Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Chosen answer: According to IMDB at this link Christopher Meloni was the only actor in this role. Chris Elliott was never in the movie.


Question: At the end of the film when we see the logo for the design company, briefly visible is Michaela Conlin (Angela from "Bones"), who I don't think had any lines in the film. She's credited on the IMDb as "May" - did she have lines deleted, or was this just a cameo of sorts (although she's not really famous enough for most people to recognise her)?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Originally, she was scripted to have a few scenes with Nancy, Robert's girlfriend, in the design studio. The film's producers deleted some of those scenes. You can see that in the DVD under deleted scenes, where she has a slightly bigger part and actually has a small conversation with Nancy about Robert's text message apology.

Question: This goes for Episodes IV, V and VI. What are the little droid things that roll around on the ground in the Death Star?

Answer: These are the MSE (or Mouse) droids, who typically carry out minor maintenance or cleaning procedures but can also be assigned other tasks, such as carrying messages in the event that a comlink system is considered insecure, or leading individuals or groups to a particular area. Because of their occasional security related functions, they are designed to self-destruct in the event of capture, accounting for their somewhat nervous disposition.


Answer: Nobody. It's a spoof of DVD special features. They are just talking to the cameraman.

Grumpy Scot

Question: This movie is quite violent and carries a PG rating, further is is located in the "Family Section" of my local video store. Can someone explain the conflicting aspects of this?

Answer: The movie is famous for the uproar it created over its violent content, and was one of the films responsible for the creation of the PG-13 rating. As the PG-13 rating didn't exist at the time of Gremlins' release, but its content wasn't serious enough for an R, it was rated PG.

Question: I have the original VHS version and I've noticed that some cuss words have dubbed over on the DVD. Yet The original VHS is still rated PG any reason why, other than the fact to make it more of a family film.

Answer: The original film was released before the PG-13 rating existed (it was one of the films responsible for its creation). Producers decided to remove some of the language and violence for the DVD release to avoid complaints about the PG rating.

Chosen answer: The piece is "Everyday" by Carly Comando. Listen to it here

Question: After Luke discovers R2-D2 in the desert on Tatoine, he says "Sandpeople, or worse." What is "or worse"?

Answer: Krayt Dragons. They're what Obi-Wan mimicks to scare the Sand People away. See


I want to add that Obi-Wan's scream had been replaced twice in special editions. The original audio sounds like it could've been from a dragon for sure, but not the updated ones.


Question: WARNING: BIG PLOT SPOILER - I did not completely understand what the devil had to do with the saved people killing other people the third day after they had been saved. According to the plot, "tria mera" is Greek for "third day". The question was "if Jesus came back to life at the third day, what happened with the devil?" That was supposed to explain the killings. I hope someone can give me further clarification.

Chosen answer: The third day (according to the movie) after someone uses the white light to save someone, is when the devil can step in and try to cause chaos. They did try to explain this in the movie, though it didn't make a lot of sense for anyone with any idea about the subject.

Question: I want to sit down and watch all the Jay and Silent Bob Movies, so can someone PLEASE tell me all the movies in the order you're supposed to watch them. Thanks.

Answer: There are two ways: (1) the order in which they were released: Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks II; or (2) the chronological order: Mallrats, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks II. There's only a very short time between the events of Mallrats and Clerks though, and any crossover is limited to incidental references, so it doesn't really matter.

Cubs Fan

Question: In one of the previous questions answered, it mentioned the ending originally panned down to show the Ruby Slippers near Dorothy's bed and thus confirming she didn't dream the whole story. I was just wondering if there's a youtube link or movie clip of this scene?

Answer: Actually, all of the information points that the scene never existed. The movie deals with Oz as being an escape, a dream land. The book deals with Oz being a real place visited by Dorothy. Finding the shoes under the bed sounds like something from the book, but it isn't there either. The slippers are lost forever in the book.


Question: During the trash compacter scene, Luke gets sucked under by the one-eyed monster thing, which leads to Han and Leia trying to find him. But if the water's only about knee deep, why is it so hard for him to be found?

Answer: Presumably because the monster has pulled him through the lair of whatever they are standing on into whatever space the rest of the body of the monster lives in. Obviously, the monster doesn't live in the part of the part of the compactor that does the compacting or it would be already compacted.


Question: This is in regards to the tournament in this movie and in part 3. Is it compatible to tournaments in real life? In real life, are they physically hitting each other or do they pull back on their punches? What do they do in the tournaments in both movies that is not allowed in a real life tournament?


Chosen answer: Without knowing the exact style of karate, it is impossible to answer. I perform in martial arts tournaments but we wear various protective gear and are prohibited to strike at targets like knees (as in the movie) but are also prohibited from "excessive" contact on legal targets. My brother-in-law, though, does another style - and he won a match by kicking a person so hard he broke ribs and the other participant couldn't continue - so my brother-in-law won the match. Different styles differ. Back in the 70's and 80's "Point sparring" was very popular. This is where the contestants pull their punches only making light contact. This was considered a good skill to have as it taught one control their punches and to learn distance. It was very boring to watch and with the development of safer protective gear point sparring pretty much went away.

Zwn Annwn

Question: In the scene just before Sirius Black is killed he says "Good job, James." Is there someone else named James or is he mistakenly calling Harry by his father's name?

Answer: Sirius is mistakenly referring to Harry as his father, James Potter. After everything Sirius has been through, he is rather emotionally unstable and immature. He has tended to see Harry as a peer and replacement for his dead friend James, rather than acting like Harry's godfather.


Question: Is the sneak peek of "Half-Blood Prince" accessible only with a DVD-ROM drive?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Yes.


Question: Why does Carmen answer Juni's question by saying "my feet stink?" Is this a reference to another movie?

Answer: In the 2nd Spy Kids film, when they can read each other's minds, Juni proves it by thinking Carmen's feet stink, at which point she smells her shoe and agrees.

Show generally

Question: I seem to remember a parody where Stewie dresses like Maria from The Sound of Music when she sings "I have Confidence." If it is not just my imagination, can anyone tell me what episode and season this was?

Answer: This actually came from the "Stewie Griffin: Untold Story" DVD. It was split into three episodes, and I believe this particular scene came from the first one.


Question: Why does Wallace change his tune suddenly when offering the Haynes sisters a drink on the train, considering that a few seconds before he was not too pleased because Davis had given their tickets to the sisters?

Answer: While initially not pleased their tickets had been given away, Wallace used his war injured arm to gain passage (a running gag in the movie) and once on the train it no longer mattered that they did not have tickets. Besides, they were very pretty girls that they already knew and liked.


Question: When Harry and Hermione go back in time to rescue Sirius and Buckbeak, does Dumbledore know that they are rescuing them? It's just that earlier the execution happened quickly, but when they go back in time, Dumbledore seems to be distracting the executioner and Fudge so that Harry and Hermione can do what they need to do.

Answer: Yes Dumbledore knows that they are rescuing Buckbeak and Sirius, because (and this is a little complicated) he is planning to tell Harry and Hermione (the Harry and Hermione who have just left Hagrid's Hut, not the Harry and Hermione who are now rescuing Buckbeak) to go back in time and rescue them, so he is presuming that a future Harry and Hermione would currently be rescuing Buckbeak. Hope that doesnt play with your mind too much!


Show generally

Question: In a second-season episode Roy wears a cool shirt that simply says 'meh' on it. Has anyone else on another TV show worn this shirt? I've seen it somewhere before but I've never seen the IT Crowd so it's not by Roy. Thanks.

Answer: The shirt is available from and is fairly popular in the nerd culture, so it's possible you've seen it in real life or online.

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