Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Why why does Danny always yell, "hey!" When he's is a half a block from the perpetrators which gives the perpetrators 1/2 block head start running from Danny. Why doesn't he wait until he's close to him and he wouldn't have to chase him so far?

Answer: It's a common cop show plot device. If the police on the show always acted in the most logical way (i.e. not alerting a suspect to their presence) the show wouldn't have the opportunity for an exciting foot chase.

Question: What was the purpose of kidnapping her daughter? Was it to make Kyle look crazy? Or was it merely for the purpose of trying to make her open the casket? Because I find that very hard to believe.

Answer: The endgame was to get Kyle to open the casket during a search for her daughter. That is where the explosives and the detonator were hidden. They were counting on a frantic mother searching in every possible place on the plane for her daughter, including her husband's casket. If she hadn't done that on her own, no doubt Carson would have somehow compelled her into doing it.


How would Carson propel into opening the casket? By threatening to kill her?

Question: What's the significance of the scene where Carson and Stephanie look at each other when she's running away from the plane? I can't find an explanation.

Answer: I think it just solidifies the fact that they were working together, and both knew the plan was starting to fall apart at that point. She's now running to try and protect herself.


Question: I know that Garvin wanted Sanders fired for incompetence to keep Meredith at Seattle, but did he even know about the changes she made to the production line in the first place before Tom exposed Meredith at the Friday presentation?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What was the main antagonist's name? And what are his motives for trying to kill the president?

Answer: Suarez is the name of the main antagonist. His motivations for the assassination attempt are never mentioned.


Answer: Logan and Jean have a history- Logan specifically loves Jean and expressed his affections towards her in the past, and Jean feels some love towards him but can't act on it because of her relationship with Scott. As Rogue and Logan are also very close, it seems to be subtly implied that she might be a hint jealous of Logan's affections to Jean. Also, Rogue might feel a tab-bit awkward by their conversation given the circumstances.

Answer: Jean and Logan's romantic affection for one another is a poorly kept secret between the two and is awkward to witness for their friends.


It Takes a Village - S7-E1

Question: I'm a bit confused by the end to the whole 'Ian Doyle saga'. Namely I'm confused by Chloe Donaghy's motives. I get that she wanted to sell Declan to an enemy of Doyle for money and flee the country, but why did she stay with Lachlan McDermott? Why did they get on the plane together instead of going there separate ways? Did she want to see Doyle suffer at the hands of McDermott? And why did McDermott want to flee the country if he wanted to hurt Doyle? Did he not know Doyle was in federal custody?


Lauren - S6-E18

Question: Why did Prentiss sleep with Doyle? Was it for the profile? Because Morgan didn't seem convinced that it would've been much help for the profile.


Answer: She tried to role play as Lauren when she was very uncomfortable with it.

Chosen answer: Harry wasn't annoyed because Marv stole from Santa Claus, he was annoyed that Marv was thinking "small", stealing coins that would help them live day-to-day while Harry wanted to plan really big heists that would set them for life.


Chosen answer: She could have been looking at Remus and Pettigrew, who exited from the tunnel behind her, Ron, Harry, and Sirius. She probably also heard Snape making his way through the tunnel shortly after that. He was the last to exit from the Shrieking Shack after being knocked out by Harry's spell.


Question: Why does Joy want Riley to be happy so much, rather than angry or sad when she has to be? Riley can't be happy all the time.

Answer: All of the emotions want to be in control. Joy will always fight for Riley to experience joy.

Chosen answer: Dubbed.

There might have been a technical reason they did not use subtitled movies, because the superimposed row of chairs and actors at the bottom of the frame would have covered up the subtitles.

Chosen answer: Sheldon was 14 when his father died.


Chosen answer: It's not mentioned exactly, but it's implied to do with his weight and drinking.

Greg Dwyer

Chosen answer: It's probably nothing personal, but with the combination of his IQ and his superiority complex, along with the fact that they study in the same field, Sheldon just feels that Kripke is beneath him as a scientist.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: He is a Sith master, just as powerful as a Jedi, he concealed himself. By controlling his emotions and suppressing them, until he achieved his goal of ultimate power.

Chosen answer: He needed Anakin totally on his side before ordering the assassination of the Jedi order. If Anakin wasn't fully committed he might refuse to join him after executing order 66.


Question: Did Darth Tyranus know that Sidious was going to betray him?


Chosen answer: Nope, you can see the surprise on his face when Palpatine orders Anakin to kill him. He then realises Anakin is Sidious' new apprentice. He fully expected to defeat Anakin.


I read that Palpatine/Sidious had given Dooku/Tyrannus a fake plan: Tyrannus thought they would kill Obi-wan, then convince Anakin to join the two of them.

I think that is partially right. Though I would sooner think the plan was to incapacitate Obi-Wan, which Dooku did and then focus on Anakin to get him to the dark side. Dooku had a chance to kill Obi-Wan but didn't. Besides, if Dooku did kill Obi-Wan it is almost sure Anakin will kill Dooku for it.


If I remember correctly, at the moment, the plan was described in the book "Labyrinth of Evil" by James Luceno. Although, I don't know how many books are canon now.


Question: What is the whole conversation in the first French class between Chris' friend, the teacher and Sarah?

Answer: Translation on the board: "if you would have done your homework, you would understand" Teacher: "I hope you had a good weekend" " (Calls to the students name) Your weekend went good?" Student: "Very good" Teacher: "What did you do during the weekend? Did you go to the beach, or did you find a elegant woman?" "Search for a woman?" Student: "oh did you mean did I get laid" (now you see why he says that) Teacher: "In french, in french! (says students name) " Student: "a lot of... a lot of lay" Girl (sorry I forgot her name): "What a idiot, moron" Teacher: "Well, our new student m'am your french is very good!" (Conversation goes on in English) Teacher: (says what the board says) "if you would have done your homework, you would understand" By the way what they're learning in this French class is L'imparfait tense.

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