Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Question: Sam says that the Energon source is before the Autobots. So to find it they need to talk to a Decepticon. Wheelie is the first one at hand, but how does he know about the source, let alone the Seekers, what they look like and where they are? He doesn't look like he is as old as Jetfire, and as he puts it, "Nobody tell me nothin".


Chosen answer: He knows from stories passed down to him from older generations of bots, not much unlike stories about the past passed down to us from our ancestors. His line about no one telling him anything is just a way to avoid being put back in the box or being tortured by Mikayla.


Question: Near the beginning of the movie when the kitchen appliances go on the rampage, Sam yells for Bumblebee. However, after Bumblebee takes the kitchen robots out, Sam orders him to get back in the garage. Why is Sam angry with Bumblebee? He was only doing what Sam wanted.

Answer: Well, for one thing, he blew up Sam's room and half their house. Sam knows Bumblebee meant well, but is still mad at him because of the destruction he caused. It's the equivalant of a child knocking over a vase while trying to hit a fly.


Question: What happened to Wheels (the little remote controlled car that Mikaela was turning into a pet) at the end? The last time I remembered seeing him in the movie was him entering that one building in Egypt, where Bumblebee, Mudflap, and Skids can't get into. He mutters something about "stupid Autobots". But, after that, he kind of disappears? Or was he around and I just didn't notice?

Answer: After the tomb, he doesn't appear onscreen again. There's no indication as to what happened to him.


Question: What happened to the autobot twins after their fight with the constructicons?

Answer: Most likely remained around the construction site or were on their way to main battle site (but obviously not shown).


Question: If the Fallen can teleport (or open space bridges, whatever), why does he need an alt mode?

Answer: The alternate form is a type of camoflauge to hide in their surroundings, it's got little to nothing to do with their traveling needs. Legs, wings, or wheels, it's all the same to them; just some can teleport also.


Question: We see the Constructicons use the military's Allspark shard to bring Megatron and a few other Decepticons back to life. Two things. 1) Why does the Allspark bring Megatron back to life if it's what killed him in the first place? 2) If it works on Megatron, why doesn't Sam use his Allspark shard to revive Optimus Prime?

Answer: Because that is what the allspark does. It healed Frenzy from the first film. It killed Megatron cause he was not capable of taking all the power. As for your second question, that has 2 answers, first, and most importantly, he didn't have it. Secondly, it wouldn't have enough power.

There is also another possibility. It is possible that Sam considered using shard of Allspark to revive Optimus but was afraid that it would cause some negative side effects. Considering the series of negative events related to this shard of Allspark (it turned kitchen equipment into an evil robots, not to mention that Sam inadvertently absorbed its energy before) there would be no doubt that Sam would be skeptical about using it.

Question: I heard that Michael Jackson saw this movie on opening day, and died the next day. I have done research, and yes, this movie was released the day before Michael Jackson's death. But is it true that he saw it? (Even though it was a coincidence that he died the next day).

Answer: As there is no evidence, it is just a rumor.


Question: In the last movie, Optimus calls Megatron "brother." I didn't read the comics, but are they "blood related" or were just friends who held a very close bond to one another?

Answer: Optimus and Megatron were "brothers-in-arms" and were students of and worked for Sentinel Prime. Although Optimus finds out he is in fact a direct descendant of one of the Primes (Prima) while Megatron is not. So it's not brother as in physically related, but as in comrade.


Question: Is Barricade (the Ford Mustang police cruiser) ever mentioned or shown in this film? Or do we still don't know what happened to him after the first movie?


Chosen answer: He has not been seen since the first film. However, according to the comics that take place between the movies, Barricade has been working reconnaissance ever since the first film.

Question: At the end of the forest battle, Megatron stabs Optimus right through the back and chest, then blasts a hole in the same spot. Later, Sam merges the Matrix of Leadership with Optimus's chest. Where exactly does he put it? The logical place would be to unite it with his spark, but his spark is gone. Furthermore, Optimus then gets up to reveal that the hole in his chest is gone. Does the Matrix harbor the same regenerative abilities as the All Spark?

Answer: There are 2 possible scenarios: First, is that Optimus wasn't really dead, he only went into status lock, in which the spark is active, but the body is inert. So the Matrix rebooted Prime back to normal. Or the second possibility is that the Matrix did in fact regenerate his spark. In the cartoons, the Matrix was a kind of gateway to the Transformers afterlife - so it is possible it brought Prime back from the dead.

Question: Is the Fallen the only Prime that can only be killed by another Prime? If not, how was Megatron able to kill Optimus Prime?

Answer: It's not so much that only a Prime can kill a Prime by rule, it's just that a Prime is incredibly powerful. Megatron is roughly as powerful as a Prime. Otherwise Optimus would have killed him long ago.


Question: It seems that new transformers created by the Allspark are either evil or actual Decepticons immediately after being made into Transformers. Why? Also, Wheelie appears to be only hours old yet he too is a Decepticon and hates working for them even though he has apparently never met one. He also has knowledge of Transformer history. Anyone know of an explanation for this?

