Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

James Bond Special: Part 1 - S6-E1

Question: Couldn't Adam, and Jamie have made ten magnets with the same diameter, but much longer than the other ten circular magnets they used? Those type of magnets would be able to contain a lot more energy, and generate more pull than the circular ones they used.

Answer: Maybe so, However as is shown on the show, they often mess up or make silly errors.


So, why don't they try to make stronger magnets?

Sometimes budget or recording schedule doesn't allow.


Answer: The implication is that the cure was ineffective. Magneto has full control of his powers by the time we see him in the mid-credits scene of "The Wolverine." Rogue, who also received the cure in this film, has her powers back in the extended edition of "X-Men: Days of Future Past," which takes place in the same timeline as this film up until the very end of it.


Answer: The cure is only temporary. The Rogue Cut of X-Men: Days of Future Past makes this explicitly clear as Rogue has also regained her powers after taking the cure.


Question: Why was Toulouse crying at the end of the Elephant Love Medley? If I am correct he was sitting on a balcony eating and drinking when singing the words "How wonderful life is, now you're in the world." Is it just that he is happy about his dream of finally getting the Bohemian Play? Is it a potential that he is in love with Christian or Satine. Another possibility is that he just happy seeing Christian in love, since Christian previously stated that he had never been in love before?

Answer: The way I saw it, that was Toulouse in present day singing, after the death of Satine etc.

He's a funny little man who is lonely himself. All he has is his bottle when everything is all said and done. He has nobody.

Answer: Maybe it's sort of a foreshadowing.

Question: Throughout the course of the movie, why is Ian so obsessed with making money off the Chipmunks? After all, he lives in a mansion, has an outdoor pool, a nice car, and a group of house servants, and if he has enough money to afford that many extra toys for the Chipmunks when they arrive, any extra diamond or ring shouldn't be a problem for him.

Answer: Ian is a greedy "business man", no matter how much money he has he will always want more.

Question: Does anyone how many times they had to retake the scene where Gary Busey asks Tommy Lee Jones if he looks like he needed a psychiatrist? Tommy Lee looks so serious when he says "not at all." I just can't see him doing that part and still keeping a straight face. Are there any outtakes or bloopers from the film?


Answer: Think the fact that Strannix looks at Krill with a straight face actually added humor to the scene.

Answer: Also, the more times the scene is practiced or additional takes, the less funny it is to the actors. So, it would be easy by the time of filming for Strannix to not laugh. Just like if you have seen a classic comedy TV show, the audience is always laughing because it's generally their first time seeing the scene when filmed. But you as a viewer, seeing the show a hundred times over the years, do not laugh because you have seen it so many times. That, to YOU, it's not funny anymore. Same rules apply here for the actors while filming.

Question: How did Trigger accidentally fire his crossbow simply by patting it?

Answer: It's called a hair trigger, when a weapon of any kind can go off with the wrong kind of knock, very sensitive to touch.

Answer: There are two possibilities. Roman crossbows from medieval times, used throughout Europe, used a rolling nut trigger system. This is different than a modern day crossbow with a pistol trigger. The trigger, which looks like a lever, sits in a notch on the nut. Through use, this notch could have been worn down so that the crossbow misfired when he hit it on the side; because the nut was allowed to spin, releasing the bowstring. The other possibility is when he hits the side of the crossbow, it almost looks like the trigger hits his belly, and since there's no trigger guard, it fires.


Answer: Either he figured it out on his own or Sir Hiss told him.

How would Sir Hiss know that it was Robin Hood who robbed the royal?

Question: In the missile scene, the missile goes head on with the jet, and Stackhouse almost dodges it. Wouldn't Stackhouse have had no time to react given how fast missiles are?

Answer: By judging the times correctly he would have stood a chance of dodging it. Albeit a very slim chance.


Question: What were the Serbians' motives for killing the citizens in Bosnia? Why did they hate them?

Answer: It was primarily religious and cultural difference. Serbians are primarily Orthodox Christian, Croatians are mostly Catholic, and Bosnians are majority Muslim.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Shouldn't Piquet have been punished for his bad attitude towards rescue missions, and for only caring about the peace treaty?

Answer: It's a matter of perspective. Piquet was interested in keeping the peace treaty, and therefore saving thousands of lives, more than he was interested in the two pilots.

Greg Dwyer

Why does piquet think sending a rescue a rescue mission would cause the peace treaty to collapse? The US military has sent hundreds of rescue missions, and not one of them has ever caused a peace treaty to collapse.

Question: Why didn't the guys being interrogated in the hotel just tell the cops about the toy gun that was used? 4 of them knew that it was that gun that was shot out the window and another 4 knew that the gun existed, but they all choose not to mention it. Any reason?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: I think at 1st they didn't want to answer as they don't talk to police, but as it went on their lie just got bigger and the hole they were digging got so big they could not get out. They also figured the police would not believe it was fake and they would be in loads of trouble if they admitted there was any kind of gun. They call it a toy gun, but it is not really a toy as it's a starter gun.

