Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Suckers - S4-E13

Question: After finding out that Ty was committing insurance fraud, why did Grissom walk away instead of arresting him?

Answer: He doesn't have the authority to arrest him - when anyone is arrested in the show, a police officer does it. Also he tells Ty that he is going to be submitting his case findings to Ty's insurance company, who would no doubt contact the IRS, who then would have him arrested for fraud etc.

Question: How did the phone booths, the trolley, and the vending machines end up in the digiworld?

Answer: This happened in the TV show. We are never told as to how they got there but in the last episode Gennai asks them if they could return the streetcar to San Francisco for him. So my guess is that people like Gennai left the items there.

Question: So who turned out to be A. Friend? I just got lost on that issue. (04:53:00)

Answer: It's a little confusing. Stephanie Kaplan, who was promoted to replace Meredith at the end of the film, had a son named Spencer. Spencer worked as a research assistant to a Professor Arthur Friend (A. Friend) at the University of Washington. Stephanie was feeding clues to Tom via her son, who had access to Prof. Friend's computer and email account. Prof. Friend was supposedly on a leave of absence and unaware his email was being used.


Question: What kind of fruit was it with the juice inside which Rafiki cracks open at the beginning, and near the middle of the movie when he discovers that Simba is alive?


Answer: It's suppose to be the fruit of the Baobab tree. Although there's no seeds in it when he cracks it open.


Question: Before Scar 'betrays' the hyenas by saying that they were the real enemy, (Shenzi, Banzai and Ed are shown to have overheard), what were they doing up there in the first place before they overheard Scar?


Answer: They were probably going to help Scar defeat Simba by jumping on him since he couldn't see them but after overhearing what Scar said decided to kill him. It's really speculation but, that's just one of many different possibilities.

Question: In an interview sometime after the release of Goblet of Fire but before Order of the Phoenix, J.K. Rowling mentioned Mr. Weasley's flying car as one of several familiar "characters" from Books 1-4 who were slated to make a reappearance in Books 5-7 (along with Lupin, Dobby, Aragog, Crookshanks, and others, I believe). Obviously, that did not come to pass, but does anyone know if she's ever clarified which scene in which book the car was originally intended to appear in? I've always assumed that it would have been used to fly to the Ministry in OotP in place of the Thestrals (since it was right there in the Forest after all), but it's also possible it was originally meant to play some role in the Seven Potters chase/battle in DH. Has anyone heard anything about this?

Play with Fire - S3-E22

Question: Why would Catherine take the blame for the lab explosion? If anyone was to blame it was Hodges. Since he accidentally turned on the hot plate and even admits that sometimes it gets switched on by others accidentally, if he had bothered to make sure he didn't switch it on before leaving the room, the explosion never would have happened.

Question: When Marty suggests (in 1985A) that they go back to 2015 to stop Old Biff from taking the almanac in the first place, Doc says no because it'll be 2015A instead. When Old Biff went from 2015 to 1955 to give himself the almanac, when he came back to 2015 again, it was still the same one he left because Marty and Doc are just getting Jennifer out of the new McFly house when he returns. So what's the difference? If Biff can go from 1955 to 2015, without it becoming 2015A, then why can't Marty and Doc do it from 1985A?

Answer: There is a deleted scene on the DVD that answers this. You will notice that when Biff returns to 2015 it appears as if he is dying, on the deleted scene when Marty and Doc leave 2015 you see Biff vanish which suggests the "ripple effect" of Biff giving the Almanac to his younger self places everyone in an Alternate 2015 which Biff is no alive to see so is erased from existence. I have seen somewhere a suggestion Biff was shot in 1996, chances are with Biff gone by 2015 Hill Valley may have been a more peaceful city again. Hilldale was a run down suburb in the original 2015 and could have been the same in an Alternate 2015, we never saw inside any houses at that point to answer where Marty may have lived in an Alternative 2015 but perhaps in Switzerland.

Answer: The implication is that Biff returned to 2015 before the consequences of his younger self's actions took effect. Biff would have returned to 2015 immediately, as he wouldn't want to risk Marty and Doc discovering that he had stolen the DeLorean. By the time Marty and Doc travel back to 1985, the consequences of Biff's actions have solidified.


True, because young Biff from 1955 has to wait for his 21st birthday in 1958 to legally gamble, as explained by the newspaper Doc and Marty inspect in the bad alternative of 1985.

Answer: The reason Biff arrives like that is because Lorraine found out that he murdered George and shot him.

Where did you get that from please?


If you have the DVD or Blu-Ray, watch the deleted scene of Biff vanishing and turn the commentary on. Bob Gale confirms that Lorraine had discovered that Biff murdered George and kills Biff in retaliation.

That info is reported to be from the audio commentary to a deleted scene, published on the official DVD. Since the scene has been filmed, it might even be considered canonical (as opposed to ideas from the drafting stage of the script which, ultimately, were abandoned).

