Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Chosen answer: No. It's not at all clear in the film whether Merrick is a first name or surname, with the full name only appearing later in other literature.


Question: In Book 6, Dumbledore mentions that the Defence Against the Dark Arts Job is cursed, and that no one has had it for more than a year since he refused it to Voldemort. But in Movie/Book 1, it seems that Quirell has been at the school for a while (Hagrid knows him, and knows that he's the DADA teacher; all the older students seem to know him and there is no mention that this is Quirells first year of teaching). Explain.


Chosen answer: According to Rowling, Quirrell was the Muggle Studies teacher at Hogwarts (which is why all the older students know him) before moving to teach Defence Against The Dark Arts in the year that Harry started there. Immediately after meeting Quirrell in the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid makes a reference to Quirrell having taken a year off from teaching to "get some first-hand experience", encountering such dark creatures as vampires and hags along the way, which would strongly support the idea that he's not previously been the teacher in that subject.


Question: Is it just me, or do the Expelliarmus, Everte Statum and Rictusempra spells all do exactly the same thing- knock the opponent backwards? And why doesn't Expelliarmus disarm the opponent?


Chosen answer: The spells have different effects, not necessarily visible, they're just cast so strongly that the spell has the added effect of throwing the opponent back.


Question: Bit of an odd question: After reprimanding Ron, for sounding too much like himself and not Crabbe, why does Harry make no attempt to sound like Goyle?


Chosen answer: I think Harry wasn't mad about the fact that Ron didn't sound like Crabbe but the fact that he was saying things Crabbe wouldn't say.

Question: What is the song that is playing when the students are building the ramp, skateboarding, etc. (right after the "what do you want to learn" sequence)?

Answer: It's Holiday, by Green Day.

Season 2 generally

Question: Why don't Amanda and Jessi like each other in the second part of season 2? In the episode "Ghost in the Machine", Jessi was interested in Kyle because Madacorp programmed her to go after him. But why doesn't she like Amanda later on, after she is free from Madacorp?

Answer: Jessi is jealous of how close Amanda is to Kyle. Kyle and Jessi have a psychic link and Jessi feels no one should be closer to Kyle than she is.

Grumpy Scot

Question: This one is for my son. Is there any reference anywhere, in books, toys, promotional material, anywhere, which gives the names of the ogre babes?

Answer: Fergus, Farkle, and Felicia.


Answer: There is a 4th movie coming out. They will be named then.


Question: What was the club they went to in the middle of the movie? Not the strip club, it was a dance club. The entry was a long hallway with red lights inside, then it opened up to the big dance area. Does anyone know? Thx.

Answer: That was filmed at Cherry at the Red Rock Casino Resort.

Question: Does Chip really have as many siblings as there are cups in the kitchen? Seems a bit too many, and also they aren't seen as real children at the end of the movie.

Answer: The servants in the castle are transformed into enchanted objects because of the spell, but there are still plenty of other objects in the castle which were not originally people.


Question: What is the awesome music being played while Qui-Gon Obi-Wan and Darth Maul are fighting? It is played during lightsaber duels in Episodes 2 and 3 as well.


Chosen answer: The song is called "Duel of the Fates". Incidentally, the words being sung are Sanskrit. John Williams chose them purely for the way they sound and their meanings, whatever they are, are completely irrelevant to the song or the events.


Question: When Sam is turning into an infected, and Neville is holding on to her, she is trying to kill Neville and the shot goes to a close-up of him, and after the close-up he lets go of Sam and she just rolls away motionless. What I don't know is, did Neville break her neck or did he suffocate her or did the medicine he gave her kill her?

Answer: He strangles her.


Show generally

Question: Regarding this question and answer: "In some scenes, why do the Serenity crew members speak Chinese? [One of the premises of the show is that the two major Earth societies that survived, and ultimately merged, were the Chinese and Americans. As a result the common language includes much Chinese. Clothing, signage, and building designs also have a heavy Chinese influence.] Answered by MovieGuy." Survived what?


Chosen answer: It's never made entirely clear. What we know is that at some point, the Earth became unable to sustain those who lived there, resulting in a mass exodus to a new star system. At that point in the Firefly timeline, the two existing superpowers were the Americans and the Chinese. Whether other present-day nations might still have existed is never mentioned.


Question: After his failed deer hunting expedition, when he is going into his apartment, he is pouring a bottle of something on the staircase and sidewalk of his apartment. I want to know, what is that stuff and why is he pouring it out?

luke skyjogger

Chosen answer: When John grabs supplies from the cabinet, before he goes to rent a movie, you can see bottles of vinegar next to the ammunition. He pours that out to hide their scent.

Chosen answer: Yes, this was done to allow them to swear without causing a problem with the censors. They also swear quite a bit in Chinese.

Chosen answer: It means you need to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Originally, terms like "tying your shoe" or "pulling your socks up" meant ducking to avoid flying bullets. In a more generic sense though, it needn't be about gun violence per se. Just that you don't want to be on the receiving end of violence meant for someone else. In the movie, this was a way of telling Edward that if he could not defuse the situation, then others would be forced to harm the professor. Here, they weren't actually going to put Edward in harm's way. But if he failed to change the professor, then violence against the professor was forthcoming.

The Girl in Question - S5-E20

Question: In a flashback, Darla and Drusilla imply that they engaged in a threesome together with The Immortal. Considering that Darla is Dru's grandsire (and a siring line seems to follow the line of a human family), doesn't that seem a bit incestuous?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Dru is the only vamp to refer to her grandsire as grandmother. Since they were not blood relatives in life it wouldn't be considered incestuous. But if was you'd have to keep in mind that they have no souls, therefore, no conscience.

Maria Santos

Chosen answer: If all that was necessary was for a vampire to drink from a human, then every person the vampire fed from would rise as a vampire, resulting in colossal over-population. There has to be an exchange - the factors that make a vampire what they are have to pass into the newcomer - the only way to do this is through the blood.


Chosen answer: One of the premises of the show is that the two major Earth societies that survived, and ultimately merged, were the Chinese and Americans. As a result the common language includes much Chinese. Clothing, signage, and building designs also have a heavy Chinese influence.

Question: This has been bugging me for a while. When Koda asks the spirits to change Kenai back into a human, they don't show up to change him until the next day. Why do they wait so long? (Other than to give Kenai time to chase after Koda and get the whole end of the movie going.)


Chosen answer: Probably for just that reason - they were waiting for the right moment to change Kenai back.

Chosen answer: It was David Fury, one of the show's writers and producers.


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