Adam Busuttil

Answer: No.

Is David Tapp still alive?

In the film or video game?

Answer: No, his decomposed corpse is shown in the second film.

Answer: We don't find out in Saw, but Saw II shows his deceased corpse, and flashbacks in Saw III reveal that Amanda went to the bathroom to put him out of his misery, to spare him a long death.

Answer: No, he was suffocated by Amanda Young in a flashback in Saw III, sometime between the events of the end of Saw and the beginning of Saw II.

Answer: No he didn't survive however he was mercy killed by Amanda Young.


"Mercy killed"? I don't get that part.

Death by dehydration or starvation is pure agony. Suffocation, while brutal and terrifying, is nowhere near as protracted. Hence, merciful.

Amanda, feeling sorry for Adam who is locked in the basement to die of his wound, hunger or thirst (whichever happens first), goes back to kill him by suffocating him. This is so he no longer has to suffer a long slow and painful death. She took mercy on his situation. Hence the phrase, mercy killing.


Question: Questions about Sandman's theme: Does anybody know its background? Also where is a good place to look for similar ones? It sounds like a combination of the theme for Dell Frye's creature and Godzilla 1998's theme.

Answer: The theme was composed by Christopher Young, who took over from Danny Elfman to compose the score for the film. As for looking for similar tracks, I'd recommend checking sites like Amazon and Spotify and looking for motion picture scores (not soundtracks, scores) for moves like this and other superhero films or films with monsters. There's really nowhere to look for tracks specifically like this, but I'd say just look around and start listening to film scores. There's a lot of really great ones out there.

Question: If Bellwether's plan was to make predators go savage, why did she use the serum on Mr. Otterton instead of using it on Manchas who was a predator?

Answer: Otters are carnivorous and are therefore predators. They mostly prey on fish but also eat other aquatic animals such as frogs, crayfish, and crabs.


Question: Why does the lady in the post office where Johnny Depp got his UPS package acts strangely when she sees him (I assume he was shooter in this moment) once again in the grocery? The lady tried to flirt with him before. I didn't get why suddenly she's too uncomfortable with him in that scene.

John Edther

Answer: The woman was afraid of him because by that time, it was pretty well-known in the town that Mort was suspected of having murdered his missing ex-wife, Amy, and her fiance, Ted (and also Tom Greenleaf and Ken Karsch), but it had not yet been proven.


Question: Why does Bourne check into the hotel and leave his passport when that would only attract the police, and all he wanted to do was check out room 645?

Answer: He wanted to bring Landy there so she realises that Neski was murdered by Treadstone. You see Abbot figuring this and running back to his hotel.

Answer: Bourne was a bit disoriented and distracted from the flashbacks, so he may not have been thinking as as usual. When he entered the lobby, the clerk immediately asked if he needed help, so he probably figured checking in was the least suspicious way to get to the room. He also didn't pick up any recognition or suspicion from the staff, as the police notice didn't arrive until after he had gone upstairs.


Question: Why didn't Bryan just guide Kim out onto the balcony/window edge of the bathroom (like he did when he got to the apartment later after she and Amanda had been kidnapped) and to safety instead of letting her be taken?

Answer: Even if Kim had gone out on the balcony/ledge, she'd still be found and taken by the kidnappers or else she'd fall one storey down and be killed or seriously injured. Bryan knew that.


Answer: The kidnappers would've heard the window open or seen her come out (as they were directly in-front of the bathroom) Also, you've got to note that Bryan was in the secret service and had learned skills that were extraordinary as well as gained strength and know how to cope with situations (like not get panicked), if she did prevent the kidnappers from; seeing her or hearing her, most probably, she would've; 1. Either fell because she couldn't keep her balance 2. Fell because was was hurriedly trying to get out.

Question: What kind of machine guns were the terrorists using against Tony's Mark 1 armor?

Answer: According to the Internet Movie Firearms Database, the Ten Rings insurgents are armed with several Heckler and Koch weapons including the UMP45, G26KV, G26C and a G36K with an AG36 grenade launcher.


Question: Why is Kate Libby doing administrative work for the school, such as handling transfer forms?

Answer: Some schools have been known to get students to do some administrative work for them as work experience.


Answer: When I was in Jr. High even (6th-8th grade) they had classes titled "Office Aid" and all you did was literally help out the secretary's when they need it, otherwise you just sit on your ass and talk to people as they come in and out of the office. Or if you had a superior who was awesome, like I did, (the vice principal for my last name was basically on a first name basis with me haha) they would let you pretty much just roam the halls and walk around all you want as long as you don't have any teachers get mad at you for anything. It was definitely a very sought after class when I was in school.

Answer: Miyagi was not going to help Daniel train for the upcoming tournament just for Daniel to win a trophy. He felt karate should be used for defence in real-life situations only. Daniel was being secretly trained by Terry Silver, who was actually trying to hurt Daniel and brainwash him to be against Miyagi's ways of Karate. This all caused the anger Daniel had for Miyagi throughout many scenes as he simply felt Miyagi was not helping him.

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