Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Mortianna is seen practicing some sort of magic, and in the extended addition we see the Sheriff "praying" (I think) in front of an upside-down crucifix. And he assures Mortianna that his true faith lies in the "old ways." I'm trying to figure out: Is this art Mortianna and the Sheriff practice supposed to be Devil worship? Black magic with no real base, that they just invented for the movie? A form of pre-Christian religion, e.g. something like the Druidic religions of pre-Roman Britain? For the life of me, I can't put my finger on it.

Answer: The white robes, reference to "the old ways", and pentagram across the map when the Sheriff meets the Barons suggests per-Christian Druidism; the upside down crucifix certainly implies Devil-worship. These two spiritual paths are, by nature, mutually exclusive. In short, a fictional pseudo-witchcraft invented for the film, yes.

Answer: It is a type of witchcraft which involves devil worship, yes.


Question: When Daryl is confronted by his friends, he tells them that he was forced to swallow something. What was it and why kill him if he was forced to do it?

Answer: It was a tracking device which gave away their location. Since they couldn't remove it, they decided to kill him as he was now a liability.

Gavin Jackson

They killed him because he betrayed them.

How was Daryl forced to swallow it? Did they manage to apprehend him and force it down his throat, or was it something else entirely?

Question: After Gimli finds Merry's knife sheath among the dead orcs, Legolas bows and says a few words in Elvish. What are they and what do they mean?

Answer: "Hiro hyn hîdh ab 'wanath." ("May they find peace in death").


Question: If the island sinks underwater at regular intervals, then what happens to the tiny elephants, giant bees, etc (and the whole ecosystem) while the island is underwater?

Answer: There is a deleted scene on the DVD/Bluray where they attempt to give an explanation. Kailani asks "What happens to the animals when the island sinks? They can't all die!". Alexander replies "Even the mammals develop quasi-amphibian characteristics. They just burrow below the ground's surface and absorb the oxygen through their skin."


Question: Maybe I missed something, but didn't Jack murder a guy in the beginning of the film and was about to get life in prison before he escaped? How is it that at the end, he flies back home with John and meets with his sister and they live happily ever after as if nothing happened? Is he not a fugitive from Russia?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: It can probably be assumed that they didn't just turn up to Domodedovo Airport and board a plane in the normal way. As Jack is a CIA agent, it is likely that the Agency had some way of getting the McClanes out of Russia via covert or diplomatic means.


Chosen answer: Andy created the books so that everything was in the name of the Randall Stevens alias he created. The real books pointed to Warden Norton AND Randall Stevens, but didn't have Andy's name on them. As far as the law knows, Norton's accomplice was a guy named Randall Stevens who skipped town with the money before ratting him out.

Captain Defenestrator

If the laundered funds case was thoroughly investigated on an immediate basis (within a couple of days after the Bugle's writer got the material), the alias of Randall Stevens would have come out almost immediately, and of course his description would match that of someone who just escaped from prison, and even Barney Fife could have put two and two together.

Valid. However, by the time that would happen, Andy would be over the border and the warden would still get taken down, so his bigger goals would still be accomplished. They'll update Andy Dufresne's wanted poster to read "Alias Randall Stevens," but that's the biggest consequence for Andy.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why didn't Dumbledore let Harry, and the others on their side, know ahead of time that he had asked Snape to kill him? Then they would have known all along that they could trust Snape.

Answer: Because if they knew to trust Snape they would have behaved differently around him and that would have looked mighty suspicious to all the Death Eaters and Death Eaters' kids that know how much Harry and his allies hate Snape. It was imperative that Voldemort believe Snape was on his side. Besides, do you really think Harry would have been okay with that plan anyway?


Question: Near the end of the film, the plane stuck on the ground is pressurised before it can move out of the way. Why is it pressurised if it's on the ground and not in the air?


Chosen answer: Patroni isn't referring to the cabin pressure, he says to "pressurize the manifold" - part of the engine start procedure of a Boeing 707, which I believe involves a ground crew pumping gas (nitrogen?) from a cart into the intake manifold.


Pressurize - as in the manifold, to turn on bleed air from the APU - on board Auxiliary Power Unit - a small jet engine that provides electrical and pneumatic air to operate aircraft systems including starting engines.

Answer: It was just a succinct, aspirational and poetic way of saying, "I will go wherever you take me, as long as we're together, an it's anywhere away from my hopelessly bleak and loveless existence." It's one of a few references they make to being together, wherever they go (with apologies to "Gypsy"). They sing the ditty "Up We Go." They say, "you jump, I jump." It also provides kind of an interesting foreshadowing and counterpoint to where they end up, souls knit, spending eternity together at the bottom of the sea. Obviously, it isn't literal.

