Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I do not understand how Miranda and Chloe are both released from the psychiatric hospital at the end. Chloe is in there for a completely different reason, not tied to the situation with Miranda. There is no proven link between her and Miranda's husband and the other murderer, they are two people that met in the psychiatric ward and Chloe was being abused AFTER she was admitted, or have I missed something? Also, how exactly is Miranda released anyway? As I envisage it her court case defense went something like "Look here Mr. Judge and 12 members of the jury, I was possessed and that's what made me kill my husband. It was not me that did it, even though it was me I was not in control of my body, a ghost made me do it because my husband was a bad man" - and the 12 members of the Jury thought this was OK? and the judge was very much "Yes, of course, we all understand you were not in control of your own mind and body, a ghost possessed you to commit this heinous crime, I'll release you?" Seriously? In all likelihood this reason alone would have her stay in the mental hospital extended! It makes no sense why the two of them would be released at all. Regardless of the fact that her husband and his best friend's crimes have been exposed, she still murdered her husband and it was not in self defense. How could her and Chloe (who is unrelated to the case in every way) be released?

Answer: Plain and simple, it's bad script writing and there's a number of other examples of "that wouldn't happen in the real world" that unfortunately we're suppose to accept. Although, if one had to justify it, you could say; when Miranda was in the hospital, she had not been tried and convicted yet, so when her trial did occur, Miranda's lawyers did not use the "I was possessed" defense and was found not guilty because of reasonable doubt. Or the DA's office made a deal with her because she was a high standing member in the community who exposed a number of issues and may have gotten parole instead of jail time. And Chloe was Miranda's patient before she herself was admitted to the psychiatric ward. At that time, Miranda never believed Chloe was anything but delusional and after spending time in the hospital as an inmate, she believed her and once she was free, she worked on getting Chloe released by stating she was not insane.


Answer: Early in the movie we learned that Chloe's mental health was a result of rape related trauma and Chloe claimed to have been raped by "the devil" but Miranda did not believe her. She believed this was a memory of her being raped by her step-father resurfacing. But, later when she seen the tattoo on the chest of a man in Chloe's cell, she realised that she was really being raped by someone or something and just didn't know what it was but as the movie progresses Miranda begins to put the pieces together as the spirit of Parsons leads her to the truth. At the end of the movie Miranda tells the sheriff about her suspicions and what she believes "Not Alone" means. As the conversation deepens she realises that the sheriff, her husbands life long best friend, fit this description and her suspicions are confirmed when he confesses. Although she may not have learned that he was Miranda's rapist untill she sees the tattoo on the sheriff's chest. In the end when the rape stopped and the doctors realised that Chloe was not lying or delusional, her mental state improved and she was released.

Show generally

Question: There were a few times during the series when the police would be looking for information from, say, a group of prostitutes on the street, or a group of men involved with buying/selling drugs in an alley, or some low level criminal they were questioning. Detective Briscoe would pull out one of his business cards, and announce something like, "this is a get out of jail free card" for the person who would come forward to tell them where to find the person they were looking for, or to identify a photo. I always wondered, would some future police officer or detective investigating some new crime really honor that? What if it was a more serious crime? Or even if it was just another simple drug or prostitution bust, and not something more serious, wouldn't that later officer lose the leverage of that arrest, and maybe the possibility of finding a "bigger fish" or whatever they were trying to do?

Michael Albert

Chosen answer: If the prostitute with the card was arrested, she would likely ask to speak to Briscoe. Briscoe would visit, recognize her, and have her released because of it, if it was simply prostitution or a drug Possession charge. Those crimes mean nothing when looking for a murderer or rapist.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Near the end of the movie, at the prom, when Bella and Edward first walk in, Bella spots Jessica and signals something to her with her hand going across her chest. What was Bella signalling to Jessica?


