointing out the problems in each of the Five's attack strategy. He said to Crane "height." What did he mean?
Answer: He meant that Crane had to be higher in the sky so that Shifu wouldn't notice him when coming in for an attack.
Question: Why didn't Tinkerbell grant Rufio the ability to fly? He was the de facto leader of the Lost Boys in Peter Pan's absence, and they looked up to him when he is first introduced.
Answer: It's possible Tinkerbell didn't feel Rufio deserved the ability to fly, especially with him being a bit of a jerk.
Answer: It's unknown why Tinkerbell didn't do this.
Question: How did Joker rig the hospital and the ferries with explosives? And how did no one notice them in either situation?
Answer: We aren't shown exactly how the Joker pulls off any of his stunts, it's part of the mystery of his character. In order to pull off the two that you mentioned, the Joker would need meticulous planning and impeccable timing. It seems impossible to pull off either crime without anyone noticing but that's kind of the point. The Joker is apparently prepared for any contingency.
Question: All 3 boys have their last names mentioned in the movie at some point, but the 2 girls do not have their last names mentioned at all. In the credits at the end of the film, it mentions the full names of the girls... Claire Standish and Allison Reynolds. Why would these last names be created just for the credits if they were never used? Was there a relevance for doing this?
Answer: This happens frequently in films. It's likely there were deleted scenes mentioning the girls' last names, or showing them on screen (i.e. on a form, in a yearbook, etc).
Question: How is it this takes place after Avengers, yet Tony's home can get blown up on national TV after which he is then presumed dead, yet not a peep from not only the Avengers but S.H.I.E.L.D. either? Something that big happening should warrant a very strong response, but...nothing.
Answer: Nothing that's shown. Just because the reaction isn't mentioned in the films doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Question: Sam and Luka are arguing after Luka allowed Neela to practice when the patient was dead. When they were arguing I swear I hear him calling her Abby. I have re watched it a few times and the issue was never addressed so I'm not sure what to think other than me not hearing correctly. Anyone have any ideas?
Answer: I watched the scene and never heard Luka say "Abby." After Neela and Jane leave, Sam says "what?", but never a name. Later, when Sam's mad about doing chest compression for 30 mins, Luka says "what are you really mad about"?" Perhaps with his accent it came across as "mad Abby"?
Question: Does Mark McKinney wear a fatsuit for this series or did he gain weight in real life? I ask because he was on the skinny side when he was on Kids In The Hall and SNL as well as the many films he's been in. So which is the case?
Chosen answer: He's just gained weight. It looks like he slowly started gaining more weight around 2006 or so. In "Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town" (2010) he's noticeably heavier than his younger days (he was on SNL 21 years ago). By the time he was in "Man Seeking Woman" he looks very similar to how he looks in "Superstore."
Question: Why did the boy at the end die? At the barbecue, they tell the story of how Rory saved the boy from the news van and realise since Rory intervened when he wasn't supposed to be alive, the boy is on the list. But if all of them had died in the original pile up, they would not have crashed in the field, the news van wouldn't have been there, so the boy wouldn't have been in danger.
Answer: As stated in this film the survivors of the highway crash were all supposed to be somewhere where they would have died, but the flight survivors started a chain reaction that prevented their deaths. We could assume that the boy was also supposed to die at some point but his death was intervened once before and again when Rory saved him. So "Death" was still catching up.
Question: What is the story behind the strange makeup blunders in Justice League? Early in the film, both Henry Cavill's and Ben Affleck's facial features seem oddly, almost creepily unrecognizable (in the smartphone sequence of Superman and in the private jet sequence with Bruce Wayne and Alfred). Also, Bruce Wayne's hair color seems to randomly change throughout the movie. As I understand it, between the directing upheaval and editing, many old scenes were deleted and new scenes added, requiring a lot of re-shooting. Is that the reason for the sloppy makeup continuity?
Answer: I don't know about the Ben Affleck portion of your question, but when the film was going back for reshoots, Henry Cavill had grown a mustache for his upcoming role in "Mission: Impossible Fallout" which he was contractually obligated to keep. The special effects crew had no choice but to digitally erase his mustache in post-production, which is why his mouth area looks so odd in some scenes (if you have seen the trailer for "Deadpool 2," Deadpool makes reference to this when he notes that the special effects for Cable's metal arm are not finished, and remarks that it's not like they are trying to remove a mustache). Interestingly, a person on YouTube posted a video of them removing Henry Cavill's mustache using a $500 computer, and it looks remarkably better than what this film did with a $300 million budget.
Question: Why would the owners of Casa de Toros just give the bulls away at the end? It's a nice thought that the bulls could just run free at Ferdinand's home on the hills, but I'm sure the trainers would have been asking for a pretty big monetary exchange.
Question: How is it that Meg and Charles' mother has not noticed that her children were gone?
Answer: Just like in the book, the children travelled in time as well as space. From the mother's perspective, they were only gone for a short while.
Question: When did Ana become pregnant? I know she was 6-8 weeks pregnant when it was announced, so would she had been pregnant before the wedding/honeymoon or after?
Answer: The movie's timeline is not clear, but in the book, it happened during the honeymoon, way before the next Depo shot was due, so it's not because she forgot or was negligent of it. The shot ran out too early, which is rare, but it does happen.
Question: Could someone please identify the character voiced by John Ratzenberger?
Answer: Juan Ortodoncia - he's the one who gets to cross over to the Land of the Living because he's remembered by his dentist. It seems like he also still has braces on his teeth.
Question: At the beginning of the movie, it was stated that Van Helsing planned to use the amulet to send every monster to limbo but that him and his team blew it. How exactly did they blow it?
Answer: It is shown that Dracula's servants were successful in protecting their master. Dracula escapes while Van Helsing himself is sucked into limbo.
Question: Since this movie is a prequel to the events of the first Amityville, why isn't the name DeFeo used since the murders were committed by Ron Defeo Jr.
Answer: It is unknown why the changes were made, only theories as to why. There has been speculation that because they film took so many liberties and based some of the events (like the incest) on rumors rather than proven facts, that the names were changed to avoid trouble. There's also the fact that the films becoming increasingly fictionalized with each installment, hence they might have changed the names to indicate that the film was only loosely inspired by true events. Finally, there has been some fan speculation that the movie is actually a sequel, and we're merely seeing the DeFeo crimes being recreated in another family, though this is a bit shaky.
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Answer: No, they didn't have sex. While water and waves are often used as sexual symbolism, it is unlikely in this case - unless maybe the waves were used as a representation of sexual interest. But right at the end of that opening scene, Danny goes in for a passionate kiss, at which Sandy recoils and says, "Danny, don't spoil it." It's inconceivable that Sandy fears a passionate kiss would "spoil" the romance had they already had sex.
Michael Albert