Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Chosen answer: Hiro's powers aren't terribly reliable at the time - he's okay with using it himself, but doesn't want to risk her ending up somewhere unsafe.


Four Months Ago... - S2-E8

Question: What was Bob Bishop hoping to gain by keeping Peter in containment? Was it to simply stop him from causing any further harm to himself and other people? Also, he must have known it would be a risk putting him in a cell next to Adam Monroe? Furthermore, was Angela Petrelli aware of Peter's incarceration? What would she have made of it?


Chosen answer: Angela Petrelli was not the company leader, Bob was. So its safe to asume the Angela didn't know about Peter's incarceration. As for the plan, well i think it's pretty much the same as Adam Monroe, keep him locked up forever without powers. And no, I don't think they figured it was risky to put him next to Adam, as the cells are supposed to be sealed tightly.


Dooku Captured - S1-E11

Question: When Palpatine sees the hologram of the pirate leader with Dooku, he says that a hologram can be faked, but then he believes the pirate when he sees Dooku's lightsaber. If he thinks that the pirate could have faked the hologram of Dooku, wouldn't it also be reasonable to accuse him of faking the hologram of the lightsaber?

Answer: It is to note that Count Dooku's lightsabers have a very characteristic curve handle. If you wouldn't know what this particular item looked like, you would have a hard time faking it. The sight of Dooku's lightsaber, therefore, had to convince the Jedi about the veracity of the pirate's claims.

Five Years Gone - S1-E20

Question: Towards the end of the episode but before the climatic battle between Sylar and Peter, Sylar, disguised as Nathan through the power of illusion, walks calmly towards Peter and then reverts back to his own form/image. To my knowledge there are four people who are there to witness this: Peter, Matt Parkman and two unnamed SWAT officers with a battering ram. It is understandable if the two SWAT officers didn't see this transformation, but Matt? Surely he must have seen? He was a few feet from him, yet he didn't even bat an eyelid? Why is this? His superior transformed into a well-known killer.


Chosen answer: Simple, he changes the illusion for peter, but keeps the others thinking he is still Nathan, he can make different illusions at once.


Yeah, but surely when the cameras were on him, and the whole world was watching, what happened? He cast the same illusion to 7 billion people?

Yes. He could drop the illusion for Peter alone whilst everybody else would still see him in his disguise.


The Bully / Just One Bite - S2-E17

Question: In 'Just One Bite', I remember there used to be a scene after Squidwad's dream and before him blowing up. He used to walk into the Krusty Krab, only to have a bucket of gas fall on him and a robot arm coming out and lighting Squidward on fire. Nowadays, I can't find that scene anywhere. What happened to it?

Answer: Nick has never given an official reason, though fans speculate it was removed because 1) it may give kids the idea to set fire to gasoline with matches, and 2) it was considered reminiscent of the 11 September attacks on the World Trade Centre.

Chosen answer: Her power works by manipulating parts of the mind. Since Victor and Logan both regenerate her power can't affect them because they essentially "heal/regenerate" the part she is manipulating. Granted Prof. X threatens Logan with this in the original movies, but he is much more powerful, or could have been bluffing.

Question: What is the exact timeline for this movie? Is it taking place at the same time that the Tokyo Drift is taking place? Or is it supposed to be before?


Chosen answer: It's a slightly tricky one to answer because the movie doesn't give very many clues. What we do know for a fact is the events at the start during and up to the conclusion of the Petroleum tanker heists was set before Tokyo Drift as evidenced by Dom speaking to Han with a view to returning back to Tokyo. After that it gets a little fuzzy. Some people claim the entire movie is before Tokyo Drift, but that simply cannot be the case as there are lots of 2008/2009 model cars around the movie, so the general consensus is the very start is before Tokyo Drift, and the time when Dom comes out of travelling/hiding and gets the phone call that Letty is dead is now after Tokyo Drift.


This is not right. The entire movie takes place before "Tokyo Drift", as that is where Han dies. He is still around for the next two films and then dies in the seventh where events catch up with "Tokyo Drift" and then continues where it left off.

Yeah, Han's not dead either, he's back in the 9th movie.

Answer: This film, as well as F5 and F6, are all prequels to Tokyo Drift and sequels to 2 Fast 2 Furious. We know this as Han supposedly died in Tokyo Drift (this is retconned in F9), but is alive and well in Fast and Furious, as if nothing ever happened, and the fact we never see Sean, Twinkie or anyone else from Tokyo Drift besides Han returning until Furious 7. The start of Furious 7 crosses over with the end of Tokyo Drift, and then it picks up where Tokyo Drift leaves off after Dom and Sean race each other.


Question: Before going to play baseball, Edward says that there's a thunderstorm coming and that's the only time they can play, I heard Bella saying "I see why you need the thunder" but I don't quite understand why that is?

Answer: The Cullens, as vampires, possess extraordinary physical power -- so when they play baseball, the sounds generated when striking the balls are extreme and need to be covered by the thunder (or blamed on thunder, should anyone hear them hitting the balls).

Brenda Elzin

Question: Can somebody give me the full 'spell' used to call the corners. The one where they call out to the four watchtowers?

