X-Men mistake picture

Slave Island - S1-E7

Plot hole: After Storm's attempt to escape the Genoshan prison is thwarted, she ends up in the ocean right at the shoreline of the beach, where she is captured by a Sentinel. Aside from the fact that it makes no sense for a Sentinel to be hiding in the ocean in the event that a mutant tries to escape the prison, there is absolutely no way that a two-story tall robot could hide in the ocean right by the beach, as the water would be way too shallow. You can even see that the water level only goes up to the Sentinel's ankle area when it is standing upright in the ocean. (00:03:15)


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Suggested correction: Perception. (1) The Sentinel isn't as close as it appears. If it were close, then she would have been caught in its waves as it emerges. Also, she would be looking only at its chest circle. It's several yards away. (2) She washes ashore. She fell from the sky. She couldn't have fallen from that great height into shallow water without hitting bottom. (3) It's also a two-story tall robot. Its weight would sink it into the sand. So it could have very well been down that deep.


Sentinel never sank into sand in other episodes.

Well, it's shown here.


X-Men mistake picture

Out of the Past (1) - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: Wolverine first enters the sewers by ripping away a fence in the subway. When Jubilee and Gambit follow him, the fence is still intact. When they get closer it is torn again. Odd, really, because on the whole this show has few continuity errors, like self-mending clothes in other cartoons.

X-Men mistake picture

Come the Apocalypse - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When the three horsemen are climbing onto their mechanical horses, Famine's horse is in the middle, and Pestilence's horse is on the right. Once all three have all been individually shown to be mounting their horses, Famine and Pestilence have swapped places. (00:06:08)


X-Men mistake picture

Captive Hearts - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: When Gambit is saying "Someone may be tracking us," the snaps on both shoulders of his jacket are colored blue, when they should be the same brown color as the rest of his jacket. (00:11:45)


X-Men mistake picture

The Cure - S1-E9

Revealing mistake: When Rogue puts the dome in place, if you look closely you will see that the dome is resting on thin air (note that you can see the sky through the platform she sets it on, and when she sets it down, the underside of the dome is visible). (00:06:15)


X-Men mistake picture

One Man's Worth: Part 1 - S4-E1

Character mistake: When the civilians are fleeing the coffee shop, there are two spelling errors on the coffee shop's marquee. Firstly, the name of the coffee shop is Rip Van Winkle, but on the marquee, Winkle is spelled as "Winkile." To the right of that, Coffee House is spelled as "Coffe House." (00:16:55)


X-Men mistake picture

Family Ties - S4-E17

Revealing mistake: When Quicksilver is fidgeting inside his containment shell, the animators neglected to properly sync his body movement. You can see that his shoulders are not "connected" to his arms, as if his head and shoulders were separated from the rest of his body. (00:16:00)


X-Men mistake picture

Slave Island - S1-E7

Plot hole: After Storm's attempt to escape the Genoshan prison is thwarted, she ends up in the ocean right at the shoreline of the beach, where she is captured by a Sentinel. Aside from the fact that it makes no sense for a Sentinel to be hiding in the ocean in the event that a mutant tries to escape the prison, there is absolutely no way that a two-story tall robot could hide in the ocean right by the beach, as the water would be way too shallow. You can even see that the water level only goes up to the Sentinel's ankle area when it is standing upright in the ocean. (00:03:15)


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Suggested correction: Perception. (1) The Sentinel isn't as close as it appears. If it were close, then she would have been caught in its waves as it emerges. Also, she would be looking only at its chest circle. It's several yards away. (2) She washes ashore. She fell from the sky. She couldn't have fallen from that great height into shallow water without hitting bottom. (3) It's also a two-story tall robot. Its weight would sink it into the sand. So it could have very well been down that deep.


Sentinel never sank into sand in other episodes.

Well, it's shown here.


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Days of Future Past: Part 1 - S1-E11

Trivia: After Bishop travels into the past, he hears one kid telling another that they will be playing the new Punisher game "Assassin." When the Punisher was first being developed, he was originally going to be called The Assassin.

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Show generally

Question: Does anyone know why Gambit was featured less and less in episodes as the show went on? He was one of the most popular characters in not just X-Men, but all of Marvel Comics around the time this series first aired, so unless it had something to do with his voice actor's contract, it seems odd they wouldn't have utilized him more.


Answer: Chris Potter, the original Gambit voice actor, did indeed quit the role in the 4th season. His last episode was The Phalanx Covenant Part 1 so it seems reasonable that Fox would limit the use of the character even though it was recast. It doesn't appear that Potter left the role due to animosity, he stated in an interview that he wished to play Gambit in the first live action X-Men film.


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