Chosen answer: Earlier, when the girls were shopping for prom dresses in Port Angeles, Jessica commented that the low-cut dress she was trying on made her boobs "look good." She is wearing that same dress at the prom, and Bella is gesturing and then giving a "thumbs up" that Jessica's cleavage does look good. Jessica mouths back, "I know."


Question: What is the "discount credit card" that Del uses when checking-in at the motel? While Neal is paying, it looks like the staff switches his card for Neal's (Diner's Club), that Del later uses to pay for his car rental. However in the morning, once they realize they got robbed of their cash, Del says that he does not have any credit card (other than a Seven outlet one).


Chosen answer: In the film it was called "Oversighters Discount Club". It did have a similar logo as the Diner's Club logo (with an "O" instead of the "CD" design). However, this isn't a real life credit card or company. Although there are "discount" cards, usually through an employer, where various companies agree to give discounts if one uses that discount card.


Question: Carrie is seen crying after she realizes that Tommy is dead. I can only assume that she actually cared about him but she still believes he was good and didn't take part in the prank, right? And at the end does she actually care about Sue and forgive her?

Answer: Since blood was dumped on him too she must have realized that he wasn't a part of it, so yes, she cared for him. In the book when Carrie touches Sue, they link minds and Carrie sees that Sue felt bad about teasing her and was trying to do something nice to atone, and had nothing to do with Chris' nasty prank. So yes it's safe to say she grieved for Tommy and forgave Sue.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: In this version, Carrie never weeps for Tommy's death, and it's never indicated whether or not she was even aware that he died. And she never directly encounters Sue in this version, so we don't know her thoughts about her either. The film was likely trying to leave some things open-ended, so that audiences could interpret them as they wanted.

Question: When Annie and her boys are coming home from the neighbour's place, next door, there's a blue light coming from the main bedroom. Leaving her boys, Annie goes into the house and there is all this noise that sounds like a radio not completely tuned in, of an evangelist preaching really loudly. Now, where is all this noise coming from: Annie's mind, Donnie's car radio parked outside? Or is it just for our benefit?


Answer: The TV in Annie's room.

The TV wasn't on before, and Annie is suspicious of the noise and light, which she wouldn't be if it was just the TV.

Question: Towards the end of the movie, since everyone knew that it would be sunrise soon and since Stella was comfortable enough under the car, why would Eben inject himself and become one of them? Had he waited until dawn Stella could still be waiting under the car and everyone else could also be fine in the house.

Answer: It's stated in the movie they'll freeze to death under the car before sunrise. Whether that's true or not, Eben believes it, and that's why he acts.

Answer: The previous answer misses one very important aspect that forced Eben's hand. Prior to him injecting himself with the vampire blood, the vampires had broken apart the oil pipeline and set the oil ablaze to cover up their actions. The fire spread quickly and was nearing Stella's hiding place. As a result, Gail and Stella risked either burning to death or leaving their hiding place and being torn apart by the ten or so vampires who were standing nearby. Eben sacrificed himself so she could make a run for it. He understood - as well as stated in the film - they were in no shape to fight them as they were. The vampire blood was the only chance he had at saving her.


Question: Mary Jane said her father went to her play. Why would he if he is an abusive father who hates her?

Answer: He went to borrow money from her.


Question: What's the deal with Mary Jane's father?

Answer: He's an angry drunk. He's verbally, if not physically abusive to his family. He doesn't appear in many Spider-Man issues, but even in those he was a drunk and abusive, most likely due to his failed writing career. (Mary Jane's parents divorce in the comics).


Question: When Arlo and Spot first see another human, Spot moves toward that human as if he was willing to join him to bond as a family. Arlo stops Spot from approaching the other human and places him on his back so to continue taking him home. Arlo decides he wants to share his family with Spot and keep him safe in his family house. By the end of the film, the same human Arlo and Spot saw in the distance earlier shows up along with his family. Spot joins the family. Why does Arlo decide to let Spot go this time?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: Because he's realized that Spot wants to go and should go with his people. Before he was afraid of losing him.

