Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Was there a deleted scene where Cathrine and Ellen were talking while making the turkey in the kitchen and/or doing something resulting in the bird being "overdone" totally and showing up in the scene at dinner causing the turkey to literally explode in a cloud of dust when carved by Clark? It just seems there was a scene missing there!

Answer: YES! You are 100% correct about the deleted turkey-cooking scene! Both my husband and I remember this scene. It was Catherine and Eddie that cooked the turkey to thank Clark and his family for being hospitable. They had never cooked a turkey before and they thought cooking it at a low temperature for a LONG time would be ideal. It looked great, but completely dehydrated. THIS is why Catherine is so upset when the turkey pops open and steams - she ruined the turkey for everyone.

Answer: There was never a scene as described in the film, nor was there anything in any of the special features. Also, there is no mention of it in any of the commentary.

Answer: I have a DVD with the exploding turkey scene It's a classic.

Answer: I also remember vividly the scene where Catherine is cooking the turkey and have been trying to get a copy of the film where that scene is not deleted. Also checked with my wife, she recalls it too. I think we might have seen it on a very early VHS or LaserDisc version.

Question: Salt has been with the agency for a long time and has earned the trust of her colleagues, so when she is accused of being a spy, why would her superiors take the word of a defector over her?

Answer: They have to at least investigate that kind of an accusation, and when Salt so vigorously resists arrest it basically confirms, in their minds, that she is in fact a spy.


I actually kind of find it shocking that they would be willing to believe a guy who would do or say anything to save himself and since Salt was with the agency a long time, they could have at least given her the benefit of the doubt.

Question: What is the title of the lovely and haunting Indian tune played as the credits run?

Answer: Craig Pruess and Bally Sagoo Feat. Gunjan - Hai Raba.


Chosen answer: The name refers to George Banks, the father in the Mary Poppins story. P.L. Travers, the author, based the character on her own alcoholic father.


Question: In the opening scene, one of the thieves said "where's your purse?" to the bank manager before they are going to leave the bank. What's the meaning of this phrase? Also, just following that, one of the thieves looks puzzled into a room where the security guards are restrained on the ground, before he joins another thief to leave the bank in their car. Why did he look puzzled at that time? Thx.


Chosen answer: 1) Jem wants her purse to get her ID so he can follow her and eliminate her if need be, as he has already decided to take her as a hostage. 2) This is Doug coming back into the room and noticing that Claire is missing, taking her as a hostage was not part of the plan.


Chosen answer: It is basically in reference to the fact that when they arrived, everything that was happening happened when they were leaving the last world. So it was basically time again means it is the same thing and world means similar world.


Question: Why did William cover the healthy people but did not cover the sick people?

Answer: People that are in need of frequent medical attention usually end up costing their insurance providers more money than they pay them in premiums, so it's simply a matter of the person's coverage becoming a liability for the insurance company.


Question: When Senator Keeley thinks that the Goldmans are acting weird because of Senator Jackson's death and Albert replies to him about how it's dreadful news etc., did Albert know about Jackson's death, or did he just improvise on the spot?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: Most likely, he improvises on the spot, dodging and recovering, as he did all the way through the scene.

Michael Albert

Question: It might just be in my head, but, at the end, when Gretchen talks to Donnie's mom, it seems like they knew each other or their 'conversation' had a deeper meaning. Does it really?


Chosen answer: The characters who died in the first running of time are known as the "manipulated dead" who were required to die to fix the hole in time. So although when the hole is closed at the end and the characters didn't die because time has been altered, they can't remember anything that happened, but supposedly have some kind of recognition for each other as the events were like a dream to them.

Question: Do the King and Queen of Arendelle really have a relationship with the King and Queen of Corona? If so, then what kind? Are they relatives or merely friends/allies? If they are relatives, does that mean Anna and Elsa are cousins with Rapunzel?

Answer: Nothing has been confirmed officially, I believe. However the creators were fascinated by fan theories and said that they'll leave that to the viewer's imagination.

Question: Was the double cross with the chainsaw scene a set up by F.Murray Abraham? Or was it a genuine deal and did he just suspect it may be dangerous, and sent Tony because he annoyed him?


Answer: It's unlikely a set up. Tony is supplied with money and guns to defend himself. If this was a setup, the toad would've had more details. He would've known Tony had backup with guns and they would've waited to ambush them. Also makes no sense for Omar to put himself at risk without a legitimate opportunity to make cash. Frank knew about the deal as he supplied the buy money. Omar seemed loyal to Frank. Why would he send some low level thugs to be set up losing his boss' money in the process? All he would do is lose trust and be suspected.