Are those tidbits of information, such as this DVD commentary track, considered canonical?

Question: What happened to Harry and Marv's "Oh Kay Plumbing Van" from the 1st film?

Answer: More than likely, it was impounded by the police when they were arrested, as evidence of their crime spree.

Cubs Fan

Question: During the opening dialogue, it is explained that Carnaby's plane was brought down after a raid on Nuremberg. Later in the same scene, it is explained that he was on his way to Egypt when his plane was shot down. Which one was it?

Answer: The way I interpret it is that "following" the raid on Nuremberg, the plane was then on its way to Egypt when it was shot down by the Germans, prompting the mission to rescue Carnaby.


The "saturation bombing of Nuremberg" was a separate raid which should have lured all the fighters away from the Austrian border. The "General's" plane, on its way to Crete, was shot down by a roving Messerschmitt.

Answer: It is never explained and is considered by many to be a major flaw in the film. Presumably Satan wanted to torture Jericho, he definitely seemed to enjoy tormenting him throughout the film.


Answer: It's not explained why he didn't kill him then. Any answer is speculative, but the obvious one is that Jericho is the main protagonist in the story and the plot needs to be allowed to play out in a contrived way to provide a satisfying conclusion. Abruptly killing off the character would end the story.


Question: When John was healing Melinda, why did the house shake so violently but, when John healed Paul and Mr. Jingles, the Green Mile didn't shake at all?

Answer: Possibly because of the power required to heal her tumor being greater than what is required to remove a bladder infection.

Answer: Also, the Green Mile is brick and iron, the house Coffey healed Melinda in was just a wood house in 1935. Not as stable, in the Mile the lights got brighter or exploded when he used his powers. But the house doesn't have that much electricity and all that power had nowhere else to go so it shook the house, but that's just my opinion though.

Question: What type of insects fly out of John's mouth after he heals somebody?

Answer: They are said to be flies, representing the evil leaving him Eg.Satan is often referred to as 'the lord of the flies'.

Answer: They aren't insects. They represent the evil leaving him.

Question: Mother Gothel chains Flynn to the post and says it is to keep him from following her and Rapunzel after Rapunzel heals him. My question is how was Flynn supposed to escape the chains when they were gone? Was he just supposed to starve to death?

Answer: Presumably, Rapunzel hoped that by reviving Flynn (Eugene) and leaving him behind, he would at least have a chance to eventually be found and released. Otherwise, he was most certainly dead.


Thanks. :D.

Question: Does Uncle Ben exist in this universe? I ask cause he's not mentioned by name but I thought I recognized him being referenced.


Answer: According to the writer of the film, yes Uncle Ben existed in this universe. When Peter mentions that Aunt May has "been through a lot lately" that was supposed to be a subtle hint at Ben Parker's recent death.


Answer: The trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home shows Peter using an old suitcase with the initials "BFP", most likely standing for Benjamin Franklin Parker. While not directly referenced in this film, the sequel may well clarify the situation.

Jon Sandys

Answer: Dodge shot Ferriman, believing him to be dead. Ferriman was not dead, and he then killed Dodge. Ferriman then morphed into Dodge's form.


Question: When Ant-Man is traveling through the pipes, he reaches an intersection where ants hang down for him to grab and go up. How did those ants get ahead of him, and why didn't he just do what they did to get to that point?

Answer: The ants come from everywhere, they just came from the other side.


Question: When Will convinces Mark to hold off leaving town so he can go save Lori, Mark says "OK, but if you're not here by morning, I'm outta here." Just wondering how Mark was going to leave town (if he survived the night and Will didn't make it back) since Will had his vehicle?


Answer: He could choose to either hitchhike or get someone to take him to the next town.

Answer: Mark could have hiked on out of town. Or he could have bicycled. Or got a bus. Or a cab.


Answer: The town has said no-one comes in, and no-one leaves (which how do some of the character get to crystal lake which is in the movie mistakes as a plot hole) how could he leave?


Show generally

Question: This is a question for the XYZ series. I can't figure out if Alain is a good guy or a bad guy. He acts like he is good but I am not so sure if he really is. Can anyone tell me if he is good or bad?

Answer: He is a good guy but just found himself in a bad situation when he worked for Lysander. He didn't want him to harm Ash and his Pokémon when he was trying to get the special bond between Ash and his Greninja to work. He does leave Lysander and go back to being a good person.

Question: What is the story behind Grizabella? Why do the other cats seem to hate her and shun her?

Answer: It's a bit vague, but when Grizabella was young, she left the other Jellicle cats, turning her back on them to live another life, thinking she was more glamorous than the others. Now that she is older and has fallen on hard times, she returns, wanting to rejoin the tribe. The other cats are resentful that she considered herself better than them, and they are put off by her shabby appearance, so do not want her back.


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