Greg Dwyer

Question: When Chris and co are having dinner with an Iraqi family, why does Chris react the way he does when he sees the mark on the Iraqi father's left elbow? What does Chris think it is?


Chosen answer: Chris has "shooter's strawberries" on his elbows, which are red callouses caused by lying in the sniper's position for long periods. He notices the same marks on the elbows of the father, and realizes that he too is a military sniper.


Question: Before leaving the plane, the doctor smirks, and after leaving he furtively looks back. He's supposedly an innocent, so why does he do this?

Answer: At no point is he shown smirking before leaving the plane. In the two shots he appears in before he is shown exiting, the first he is wearing an oxygen mask, and the second shows him straight-faced and helping someone to the front. The reason he looks back after going down the slide could simply just be to see who is coming behind him, or he could be examining the damage to the plane.


Question: After Riley quits hockey practice, Fear decides to abandon Headquarters by letting himself get sucked into the tube for transports memory orbs. Fear, along with several orbs is nearly sucked in, but he is suddenly ejected from the tube. How come the tube doesn't suck Fear in like it did to Joy and Sadness?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: Look carefully and you'll see that Fear gets stuck in a bunch of memories, then the tube bursts.

Lily Harrison

Question: Why was scarecrow admitted to Arkham?

Answer: He was originally there as a doctor. When he was caught after trying to spread his fear gas around the city, he would have been found insane (especially after being dosed with his own gas) and sent to Arkham as a patient.

Captain Defenestrator

Part 3 - S1-E3

Question: When Jonas's wife descends the stairs in her nightgown, you can hear her shoe soles hitting the stairs. I was surprised to see her wearing grey stiletto high heel pumps! As she exits the stairs and enters the kitchen, these heels are fully visible on both feet from the rear. Was she that much shorter than her co-star?

Answer: Stacy Keach, who portrayed Jonas Steele, is an imposing figure who stands just upwards of six feet tall. Julia Duffy, the actress who played Mary Hale Steele, is a diminutive five feet even - a full foot shorter than her on-screen husband. Though high heels have been around since the mid-16th century, the stiletto style heel didn't begin to come into play for fashion until the late 19th century, when they were mainly used as accessories in fetish art. They didn't become vogue for women's wear until the early to mid-20th century. It is unlikely a stiletto-style heel would have been available to, let alone be worn with a nightgown by a woman of the period.

Michael Albert

Question: There are several flashbacks showing a man in the imprisonment camp, the first one being General Louis electrocuting someone, and one where the same person is being punched in the stomach, and another one being transported on a cart to a cell. Is it possible that this is V before the explosion?


Chosen answer: Yes, it is.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: When Evey gets knocked out it's clear that she only has a purse and one outfit on. After she comes back to consciousness at V's house, she still has the same clothes on. So where did she get the clothes for the other scenes? (For example the next morning she was lying in bed in different clothes and came out in a sweat jacket etc).


Chosen answer: V can use the subway tunnels to get anywhere in London. He may have gone out and stolen or bought clothes for her in that time.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: In the New Year's Eve train scene right before getting caught, Winthorp says "So Mr. Beaks, will you be getting off the train in Philadelphia" Why would he call him by name if he is supposed to be a Jamaican man named Lionel Joseph?


Chosen answer: There's a cut scene and some time passes. He could have asked the man's name during that time.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: What kind of wine was served on the Queen Elizabeth 2nd boat? I know it was a red wine that said "where dreams have no end wine 1983" but i've found that that wine is actually a white.


Question: In the wrestling scene, Leslie Nielsen tags Hulk Hogan who ultimately tags another lady in a red dress. The actress appears to be Joyce Brothers. Is her presence a spoof or am I missing something else here?

Neil Jones

Chosen answer: The lady in the red dress is definitely Dr. Joyce Brothers. Her presence is not a spoof of anything. Just another way to add humor to an already humorous movie.

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