Omar was an informant. He wasn't loyal to anyone. Omar's driver is the one that suggested to send Tony to the Colombians. And I think Omar knew the Colombians were shady, and that's why he sent Tony. It was, in a sense, a setup.

Chosen answer: While it is never really mentioned I think it is a safe bet that it was a double cross. F. Murray Abraham was seen later in the film to be an informant and killed because of it.

oddy knocky

It wasn't a double cross, as it was the driver of the car that suggested/whispered it to Omar the first time Omar met Tony and Manny outside the restaurant they were working at.

Question: What does Professor Snape mean when he comments about three Gryffindors (Harry, Ron, and Hermione) being "inside on a day like this"? What day does he mean, and why should Gryffindors not be inside?

Answer: That usually means the weather is nice outside, so children should be playing outside rather than being inside. I don't think the fact they were Gryffindors was important, just that Snape was suspicious that they were inside on a nice day.


Question: Why is Bootstrap Bill the only crewman aboard the Dutchman who still looks practically human, while everyone else looks like a sea creature?

Answer: It's possible he's the newest crewman, or retains more of his humanity from the memories of his son.

Greg Dwyer

Meltdown - S4-E6

Question: When Kryten and Rimmer were doing the roster of their ranks, Why did Kryten skip the old woman in the black dress with the white shoulder sash between Dali Lama and Mr. Noel Coward?

Answer: It's Queen Victoria, someone any Englishman would recognize, and needed no introduction.

Question: When Carter goes to pick up Lee at the airport he is parked next to the terminal. I know this movie is pre-9/11 but is it actually possible or a non-airport employee to drive so close to the runway? Even allowing for the fact Carter is a cop, it still seems strange. But I'm no expert in airport protocol so I'm not listing as a mistake as it may well be possible.

Answer: The fact that Carter is a cop would help. Lee was also on a private plane, as evidenced by the fact that he was the only one to get off it. Exceptions are quite often made for private planes because of the amount of money private travelers bring in. Consul Han would also have pull to make it work.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: Adding on to the fact that he's a cop - the feds literally gave him the task of picking Lee up. It's safe to assume they also gave him whatever clearance he needed to intercept Lee, especially since they didn't want him anywhere near this case in the first place.

Question: When Lance went to go get the car when they were leaving the shelter, and found Harper's black book and iPad, whose purse was that sitting on the front seat of SUV? The purse that had the black book and iPad in it? That totally confused me.

Answer: It was Mia's purse.

Question: After saying that he would sell his soul for just one beer, Jack looks up and greets the barman Lloyd. Since this was Jack's first time at the hotel, how could he have known the barman's name?

Answer: In The Shining, both Jack and Danny experience psychic episodes and visions. Lloyd could be a product of Jack's (crazy) imagination, or he psychically knew Lloyd's name and that he's the best bartender from Timbuktu to Portland (Maine or Oregon). Or, as referenced in another question here, "Jack's soul is forever linked to the hotel, and every once in a while, he is reborn into the world, only to return to it and instigate more killings." So Lloyd's soul may be linked to the hotel in the same way that Jack's is, and they have always known each other just as Jack has "always been the caretaker."


Question: Could Professor Snape really get away with putting Neville's toad in danger (when he feeds Neville's potion to the toad at the end of class, saying that it might poison the animal)? I know that he is already a unfriendly teacher, but it seems that there would be some sort of rule against killing an animal that belongs to a student, and parents of other students might be outraged if they heard about it.

Answer: Snape would never actually poison, kill, or otherwise harm any student's pet. He was just being his usual unpleasant self to Neville and any other student not from his own school house (Slytherin). If any Hogwarts teacher actually did something like that, they would be likely be dismissed.


Question: I can recognize Fjord horses when I see them, but I can't tell what breed of horses are pulling the ice sleds at the beginning of the film. All I can guess though is that they're draft horses. Can someone please identify what exact breed of horses are pulling the ice sleds?

Answer: In the script, when the horses come, it says: "Massive fjord horses drag heavy ice plows."

Question: How did they change the Freedom's landing gear from skids to wheels after taking off from the asteroid and landing on Earth?

Answer: They probably had two different sets of landing gear to fit the terrain they would land on. It would have to be withdrawn into the body of the aircraft so could have been changed from inside.

Quantom X

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