Answer: Nancy: Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East - powers of air and invention! Hear us! Bonnie: Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South - powers of fire and feeling! Hear us! Rochelle: Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West - powers of water and intuition! Hear us! Sarah: Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North - powers of mother and earth! Hear us! Nancy: Aid us in our magical working on this May's eve. Serpent of Old, Ruler of Deep, Guardian of the Bitter Sea. Show us your glory. Show us your power! We pray of thee. We pray of thee. We invoke thee! Oh, Sacred One, hear our calls, hear our prayers! Ancient Wise One, teach us thy ways! We summon and stir thee! Lend us your powers, show us your glory! We invoke thee! We invoke thee! We invoke thee! Manon, fill me.


Chosen answer: First of all, Stryker was in "X2", not 3. Secondly, Wade was never his son. Stryker only has one son, named Jason. In this movie he can be seen encased in ice (to protect people from him), but it is obviously him (note his eye colour - one brown, one blue). It's far from unthinkable that sometime between this movie and "X2", his father's experiments on him put Jason in a wheelchair.


Answer: The joke is that only a girl would be excited about former teen heartthrob Kirk Cameron. There are many references through the entire show that Stewie might be gay.

Carl Missouri

Question: One of the trivia entries states that after the credits there's a scene with Wolverine in it. Yet, one of the question's answers (and the clip I saw) states the scene is of Weapon XI. Are there different endings to this movie, or is the trivia wrong?

mechanical sponge

Chosen answer: There are two additional scenes after the credits, one with Wolverine and one with Deadpool. Which one you get to see depends on which theatre you are in at the time.


Question: Why does Ben need to find the city of gold to beat the kidnap charge? The President's story of "We got trapped and he saved my life" would work just as well without the discovery.

Answer: I've wondered that myself. It is a rather obvious plot hole, but it appears that the writers thought it added to the story's "suspense" by having Ben eluding the federal authorities while racing to find the treasure.


Answer: Ben lured the President to the tunnel to ask him about the Presidents' Secret Book, knowing the President wouldn't admit its existence in front of anyone else. This also means the President couldn't tell secret service what really happened. Ben told him he needed to see the book "to lead us to the discovery of the greatest Native American treasure of all time." The President doesn't know if this is true or if he has some other criminal plan for the book. Finding the treasure shows the President that Ben was telling the truth. Had Ben been lying, the federal charge of kidnapping the President would put Ben in prison for life, effectively punishing him for the kidnapping as well as for lying to the President. Considering Ben had already discovered a massive historical treasure once before, and knowing the recently tarnished name of Ben's family, the President was willing to trust that Ben wasn't lying about his intention and gave him the information needed.

Question: The scene with Briony and the French soldier made absolutely no sense to me. They seem to go back and forth from knowing each other well, to having just met. What exactly am I missing?

Answer: Briony was just told by her superior to hold the French soldier's hand because he was dying. The French soldier was delirious and most likely confused her with another English girl whom he knew in the past. Since he was dying, Briony decided to play along and pretended that she was that girl. While this exchange is happening, though, Briony experiences something else as well. She sees the soldier as being like Robbie which is why I think she has such a strong reaction to him. When she tells the soldier "I love you" it is like her speaking to Robbie.

Chosen answer: Jessica is Niki's dead sister, so Niki somehow embodied the escence of Jessica and against her own will just switches to her sister's personality to take on another persona.


Question: A while ago, it was leaked that Australian actor Christian Clark would be in the movie, and speculated that he would play Mister Sinister. However, after seeing the movie 2 times, I didn't notice neither Christian nor Mister Sinister. After trying a thorough internet search I couldn't reach a conclusion. Could anyone please give a thorough answer as to what happened (i.e. the scenes were cut, the actor or character was dropped)?

Answer: Character was dropped.

Chosen answer: Yes, they were intended as coordinates for the aliens to land and begin their invasion. Merrill comments on this while engrossed in the television coverage of the invasion.

Brenda Elzin

Question: I don't get it. What was the purpose of the aliens coming to Earth? And what exactly happened to them? Where did they go?


Answer: It's left unclear, though the film proposes several possible theories, and there are other possible explanations as well. One major theory brought up in the film is that the aliens were there to acquire Earth's resources after using up their own. Another theory proposed at the end of the movie is that the aliens wanted humans for whatever reason, as a radio DJ mentions seeing his friend's family being dragged away. There is also a very popular fan theory that the aliens are supposed to represent demons that are merely there to create chaos and test the moral strength of humanity, as the film is ultimately about Graham losing and then regaining his faith, although this is more subtext than anything and may not be literally true.

Answer: Near the end of the movie... The morning after in the basement... The guy on the radio says the aliens were there not for the planet, but to harvest humans. For what purpose is unknown, maybe as an energy source, Matrix-style.

Chosen answer: According to the theory in the movie they were there to take the planet for their own because they used up all the resources their own planet. They left the planet when it became apparent to them that the water on Earth was too dangerous.

Chosen answer: Having just been shot a second time, he was probably dying by that point. He'd done many extremely questionable things - even murdered an innocent mom - and stood by as other terrible crimes were committed in his presence. He'd grown close to Mr. White, who'd just murdered two friends and taken a bullet for Orange's sake - even as Mr. Orange was betraying him all along. So partly this was about his attachment to Mr. White, and partly a death wish stemming from his own guilt about his actions. He knew full well what would happen but told Mr. White anyway, disregarding the consequences.

Chosen answer: Jack-Jack is a changling. He can be anything he wants to be, hence his changing into various things.


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