
X-Men (1992)

1,324 mistakes

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X-Men mistake picture

Slave Island - S1-E7

Plot hole: After Storm's attempt to escape the Genoshan prison is thwarted, she ends up in the ocean right at the shoreline of the beach, where she is captured by a Sentinel. Aside from the fact that it makes no sense for a Sentinel to be hiding in the ocean in the event that a mutant tries to escape the prison, there is absolutely no way that a two-story tall robot could hide in the ocean right by the beach, as the water would be way too shallow. You can even see that the water level only goes up to the Sentinel's ankle area when it is standing upright in the ocean. (00:03:15)


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Suggested correction: Perception. (1) The Sentinel isn't as close as it appears. If it were close, then she would have been caught in its waves as it emerges. Also, she would be looking only at its chest circle. It's several yards away. (2) She washes ashore. She fell from the sky. She couldn't have fallen from that great height into shallow water without hitting bottom. (3) It's also a two-story tall robot. Its weight would sink it into the sand. So it could have very well been down that deep.


Sentinel never sank into sand in other episodes.

Well, it's shown here.


A Rogue's Tale - S2-E9

Plot hole: In the season one episode The Cure, when Pyro and Avalanche are in the bar on Muir Island waiting for Mystique to arrive, Avalanche says "This friend of yours better show up soon or I'm going back to jail, just for something to do!" Rogue then comes in and Pyro suggests to Avalanche that Rogue could be Mystique, to which Avalanche responds "What do you mean it could be? Don't you know what she looks like?", leading Pyro to tell Avalanche that Mystique is a shape-shifter. This dialogue implies that Avalanche has no idea who Mystique is, which is further substantiated when Pyro and Avalanche kidnap Mystique later in the episode while she is in the guise of Dr. Adler, and Avalanche didn't recognize Mystique when she revealed her true form. However in this episode it is shown that Pyro and Avalanche were both previously members of Mystique's Brotherhood of Mutants, so Avalanche should already know who Mystique is without Pyro having to tell him. Rogue was also a member of that group yet neither Pyro nor Avalanche recognize her.


X-Men mistake picture

Out of the Past (1) - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: Wolverine first enters the sewers by ripping away a fence in the subway. When Jubilee and Gambit follow him, the fence is still intact. When they get closer it is torn again. Odd, really, because on the whole this show has few continuity errors, like self-mending clothes in other cartoons.

Longshot - S5-E5

Other mistake: After helping Longshot in the alley, Jubilee tells Logan "Are you blind? He's on our side!" to which Logan responds "We don't know that." This dialogue is repeated verbatim when the Professor meets Longshot. In addition to being obviously re-used vocal lines, the context of Jubilee asking "Are you blind?" doesn't make much sense the second time.


Come the Apocalypse - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Rogue is flying toward Adler's lab, you can see the building is several stories off the ground. When she flies in through the hole in the roof, the interior of the lab is on the top-level, whereas the previous episode showed that the lab was on the ground level. (00:12:55)


X-Men mistake picture

Come the Apocalypse - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When the three horsemen are climbing onto their mechanical horses, Famine's horse is in the middle, and Pestilence's horse is on the right. Once all three have all been individually shown to be mounting their horses, Famine and Pestilence have swapped places. (00:06:08)


X-Men mistake picture

Captive Hearts - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: When Gambit is saying "Someone may be tracking us," the snaps on both shoulders of his jacket are colored blue, when they should be the same brown color as the rest of his jacket. (00:11:45)


Captive Hearts - S1-E5

Character mistake: When Rogue asks Storm what her plan is for dealing with the closing walls, Storm says "You three stop the walls, I shall slow the ceiling." Besides Storm and Rogue, Jubilee, Jean Grey, and Gambit are also there, so Storm should have said "You four stop the walls." (00:03:12)


Whatever It Takes - S2-E3

Plot hole: After Magneto and Xavier discover that their powers have vanished, Mr. Sinister is shown to be watching them through surveillance footage, zeroed in on their faces from a straight angle. At this point, Magneto and Xavier are standing at the edge of a cliff in the Savage Land, which is a jungle hidden in Antarctica. There's no conceivable way Mr. Sinister could have security footage of them from where they are located. Any camera would have to be mounted onto a tree, and the cliff is at a considerably higher elevation than the jungle itself, as well as a considerable distance away. Even if Mr. Sinister was able to zoom in on them from such a distance, the treeline being lower than the cliff would only allow him to view them from a low angle, and that's only if the cliff wall didn't obscure them. (00:20:00)


The Cure - S1-E9

Plot hole: After Wolverine tells Gambit that he only knows how to pick pockets and steal candy from babies, Gambit attempts to retaliate by kinetically charging one of the bricks Wolverine is working with in order for it to blow up in his face. Anything Gambit kinetically charges makes a high-pitched humming sound, and Wolverine possesses a superhuman sense of hearing, so he should not have been caught unaware by it. (00:06:55)


X-Men mistake picture

The Cure - S1-E9

Revealing mistake: When Rogue puts the dome in place, if you look closely you will see that the dome is resting on thin air (note that you can see the sky through the platform she sets it on, and when she sets it down, the underside of the dome is visible). (00:06:15)


Slave Island - S1-E7

Plot hole: When the Leader says "Take me to my car at once!", one of his guards goes to open the door to the room only to have Cable shoot the door with his plasma rifle. The Leader then says "The other way you fool!" and everyone in the room starts running for the windows that Cable shot out a few minutes earlier, which happened to be the only other way out of the room. As evidenced earlier from when Cable shot the windows out, that particular floor appears to be 8 stories up, so if everyone in the room exited through the windows, they would have all fallen to their deaths as all of them were regular humans with no superpowers. (00:17:40)


Slave Island - S1-E7

Factual error: When Professor X is calling Moira McTaggart in Scotland, the phone number he uses is shown to have only dialed the exit code of 011, followed by a fictional seven-digit number with a 555 prefix. Since he is calling from the United States, he would have to dial the country code (44) and area code for the right part of Scotland. Plus UK numbers at that time had at least 9 numbers. (00:08:20)


X-Men mistake picture

One Man's Worth: Part 1 - S4-E1

Character mistake: When the civilians are fleeing the coffee shop, there are two spelling errors on the coffee shop's marquee. Firstly, the name of the coffee shop is Rip Van Winkle, but on the marquee, Winkle is spelled as "Winkile." To the right of that, Coffee House is spelled as "Coffe House." (00:16:55)


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Trivia: Following Disney's acquisition of Fox, the creators of this show pitched a revival to stream on Disney+. Producer Larry Houston has said he would come out of retirement specifically to work on this. The revival - titled X-Men '97 - was announced on Disney+ Day in November of 2021 for a 2024 premiere date, with much of the surviving original cast returning.


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Answer: It appears a number of factors led to its demise. It was originally intended to air for 65 episodes, but its popularity extended that. However, there were continual production quality problems, issues regarding whether the content was suitable enough for children, as well as financial considerations that finally led to it being ended.


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