Michael Albert

Question: I understand that Frank is part of the manipulated dead and I also understand that he does not travel through time, but rather manipulates it as it happens. This leads me to ask, how was it possible for Frank to guide Donnie before Donnie kills him? Is this implying that the loop has happens over and over until Donnie gets it 'right' and sacrifices himself?

Answer: No, the timeline is not a loop. Frank's death is just bound to happen and he is supposed to make sure Donnie kills him, after accidentally killing the girl. That is the "trap" as they call it. To make sure that Donnie is forced to fix the universe and saves everyone.

Show generally

Question: 1) Why was the grounded Minnow moved from the shoreline to the lagoon in color seasons? With holes like it had in the sides, it should have sunk at sea! 2) A friend says he counts four people on the stern area in the color version as the Minnow puts to sea. I really cannot say for sure but is that a goof or a shadow or something else? 3) Is the third season music SLIGHTLY different from the season two? Some on Youtube claim it is. Only proof they show sounds like someone played with an audio equalizer / compressor and made it more pronounced.

Answer: 1) The answer to the moving of the Minnow probably has no profound significance except for aesthetic. They were re-doing the opening in color, and it looks like they had a different model of the Minnow and placed it in a different setting. This is more a "continuity error" than a decision of any import in the minds of the creators, I'm guessing. 2) I see five people on the stern. But even if my eyes are playing tricks on me, someone could have easily been below deck. 3) The music does have a somewhat different quality between season two and season three. The differences are subtle. I agree with you that it probably wasn't actually re-recorded, but instead, was just remastered a bit. Also note, for reasons unknown to me, in the season three opening, the pictures of Mary Ann and the Professor (rest in peace, Russell Johnson), are reversed, compared to season two.

Michael Albert

Question: Towards the end when the briefcase has been recovered and Hobbs asks what the reward should be, Dom replies "1327." What do these numbers refer to? Shaw's former hideout? Or an amnesty law code or something?


Chosen answer: It's the house number of Dom's old house in Los Angeles, from the first film. Hobbs says "name your price", so I guess Dom was asking him to buy his old house back (the gang are having a BBQ there in the next scene).


Answer: There was a time conflict. Weller was filming another movie (Naked Lunch) at the same time RoboCop 3 was scheduled for production.


Question: When Rene Russo and her team are breaking into his house there is music playing with a great beat. What is the music and artist, or was it made just for the movie?

Answer: Sadly, this track, known as either "Cleaning Service" or "Catherine's Break In" was only ever released on a VERY rare, expanded version of the score in 2001. Since then it has become extremely difficult to find.

Question: Can someone please help? When the killer shows up at Rhyme's place at the end, he explains to him why he did it and how Rhyme did him wrong, but no matter how many times I watch it, I don't understand what exactly happened and how Rhyme was to blame for it?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: The killer used to be a forensic scientist for law enforcement (where or when is never stated). Rhymes testified in court that evidence had been falsified, leading to wrongful prosecutions, the killer was sent to prison for this, where "every day I was brutalised". The killer blamed Rhymes for this, so set out to prove he was better by giving him a series of clues that he (in theory) couldn't solve. It should also be pointed out that Rhymes never met the killer or knew what he looked like.

Answer: Easy. He could have got the guitar at any point in his life. As for keeping it in the attic? You're not going to throw out a £1000 guitar any time soon.


Question: Why are the Phantom's footsteps walking distance when he runs to the statue? Also, when did he learn to climb so swiftly?

Answer: Not everyone runs in big strides. The phantom has also had most of his life to master climbing, sneaking, hiding, etc. To see and take what he wants from the theatre without being seen, in his youth he had little to do except explore and learn everything about the place and the fastest ways to get where he wants to go.


Chosen answer: The agent on the plane watching Indy was not Toht, and was played by ILM staffer Dennis Muren, although they look similar. The Nazis were spying on Indy but this doesn't mean they didn't know where the Ravenwoods' bar was.


Murder Among Friends - S12-E16

Question: I think most MSW episodes are wrapped up pretty nicely, however, there is a loose end in "Murder Among Friends" that is bothering me - why didn't Dyan take the script from Ricki's safe after she killed her? We know that safe was open when she killed Ricki and that the script inside named Carly as the one being written-off the show (not herself like Dyan wanted). She had no way of knowing that Gene would switch out the script (a good red herring) or that Leo would opt for a re-write anyway, so why leave it? We also know that Leo didn't want to let Dyan do the movie either, so killing Ricki alone wouldn't necessarily solve Dyan's problem. It doesn't seem plausible that she killed Ricki out of pure rage without caring whether or not it would even help her cause. Is there any explanation? It just bothers me that they never addressed why Dyan didn't take the script...after all, it WAS the McGuffin!

Question: Carol and Maddy are with Peggy Sue in her bedroom talking. A phantom voice says: "hey Peggy Sue" Someone please explain this unusual occurrence.

Answer: When Peggy Sue cusses, Maddy reprimands her by saying "hey Peggy Sue."

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