Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What are supers? Are they an offshoot of humanity, or an evolved breed of humanity?


Chosen answer: It's never stated.


Question: It appears Jason has upsized his shack in this version. He now lives in an abandoned house instead of a rundown shack we see in Part 2. Plus the house has an extensive tunnel system. Finally, where does the electric bill get sent?

Answer: It's the former summer camp. I would believe they had a generator or two.

Answer: It's possible that he has a generator.


Where did he get the generator from? Home Depot?

Chosen answer: They are most definitely NOT the same actress. Patricia Quinn was born in 1944 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and Patricia Heaton was born in 1958 in Ohio.


Question: When Korben speaks to Finger, they state that Finger was in his unit: "...sat beside you for over a thousand missions. I know how you drive." Two questions: Who does the voice of Finger, and does that not negate the 3rd reason why Korben was chosen for the mission, that no one else in his unit survived?


Chosen answer: 1. IMDB doesn't list anyone in the credits for the role of Finger. 2. Military members often serve in more than one unit over the course of their careers. I was in for four years and was with two different units and Korben was in for much longer. Finger and Korben could have been in a unit together then one of them transfered to a different unit later on.

Shannon Jackson

Answer: Finger is an uncredited voice performance by Vin Diesel.

This has never been confirmed, and is speculation at best. Also, while Finger sounds vaguely like Vin Diesel, the voices are different enough that it's unlikely to be him.

Question: Why did Veck plan to take the hostages with him to the Cayman Islands? If he had gotten the money, why would he have needed to take them?

Answer: As security against having his airplane shot from the sky by law enforcement. Once he was safely in the Caymans, he could release the hostages without fear of being apprehended by the United States law enforcement agencies.


Chosen answer: I don't think they experimented on him. He was too dangerous to have constant visit from anyone. So they just kept him locked up.


Question: What happened during Alex's dream that people were playing around in his head? What does this actually mean?


Chosen answer: It means they were altering his brain to somehow undo the Ludovico Treatment.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: What was on the translation note to make the bad guy say, "good luck"?

Answer: It actually did say "Good Luck". Bryan was trying to get the villain to say that phrase so he could be certain that it was him by matching the voice to the one on the tape.


Answer: Bryan looked up the Albanian translation of "good luck", and wrote it down, from the English-Albanian dictionary he had purchased from the translator. He gave it to the kidnappers to read it back to him in English, so that he would be able to identify the speaker by voice. It was more plausible to create a story of needing something translated than to try to get one of the criminals to repeat "good luck" in English directly. The note is an implied office prank at Bryan's expense, since Bryan was pretending he was sent by French intelligence to shake down the criminals - his supposed "office staff" were wishing him "good luck" in Albanian. Bryan wrote the note himself, of course, but the criminals didn't know that, and chuckled about it.

Question: At the start when the agent gets shot at the concert, what is the name of the band and the song that they are singing?

Answer: Rammstein - Feuer Frei! Look for it on YouTube.

Shannon Jackson

Question: Was Col. Frank Fitts really gay, or was he just testing Lester to see if he was gay? Also if he was gay, then how come he was so disgusted by it earlier in the film?

Answer: Frank was gay. As to why he was disgusted by it, he had probably been in complete denial about his true nature for years. Many gay people are torn over their sexual orientation. Adhering to a strict macho military image may have helped Frank mask his true feelings, and he probably considered gay people as being weak and loathsome, while denying he was one. When he acknowledged his own homosexuality, he, in effect, despised himself and considered his life a failure.


Chosen answer: Caitlin was left in the possible future (where the virus had been released) when Peter teleported out. Then, when Hiro zapped the virus out of existance, that future became impossible, so that timeline became void.Basically, when that future ceased to exist, so did Caitlin, and since her parents seem to be dead (please correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a while seen I saw S2) and Elle killed her brother, there are no next of kin to raise awkward questions.


Question: Why did Vader stop Luke when he tried to strike at the Emperor with his lightsaber? I know he said earlier that he has to obey his master, but he keeps encouraging Luke to give in to the dark side. If he hadn't stopped Luke, Luke could have given in to his anger and killed the Emperor, and also rid Vader of the Emperor at the same time.

