Question: What kind of creature is Jake, (I think that's his name), the one that is smitten by Bianca?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: What is the episode where George Michael explains to Michael what Ann does with the eggs and mayonnaise?
Chosen answer: "The One Where They Build a House," S2E2.
Question: What does old Tom Hanks drop out of his pocket when he walked out of the door of the old folks home?
Answer: Paul seemed to take the windbreaker in a random fashion. I'm not sure if it even belonged to him. I've no idea what it was but I agree. Not a piece of toast.
Answer: A piece of toast.
I've tried and tried to see what it actually was. It couldn't have been toast. This object hit the floor hard and rolled out of camera range, quickly. I thought maybe door knob or thread spool. Possibly a thread spool because of Mr. Jingles. Door latch was intact.
Question: As the rain comes and the creatures come out and start to damage the station and kill people, why did the entire crew not seek refuge in their ships? Obviously, if the ships were meant for the harshness of space travel and some offensive/defensive capabilities, wouldn't they most likely have provided enough protection from the organic weapons of the creatures? It would make the plot not work but maybe should have been eliminated as a possibility.
Answer: The walls of the settlement are likely to be just as strong as the hulls of the spacecraft. It's likely they are even stronger because the settlement doesn't have to worry about weight limits. Remember also that they had to worry about Riddick hiding and getting the units back.
Question: For years I've wondered about the scene where Hal meets Rosemary's doctor friend Dr. Sahid (in the children's hospital). Unless there's a cut or deleted scene I'm not familiar with, there's no relevance to the plot with meeting the doctor since he's never seen in the rest of the movie (therefore not knowing if his real appearance is different) - everyone else in the whole movie that Hal never met before ends up with a different appearance after the spell wears off (including men). Can anyone answer this?
Answer: I think he was in the movie to reinforce that she is a genuinely nice person and that she had a wide circle of friends who appreciated her.
Question: Why do Rorschach and Night Owl go searching at Veidt Enterprises for further clues about Pyramid Deliveries? They go there after interrogating the guy at Happy Harry's about Roy Victor Chess. He tells them that Janey Slater had him give the sealed envelope (with the assasination orders) to Chess. So is this the link, that they know Slater is also working for Veidt Enterprises? Furthermore: Can it be assumed that Slater was in on the staged assassination on Adrian Veidt, as she was delivering the envelope? Or did she also not know what was in it?
Answer: They go to Veidt's place because they think he will have business contacts that will help them uncover more about what is going on at Pyramid Transnational. It's only once they look through Veidt's office that they learn that Pyramid Transnational is a subsidiary of Veidt's corporation. The man at the bar mentioned that Janey's job at Pyramid was to give work to ex-cons, so it's unlikely she was in on the red herring assassination attempt on Veidt. She would have just been doing her job to give assignments to people under her.
Question: Why did Adrian Veidt also have to infect Moloch with cancer? The comedian mentions to Moloch that Moloch's name was on a list together with Janey Slater's (and others?), who were presumably the ones Veidt infected with cancer. So why Moloch, too? In order to make Dr. Manhattan and the world think that Dr. Manhattan was causing cancer? He had already infected Janey Slater and Wally Weaver who had more contact with Dr. Manhattan. I would think, Moloch and Dr. Manhattan only had brief contact with each other when Moloch was captured.
Answer: Moloch knowingly worked for Adrian at one time, installing carcinogenic gas canisters in ventilation ducts to give people cancer at the high-energy research facility. That's how Moloch developed terminal cancer; but Adrian killed Moloch with a bullet between the eyes before Moloch could reveal any more information to Rorschach. Adrian then set-up Rorschach for murdering Moloch. Anyone who worked "on the inside" of Adrian's plans or who might be an obstacle to those plans was a target for assassination. Adrian murdered his super-associates (The Comedian and Moloch, and he later attempted to kill Dr. Manhattan), he murdered his own hit-man, and he murdered his entire staff of scientists in order to protect his secret plans.
Question: After Michael shot the Turk and police captain he ran out the front door and the Turk's car was still there. Where was Lou, the driver? Wouldn't he have been standing guard there while the Turk was inside?
Chosen answer: Not necessarily. Both sides distrusted the other, and many arrangements were made on exactly how the meeting would be conducted. The Corleones would have insisted that none of Sollozzo's men other than McClusky be present inside the restaurant, though there may have been some planted, acting as customers. Captain McClusky was Sollozzo's personal bodyguard, and both he and Sollozzo believed Michael had no access to a weapon. As a waiting car immediately picked Michael up after the shootings, it would be reasonable to assume that any nearby Corleone men were watching Lou and would act if he made any attempt to interfere after the shootings. If any of Sollozzo's people were planted inside the restaurant, it was not worth them risking their lives after he was dead, and they likely assumed Corleone men were nearby who would kill them.
Question: This question is about the entire series. I read the sixth book a couple of years ago and I can't remember if this was answered. Dumbledore once denied Voldemort's request to teach Defense Against Dark Arts because he knew that Voldemort did not want it, and was visiting the school for some other reason. Why would Voldemort curse a job that he was hoping not to get anyway?