Charles Fraser

Chosen answer: In the first movie, it is stated by Agent Simmons that Megatron is the source of the modern age, human technology such as lasers, microchips, cars, cellphones etc. are the result of studying and reverse-engineering him. This may mean that all human electronics contain an 'imprint' of Megatron which makes them inherently Decepticon when brought to life by the AllSpark. And Wheelie has been around for a while, he is likely one of Soundwave's 'cassettes'.

Question: During the first film, there is a huge battle in the middle of downtown L.A. (Mission City), witnessed by thousands of people and causing millions of dollars in damage. In this movie, this is just an Internet rumor? How did they cover this up? Did the government pay off thousands of people and repair all the damage that quickly? And, most importantly, in the first movie didn't Jon Voight go on TV and tell the whole world they were dealing with a superior technological civilization?


Chosen answer: Per IMDB Trivia: The novelization states that the government created a fake corporation called "Massive Dynamics" as a cover for the events of Transformers (2007). The cover story stated that Massive Dynamics had developed robotic search-and-rescue robots which malfunctioned during tests and caused the damage seen in that movie's finale.


Answer: "New Divide" by Linkin Park.

Question: How did the Transformers stay hidden during the days when there weren't any mechanical devices? Jetfire explains that he's been here for millenia, and there are probably more like him all over the world. For that matter, why didn't the Egyptians or the Chinese or the Greeks ever make a note about the Transformers, while their markings are all over the structures?


Chosen answer: A lot of historians, or pseudo-historians some would say, believe the Ancient Egyptians did in fact have technology that surpasses even our own today. And that this technology was handed down to them from extra-terrestrials they worshiped as gods. This seems to fit the context of the movie, where the Transformers would be those extra-terrestrials.


Question: Were the CGI artists running out of time at the end of the movie? I ask because towards the end there is an increase in reusing footage, and masking the Transformers off with dust, explosions, sheets of fabric, pillars and some more uninteresting stuff. What's the reason behind this? This only starts after the forest battle, before that, everything looks just fine.


Chosen answer: It was probably as much to do with cost as it was with time. Although, there's no real way to know which scenes the CGI was actually made for, and which scenes it was borrowed for since they could very likely have animated a sequence for the climax then use elements of it for much earlier scenes. No reason to assume they'd work on the effects in the order we see them in the movie.


Question: If The Fallen can only be killed by a prime, and Megatron killed Optimus prime in the forest, doesn't that make Megatron stronger than the Fallen?

Answer: No. We don't know exactly what limitation means that only a Prime can kill the Fallen, only that such a limitation exists. Given the demonstrated ability possessed by the Fallen, it certainly seems unlikely to be a question of raw power, so is more probably a question of the nature of that power, some aspect of being a Prime that's unique to them. It certainly doesn't follow that if somebody can defeat a Prime in combat, that automatically makes them stronger than the Fallen is.


Question: Why don't EMPs affect the Transformers? Heck, Starscream even used one as a weapon. It had no adverse effect on himself or any of the other Transformers in the area. I know their life force is mostly Energon, but aren't they also powered by electricity to some extent?

Answer: The transformers are far too advanced to try and guess if the run on normal electricity, and EMPs can be assumed to have no effect on them at all. It's possible to protect human electronics to varying degrees, so there's no reason to assume the Transformers wouldn't have mastered the technique.


Question: Why was the commander of Nest not allowed to see Optimus during the video conference? He was high enough in rank and security clearance to be entrusted with seeing Prime for himself, wasn't he?

Answer: Not exactly. Even the highest level of clearance can still bar people from something if it's considered very important. It was a decision made by the leader of the operation, and whatever he says goes, even if there is someone higher in authority than him.


Question: It takes Galloway's chute a full 5 seconds to deploy from the time he pulls the cord, until he is swept out of the military plane. Do parachutes usually take so long to deploy?

Answer: The average time for a parachute to deploy is 3-5 seconds. depending on how it is folded in the pack.


Continuity mistake: After Mikaela throws the metal box at Alice and breaks the window, when Sam runs out of his dorm room screaming we see (and have seen multiple times prior to this) the wall and bathroom door opposite his door. Oddly enough, in the next shot from the hallway, Sam, Mikaela and Leo are actually leaving from a door that's farther down the hallway. Sam's actual door is the first one on the right, opposite the bathroom door - there is a bike wheel leaning against the wall beside the bathroom door. (00:52:00)

Super Grover

More mistakes in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Jetfire: I'm getting too old for this crap.

More quotes from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Trivia: When the planes bombard the desert ruins, the explosion, which holds the Guinness record, took 8 months to be made, more than principal filming took! Also, the planes used while filming in fact bombarded the set, as explosives detonated for the massive explosion. Seems Michael Bay enjoyed the high budget of this film.


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