
Lt. Frank Bullitt (Steve McQueen) is called on by D.A. to protect a star witness in a case that he hopes will take him into politics. The subject is a Johnny Ross, a mob accountant who mad off with a load of money and sought protection from the law. Bullitt puts Ross up in a hotel until the hearing, and puts several police on rotating guard. In the middle of the night, two assassins make their way into the room, kill Ross, and wound several officers. Worried that his career is ruined, the D.A. hopes to make an example out of Bullitt, even while Bullitt realizes there's more to this case then what appears to be.

Matt P.

Other mistake: During the big chase scene, a car hits a camera right after it passes a blue '68 GTO.

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Trivia: In the restaurant scene near the beginning of the film, the actor playing the waiter accidentally flips the corner of the menu in Steve McQueen's eye, but it was left in the finished film.

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Question: Just after (the real) Ross has been shot at the airport, you hear the babble of bystanders' voices. At one point you apparently hear this exchange: Person 1: "I heard he shot someone" Person 2: "He's a c**t, that's what he is". Is this part of the script, a mischievous foul-mouthed extra or my bad hearing?

Answer: The line is "He's a cop..."


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