Answer: Voldemort wanted to teach at Hogwarts to get more followers, possibly make the next Horcrux as 7 is the limit without your body being destroyed. He also mentions in the book that he had great respect for the teachers at Hogwarts, Dumbledore mentioned in book 6 and so does Harry in book 7 that Hogwarts was at least his first true home if not his real home so he may have partly wanted to return. He may have also wanted to get close to Dumbledore to figure out how to kill him. Dumbledore is after all, the only wizard Voldemort has ever feared.
Answer: There were several factors going on. Dumbledore did deny Tom Riddle (Voldemort) because he was suspicious of him but also because at the time Riddle was too young and inexperienced for the job. Riddle cursed the position so that no one hired for it would last longer than one year, thus giving him annual opportunities to reapply. There was also an element of spite. If he could not have the job, then he didn't want anyone else to have it.
He wasn't necessarily too young. I think he was 28 when he tried to get the job. Other professors, such as McGonagall and Snape, started at Hogwarts when they were younger. Snape was only 21.
Question: How was the canyon pass able to be clear, and the rock bridge brought down a second time? On the way back through the pass? Did they just rebuild it in that short time? Earth movers, and cranes, and work crews just happened to come out for overtime and finish before everyone came barreling back through?
Answer: The canyon pass was cleared by Immorten Joe's men - the archway was never blown up. it was the canyon side in front of the arch that was destroyed.
Question: What does the Doctor mean at the end of the episode about changing the colours of the ships or spaceships from green to white? Is this a reference to an earlier episode or something else?
Chosen answer: In the original legend of the Minotaur, Theseus' ship was supposed to approach Athens with white sails if he had slain the creature, or black sails if he had been killed. Although he killed the Minotaur, he forgot to change the sails to white and his father, King Aegeus, killed himself in despair. Two stories earlier ("The Creature from the Pit"), the Doctor claimed to have been involved in the original legend and said he had forgotten to remind Theseus about the sails.
Question: How is it possible, given that Erik killed him in Phantom, that Piangi is a prominent character in Love Never Dies?
Chosen answer: I can't understand how you think Piangi is in Love Never Dies, let alone is a prominent character. Piangi is not a character in the original play or the 2012 version.
Question: In "The World Is Not Enough" Bond, using his intuition, correctly assessed that Elektra King had sided with the villain. So why did he never suspect for a second that Miranda Frost had done the same in this film?
Answer: Bond's suspicions about Elektra King were triggered by his discovery that her head of security, Davidov, was working with Renard. With Miranda Frost, there was nothing that would have led Bond to believe she was a double agent working for Graves/Moon in any capacity other than her undercover MI6 assignment.
Question: There are a few unresolved conflicts despite Natty reuniting with her dad. Like what happens to Natty's abusive sitter, Connie, and the brown puppy Natty was looking after? Also, do the people working at the reform school Natty was sent to ever catch up to her? And what's the fate of both Harry and The Wolf?
Answer: There are no definitive answers. Connie likely continued running her boarding house.The puppy's fate is unknown and it probably was picked up by the city pound. In the Depression era, there was far less oversight of state-run juvenile facilities, and there were fewer resources available for tracking runaways, who could more easily evade the system. If they ever did find Natty, there would be nothing they could do because she was never an abandoned child and was with her father. Harry's fate was unknown but presumably he continued with his life as before.
Question: Why did the Aboriginal manservant hit Matthew Quigley on the head when he threw Marston out of his own house, after telling Quigley he wanted him to kill aborigines?
Answer: He felt that if Quigley fought Marston he might have been killed. He hit him to save his life.
Answer: In fact, it was more likely that in the beginning of the film he was in more of an "Uncle Tom" (for lack of a better term) and hits him because he feels he should help his "master." He later feels bad and by the end he has come to his senses which is why he doesn't make the same mistake twice.
More like he was emboldened because his master is dead. If not Quigley would have got a second thrashing from the aborigines.
Question: Just wondering about something. Thanos sent Loki to Earth to recover the Tesseract, which contained an infinity gem. To do this he gave Loki a sceptre, which also contained an infinity gem. When Loki failed in his mission the sceptre was lost, so Thanos not only didn't get the Tesseract Gem, but also lost the Mind Gem, which he already had? Or did he not know the sceptre contained an infinity gem when he gave it to Loki?
Chosen answer: He knew. Most likely he planned to kill Loki after he conquered Earth. This is just speculation. We won't know fully until "Infinity War".
Question: At the beginning of the film C-3PO says that Lando and Chewie never returned from Tatooine and Jabba's Palace. If that's true then how did Luke and Leia manage to concoct a plan to get inside using Chewie as a bounty if he wasn't there to be told the plan?
Chosen answer: C-3PO was unaware that Lando, who was disguised as a guard and spying on Jabba's domain, was smuggling out information to Luke. C-3PO, being an android, was often told information on a need-to-know basis only. He was often not trusted with more sensitive information, lest he inadvertently reveal something. He also didn't know that he and R2 were being sent to Jabba as a "gift" from Luke and that it was all part of the plan to rescue Han Solo.
Question: How can the Hollow come from a box in The Seers' lair in one episode, but later come from the space in the basement where The Woogy is holed up?
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Answer: Jake is a hopping mouse. Although they look something like a marsupial, they are a type of rodent that is indigenous to Australia.
raywest ★