Answer: Because the Emperor probably wouldn't leave himself so open to attack without a trick up his sleeve (a personal shield, perhaps), and if Luke failed in this direct assault, as Vader is expecting him to do, he would have had to explain why he didn't do anything to defend the Emperor and would have been executed himself.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: It was still too early. While Luke was upset that the Rebels appeared to be losing, he was still relatively calm, and his attempt to strike the Emperor right then was still a rational choice made out of pragmatism, to bring him to justice. They need him to act on pure hatred so he can behold "the power" of the dark side, which they expect to be completely irresistible.


Answer: I've always thought that Vader has already turned and everything he does from this point on is to redeem himself: he stops Luke from killing the Emperor to prevent him from falling to the Dark Side and to fulfill the prophecy, since it says it must be "The Chosen One" (Anakin/Vader) who does it. He stops Luke from falling to the Dark Side a second time by provoking him and showing him what could happen if he turns, and finally he saves him in the scene where he grabs the Emperor.

Big Game

Answer: No. Inigo's sword has a jeweled hilt. D'Artagnan's is not jeweled.

Question: After killing "Wild Bill," Percy is lying on the ground "puking" out Melinda's brain tumor that John Coffey placed into him. While Percy's spitting that out, one of the guards keeps yelling "Oh no!" I see nobody's lips moving to say that, so is that an audio error, or was the person not on the screen? Anyway, it really bothers me, but who was it who yells that?


Chosen answer: The camera is only on three individual people (Paul, Percy and the dead Wild Bill) when you hear Dean saying "Oh no, oh no."


Question: During the Battle of Hoth, why is the AT-AT walker suddenly easy to blow up after it has crashed? I thought their "armor was too strong for blasters."


Chosen answer: The weak point of an AT-AT is its neck, which is the point the snowspeeder fires upon when the AT-AT explodes.

Darius Angel

Question: Wasn't it a big risk for Cady to send the candy cane card to herself and pretend it was from Regina? She could have easily been caught if Gretchen had mentioned it to Regina.

Answer: It's the type of thing that Cady would do to discredit Regina. Yes it was risky, but Cady had everything to gain from it.


Answer: Most likely, Gretchen would not dare to ask Regina about this. She wants to please Regina, and would be too afraid to say anything.

Question: While in the hospital recuperating from his burns, why were there restraints on Harvey Dent to keep him in his bed?

Answer: The restraints aren't to keep him in bed but to keep him from touching or scratching his burns in his sleep/unconciousness. Later, you see him remove his bandages himself. In real life, with burns that severe, it would result in immediate severe infections to expose raw muscle, tendon, etc. to the air.


Question: Why would the Skynet base where Connor obtains intelligence in the beginning have human friendly computers - i.e., computers with keyboards? Skynet does not need to type and look at a monitor, but can just communicate computer to computer.

Answer: It cannot be ruled out that there might be a human element to Skynet. This is hinted towards the end of the movie where Kyle notices human like figures in a window overlooking the collection of captives at the Skynet camp. We may learn more in the following Terminator movies (if they are made).


Death Has a Shadow - S1-E1

Question: Near the beginning of the show, when Peter catches Meg touching the thermostat and a couple of neighbors show up, why does one of the neighbors ask if his kid is there?

Answer: Peter said all fathers know when the thermostat is turned up, which is why all the neighbouring fathers arrived. The one just wants to know if it's his kid that touched it.


Question: Would it be possible that the coin that Borden gave to the kid is the same prop used in "The Dark Knight" (Two Face/Harvey Dent Coin)? I mean, Cristopher Nolan is the director of both movies, so it could be possible.

Answer: No, the coins are completely distinct from one another. If you look, the coin in The Prestige has a Queen Victoria on its faces making it appropriate for the setting of Victorian England. Meanwhile the coin of The Dark Knight is labeled with the word Liberty, marking it as an American coin, and the year 1922, which is well after The Prestige takes place.

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