Question: This was in the Richard Donner cut: Why does Lois want to expose Superman's identity? That and why doesn't she think it through? She's risking the safety of his family after all.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: The heroes manage to get the core spinning again by detonating 5 200 megaton nuclear bombs. In real life, wouldn't it take hundreds of 200 nuclear bombs to get the core spinning again?
Answer: No number of nuclear weapons would have an effect on the movement of the Earth's core. The bombs in the movie are just there as part of the plot. The Core is a hysterically unscientific movie. It's still great fun though.
Question: If people can be sent back to a precise time and location, why not send them to ground zero of Hiroshima or Pompeii or 20,000 feet in the air over the middle of the Pacific?
Answer: The current method works better because an assassin being present confirms the kill and the disposal of the body. If you sent someone back to Hiroshima or some other place you could never be sure the body wouldn't be found.
Question: What did Tonks trip over when entering the Order of the Phoenix house after liberating Harry from the Dursleys? Why was it necessary to include it in the film?
Question: How much were Romijn and Jackman paid for their cameos?
Answer: As for Hugh Jackman, his reported salary was $500,000.
Question: When Jean Grey says the third movie in a franchise is always the worst is this a joke on all franchises as well as X Men: The Last Stand?
Answer: Yes, this is a thinly veiled jab at X-Men: The Last Stand. That film had a notably poor reception among fans and critics and at that point was generally considered the worst of the X-Men films. Ironically, X-Men: Apocalypse was also poorly received and is technically the 3rd film in the "First Class" series.
Answer: She's not making a joke. Sequels are often criticized because the more that are made from an original movie, the greater the decline in the quality. The scripts are often repetitive and unoriginal, and the purpose seems to be only to make as much money as possible with the least amount of creativity or effort.
Question: Did Raven ever love Charles? They seemingly teased something like this in First Class so I'm merely curious.
Answer: Yes, during the events of First Class it is clear that Raven harbors romantic feelings for Charles, though Charles himself views the relationship as platonic. After meeting Erik, Raven's romantic affections seem to shift to him and Raven views Charles as an adoptive brother. This inadvertently causes something of a rivalry between Erik and Charles when Raven decides to leave with Erik. In Days of Future Past Charles' behavior seems to suggest some romantic feelings for Raven, with Charles expressing jealousy of Erik's relationship with Raven. By the time of Apocalypse, Charles and Raven once again seem to have a strictly platonic relationship which remains in place through Dark Phoenix.
Question: Why is Major only mentioned in lots of episodes and not his older brother?
Question: Did Merlin reveal anything about his past to SG-1?
Question: How exactly does Crouch Sr. Recognize his son disguised as Moody after the second task? Was it a scar or other facial blemish?
Answer: Crouch Jr. had a particular habit of flicking his tongue in an unusual way when speaking. When the fake Mad Eye Moody (Crouch Jr) did that, Crouch Sr noticed it and became suspicious. This is actually an overused plot device where a character has some odd manner or trait that gives away their true identity.
Answer: Plus the fake Moody said to Crouch, "not trying to lure Potter into a ministry internship are we? The last boy who went into the department of mysteries never came out."
Question: This is a two-part question: 1. How does Winona Ryder get hold of the journal of Sandler's uncle? 2. Why'd she dye her hair?
Answer: Babe Bennett stole Preston Blake's journal from Longfellow Deeds. As for why she dyed her hair, it was probably part of her disguise. She was a TV journalist pretending to be someone else (as Pam Dawson) so she could get a story on Longfellow.
Question: How is the phantom still alive when Christine dies? In the movie he is about 15-20 years older than Christine.
Answer: According to Christine's tombstone, she was about 63-years-old when she died. The Phantom could still be alive, though he would probably be in his late 70s or early 80s.
Question: Some valid reason Mystique dies early? Did Jennifer Lawrence get tired of playing her and wanted out?
Answer: Your guess is correct. Lawrence stated she was done with the franchise after "X-Men: Apocalypse." She jokingly told Simon Kinberg she would return for this film if he directed it, and to her surprise, he was serious about it and held her to it. Fans weren't very keen on her appearances either, because she was definitely phoning it in for the third film, so that may have factored into killing her off early as well.
More than one actress had played Mystique. Just because Jennifer Lawrence did not want to continue playing that role is not a reason the character would be killed off. They could easily recast another notable actress in the part. I would not be surprised if Mystique is miraculously "resurrected" in a future X-Men film with a new actress.
Aside from Deadpool, any new X-Men film would be a complete overhaul of the franchise since the characters will be part of the MCU now. You're not wrong about an actor wanting out to not really be a reason to kill off a character, but it doesn't preclude them from doing so either. They might have decided it wouldn't be worth the hassle of recasting the role with all the negative baggage that would come with it.
Here are some candidates I think could do it: Amanda Seyfried, Shailene Woodley, Chloe Grace Moretz. Heck maybe even Milla Jovovich-Anderson should be given an audition, what say you guys?
Question: What kind of school is Horace Green Prep School? What kinds of student go there?
Answer: Also, the students tend to come from wealthy (privileged) backgrounds - sons and daughters of the elite - because tuition is usually quite high or beyond the means of "average" families.
Question: Why doesn't the Feral Kid ever talk?
Answer: SPOILER ALERT: At the end of the film we learn that the narrator is in fact the feral child as an adult, and that he grew up to become the leader of the tribe. The feral child may have known how to speak, but chosen not to, or may have not yet mastered speech. Either way, he did eventually speak.
Question: Does it seem like this show took from LOST in the sense that a phenomenal event starting with a plane crash changed people's lives?
Answer: Only superficially. Manifest doesn't even begin with a plane crash, but rather a plane disappearing for 5 years with the assumption that it crashed, which turns out not to be true.
In the particulars it seems different, but the overall plot is the same. A seemingly random group on an airplane experience a weird event and spend years trying to figure out what happened. Let's hope the reveal in the final episode is not as disappointing as "LOST" - they're actually all dead.
Answer: Yes, I see the larger connection. There are a lot of movies and shows where people come back from somewhere like car, train, and bus crashes, or even space, war, or who knows where, then try to figure out why. We probably should consider a new genre for plots where the departed or missing return and try to figure out why. Needs a name though. Maybe "Come-back Conundrums" or "Put-back Puzzlers"?
Answer: "The major" is a major general, no major general would go by a title implying a lower rank. Her official DOD photo shows her (and a bunch of other women in uniform) with long loose hair below their collar. Women's hair has to be above the collar or put up, until VERY recently, and if this show is set in 2018 the hair is out of regulations. No major general would have an official photo with hair out of regs.
Question: Is it true that Cookie Monster literally eats everything?
Answer: What exactly are you asking? Does he literally eat everything? No. Will he eat anything? Perhaps. Has he eaten weird things, including stuff that wasn't food? Yes, a lot of times. Through the long history of "Sesame Street", Cookie Monster has been seen eating a lot of non-food items. He'll do this for a number of reasons, generally because he's trying to get to some cookies, he's out of cookies, or he's still hungry. For example, he ate a safe that Kermit had put cookies in (in a failed attempt to keep the cookies away from Cookie Monster). He ate a plate when everyone else ate all the cookies, leaving him with none. And he ate a full size pickup truck a genie gave him when he ran out of wishes to fill the truck with a million cookies because he was hungry. The other times he eats something non-food related is because he gets overly excited, or just being silly. Of course, now Cookie Monster knows that cookies are a sometime treat and will eat healthy foods.
I'm asking if he eats anything.
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Answer: Like many reporters, she feels she has an obligation (and the right) to uncover the facts, even though it could potentially cause harm.
raywest ★