Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Barbie picture

Factual error: Gloria's vehicle is a Chevrolet Blazer SS EV, but during the chase scene, her supposedly electric vehicle makes sounds like a normal gas engine.


Biggest mistakes of all time

Con Air picture

Plot hole: The convicts remove the radar transponder from the Conair aircraft and put it aboard a tour plane to distract their pursuers. That won't work. By law the tour plane will have a working radar transponder of its own, and two working transponders that close together will show up on radar as a collision. Air traffic controllers would immediately alert emergency services who would, obviously, wonder how two aircraft that had collided had managed to stay in the air. Nobody disconnects the first transponder - Pinball carelessly tosses the second transponder under the rear seat of the aircraft (the implication being that it continues to operate, perhaps on backup battery power). He doesn't disconnect the original transponder either - Swamp Thing, a skilled pilot, does that. There is no time for him to do any of this before he is stopped by the female security guard anyway.

Best pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Mia and Brian are about to jump off the roof, when a gunman takes aim there's a cameraman to the bottom right below him. (00:32:35)

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The Equalizer 3 picture

Character mistake: When McCall put his gun to his head and pulled the trigger, he's saddened that it didn't go off. Most handguns (including the one he was using), after the last round is fired, the slide locks to the rear. He would not have made the mistake of thinking it was loaded.


Best trivia

Pink Floyd The Wall picture

Trivia: Bob Geldof hates this film. He is quoted as saying "I hated it! I was embarrassed. I didn't know what I was getting into... I thought my acting was terrible. The script was ridiculous. And I hate Pink Floyd. As you may recall I was a punk rocker, so if you want to say something just keep it to three minutes..." He had to be physically restrained by director Alan Parker when he tried to get up and leave during the preview screening of the film at Cannes. In his autobiography "Is That It?" he trashes the film at length, labelling the script as puerile nonsense, and is particularly scathing about the political stance it appears to take. He had a miserable time on the set (reportedly, so did everyone else) and now refuses to even talk about the film or his experiences making it.

Best quotes

Downsizing picture

Ngoc Lan Tran: What kind of fuck you give me? What kind? American people, eight kind of fuck. Love fuck, hate fuck, sex-only fuck, break-up fuck, make-up fuck, drunk fuck, buddy fuck, pity fuck.

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Best questions

Man on Fire picture

Question: Is this a true story? The ending with text "John W. Creasy" and lifetime dates makes it seem like a true story.

Answer: Daniel "La Voz" Sanchez was based off the kidnapper Daniel Arizmendi López and Aurelio Sanchez was based off his bother Aurelio Arizmendi López, so some of it maybe true but not a lot.

Answer: No, the movie was based on a fiction book. The book takes place in Italy, and the kidnapping ring is run by the mafia.

Answer: The movie was completely lifted from a much better 1987 version of the same story.

Biggest Disney mistakes

Robin Hood picture

Continuity mistake: During the archery constest, in one scene Prince John has a ring on his right paw with no jewel, then all of a sudden the jewel appears. a few scenes later he has three rings on that paw, and later he has no rings at all.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

The Incredibles picture The Incredibles mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Lucius is putting aftershave on in front of the mirror, he hears the robot outside and runs to the window, leaving the bottle of aftershave on the desk with the lid off. He returns to open the drawer, and the lid is back on. (01:29:00)


Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi picture

Revealing mistake: In many of the scenes taking place in outer space, if you look closely you can see polygon borders surrounding space vehicles (X-Wings, Star Destroyers, and even the Death Star) indicating the objects being superimposed into the outer space background. [This mistake may only apply to the Blu Ray version.]


Biggest Marvel mistakes

Spider-Man: No Way Home picture

Plot hole: The whole premise of the movie is that due to a botched spell, people who happen to know that "Peter Parker is Spider-Man" are pulled inside this universe. It's a bit of a stretch already that amongst those people is...Peter Parker himself, twice over, but let's say it makes sense. The problem is that Jamie Foxx's Electro does not meet this condition; he never found out. You could say it's a retcon or it's a different universe from the original movie's, but even this cop-out explanation is negated by the movie itself when Max Dillon makes a joke that shows that he didn't know Spidey's identity or even race.


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Suggested correction: Although Max didn't discover Peter's identity on film, an explanation of why Max knows his name IS offered. When the villains are talking about what happened before they found themselves in the MCU, Max indicated that once he tapped fully into the power grid and information systems, there was nothing he didn't know at that point. Since we know there is a clandestine organization tracking Peter from the end of ASM1, it's possible Max gained the info from their database.

In the interest of clarity, you refer to the one line that goes "I was stuck in the grid, absorbing data."? Nothing about tapping fully, and becoming omniscient as the correction presents. So we have to give it that specific meaning and make a connection to the obscure postcredit scene by Fiers in the unfinished trilogy that asks Connors if he said anything to the boy imagining that it produced data that was 'on the grid' somehow, and Electro never processed this information in the movie. Not sure if it's quite an"explanation offered", since the movie offers none. It's a 'possible' explanation like the other one people use, about hearing Gwen say Peter's name (I like this one better because at least it would give a special meaning to a throwaway line and I do I love attention to details).


Suggested correction: I don't find it such a stretch that he knew Peter's name but didn't know what he looked like.

Electro didn't learn Spidey's name during the events of the original movie.


When Spider-Man is explaining his plan to defeat Electro to Gwen, Gwen addresses him as "Peter." Electro was laying on the ground nearby and likely would have heard this. Presumably, knowing that Spidey's real name was Peter was enough to pull him in.

There are almost 10,000 "Peter" in New York alone in our world. Knowing just the super-common first name wouldn't cut it and the movie does nothing to support this theory, in fact does everything to undermine it (Strange's explanation, Electro's joke, complete lack of addressing it, etc). Also if he overheard that bit in the original movie, he would have also learned their plans to defeat him.


It's not shown, but Harry could have shared details off-screen.

What kind of details and for what purpose? Harry himself learns that Peter is Spider-man when Electro is already dead and they had a very improvised and loose alliance to begin with.


Suggested correction: I guess we're all going to ignore the fact that this Electro has a completely different look than the Max we saw previously. It's quite possible he's from a different universe.


He's not from a different universe than the Electro from The Amazing Spider-Man 2. The Lizard and the Andrew Garfield version of Spider-Man both know who he is, and he talks about events from the aforementioned film. His different appearance is also explained in the film.


All that means is he went through similar experiences and has a similar appearance as the Max they knew. Ala J. Jonah Jameson.


Suggested correction: It's not people who know who is Spider-Man that are spilling in, it's people who are connected to him in any way.


No, no. Strange says it explicitly "That little spell you botched, when you wanted everyone to forget that Peter Parker is Spider-man? It started pulling in everyone who knows that Peter Parker is Spider-man" and so on. That's why in the end they fix it by making everyone forget who Peter Parker is, not who Spider-man is.


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