Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What did Jenny's boyfriend, Wesley, mean when he referred to Forrest as a "baby-killer"?

Answer: He is referring to Forrest having fought in the Vietnam War.


Answer: Baby-Killer was a term that anti-war protestors used to describe soldiers who fought in Vietnam. This was because a lot of innocent babies were killed by soldiers during the Vietnam War along side men, women, and children. Https://

Pretense - S3-E15

Question: Either it was explained in this episode and I missed it or maybe it was explained in a later episode and I haven't seen it yet, but I have always been curious. If the Asgard were able to remove the Goa'uld from Skaara, then why couldn't they do the same with Teal'c?


Chosen answer: Skaara has a Goa'uld in his head controlling him. Removing it returns him to a normal human being. Teal'c has a Goa'uld in a sac in his stomach. The Goa'uld in Teal'c acts as his immune system and helps him to have a very long life span. Removing it would kill him.

Question: There is a scene that shows nothing but blackness and two people are speaking, one says, "Hoist the colors..." the other says, "Dead men tell no tales." The scene plays right after the crew of the Black Pearl and Sao Feng's crew fall over the waterfall in Sao Feng's ship. What does it mean?

Brittany Renaud

Answer: The first sentence is a part of the sea shanty "hoist the colours", sung at the beginning of the movie and reminds about the brethren court and the reason they are trying to find Jack. The second sentence is a line from the famous Disney ride, which was later used as a subtitle for the 5th film.


Answer: It is the transition into Davey Jones' locker. Just a creepy, fantastical way of showing how the place can mess with your mentality.

Chosen answer: It's dialogue from the Disneyland ride.


Question: How did the British manage to populate Port Royal (i.e. What is now Jamaica etc.) by so many ordinary people who were evidently dirt-poor already? Surely they were not all pirates and surely there were no shuttle ships. What was their motivation to move to the Caribbean, compared with the 19th and 20th century immigration waves to the U.S.?

Answer: The British motivation was to colonize areas of the world that could produce the raw resources England needed or could trade (lumber, tobacco sugar, etc.) These were exported back to their own country and traded to other nations for huge profits. Private English citizens could immigrate, obtain land, and sell what they produced to the trading companies that began operating there. The local population provided a cheap labor force to work on the plantations. The Caribbean was also a strategic military location. The Port Royal in the POTC movies is a fictional version of the real Port Royal and therefore, is not an historically accurate depiction.


Question: Why does the Emperor seem to want Luke to kill him so badly? I get he is trying to turn Luke to the dark side but he can't exactly own Luke if he's dead.


Chosen answer: He's trying to rile Luke up. The Emperor knows Vader will intervene. The Emperor sees the situation as a win-win for him with either Luke being killed by Vader or Luke kills Vader and turns to the Dark Side.


Answer: As Anakin says in ROTS, killing someone is not the "jedi way". By killing the emperor, he is surrendering to his feelings, which is one of the paths to the dark side.

Chosen answer: She's having a Leonard moment and not fully grasping the situation. She doesn't see her ex boyfriend and his new girlfriend having a romantic dinner, but two of her friends having a meal. Whether it was conscious or unconsciously is anyone's guess.

Chosen answer: Amy said she needed to take some time away from the relationship because she feared that their relationship wasn't going anywhere. They had already been dating for five years and they haven't actually gotten intimate after all this time, and when Sheldon asks if he should start watching The Flash, she was worried that he wasn't giving her as much attention towards her as she would have thought given the years that they had been dating.

Casual Person

Question: Priscilla tells Rango that Rattlesnake Jake never comes to Dirt due to his fear of the hawk, and much later after Rango kills the bird, Jake shows up. Shouldn't Jake have known that the shadow of the hawk wasn't the real thing since it was dead?

Answer: There's more than one hawk in the world.


Answer: He also may not have known. He doesn't seem to fear or respect Rango at first so if he had known that Rango had killed the hawk he might have acted differently.

Question: What was the reason for Eggs' gross behavior at the ball, such as licking a woman's hand, and eating some cheese topped with a ladybug?

Answer: He was raised by the Boxtrolls so he would have picked up not only their behavior and mannerisms but also their eating habits. To Eggs, the way he is acting is completely normal but to everyone else completely disgusting.

Question: Since Eggs could talk normally, and wore regular human clothing, should he have realised that he wasn't a Boxtroll the entire time?

Answer: No because Winifred told her her proper orders.

Question: Despite all of the townspeople being shocked after Eggs reveals Madame Frou-Frou's true identity, why was Lord Portley-Rind more upset about Eggs accidentally knocking the cheese wheel into the lake?

Answer: Because he had a crush on Madame Frou Frou.

Answer: The White Hats are the social elite and the cheese they enjoy is a status symbol. Snatcher is emulating the social group he desperately wants to join, even though he is severely lactose intolerant.


Question: Vincent and Mia are shown smoking cigarettes inside Jackrabbit Slim's, but California has long been known to have some of the most restrictive anti-smoking laws in the US. While I'm aware that neither Vincent nor Mia was exactly law abiding, was smoking in restaurants in California still allowed at the time this film was made?


Chosen answer: California passed a ban on restaurant smoking in 1994, as part of labor policies meant to protect the health of employees (such as bartenders, waitresses and bellhops) from the risks of secondhand smoke. However, "Pulp Fiction" was produced in 1993 and was released in 1994. The actual law did not take effect until 1995.

Question: In the movie, Buford shoots two flying bottles whilst holding the gun at his hip. Is that even possible?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Technically, yes, but no matter how adept the shooter, such a trick would always rely more on luck than skill. Shooting from the hip makes it impossible to aim any better than "in the general direction of the target."

Chosen answer: It's implied that it could be her, but there's no definitive answer as to whether or not it is. It's deliberately left to the audience's interpretation.


Chosen answer: She was part of a group of mutants that called themselves "The Omegas" and accordingly they got tattoos of the omega symbol as a mark of pride.


Question: Where was Pyro when Magneto went to Jean's house and the professor was killed?

Answer: We aren't told for certain, but given that he is Magneto's right-hand man, he may have been instructed to remain at their base camp in order to assume command of Magneto's army should Magneto's mission to recruit Jean have gone awry.

Question: Does Mrs Hobday's accent change from Welsh (beginning), then Scottish (half way through), then Welsh again (end)? I'm Welsh, and this has always bothered me.


Question: Here's something I'm confused about, and I've only seen this movie twice now; Why didn't Dr. Schultz shake Candie's hand to seal the deal? Also, why was Stephen, and Django himself, so disrespectful to their own kind? I know Stephen was "raised" by white folk but Django? His comment to the doctor doesn't make much sense. I hope I explained these enough; I'm just a little confused about all this.

Answer: Dr. Schultz's pride coupled with his disdain for Candie wouldn't allow him to shake his hand. Stephen is unfortunately completely subservient to his white master, and is what is known to be an "Uncle Tom." Django's behavior towards fellow blacks is just a front he's putting on in order to get into Candie's good graces so he can rescue his wife.


Answer: It was all Black Market merchandise. Usually not of any good use; total rip-off.

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