Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

The Tale of the Virtual Pets - S6-E4

Question: When Kate first sees her friends Isabel and Tom both trapped in the handhelds, Why did she ignore the other two also trapped in it as well? She never talked to them the whole scene.


Question: After the rex attacks the trailer, Eddie arrives and the first thing Ian asks is where Kelly is. Eddie's response is "She's in the high hide." We see that it is lifted and lowered using the winch on the Mercedes car. They took two cars and the trailers to the island, one car is the one Nick and Sarah used to take the baby rex back to the trailer (and is later knocked over the cliff). The other car is the one that WAS powering the hide. How can Kelly still be in the high hide if Eddie uses that car to try and pull the trailers back up?

Answer: He probably went down the same way Malcolm did and somehow locked the hide into position so he could detach it and use the jeep. Without a winch it only could not go up or down again. Later the other people got her out of the hide using the same type of winch.

Question: What is the song when Evan is in the lecture room talking with his professor and then he rides his bike to his dorm? Not the Ap2, but it sounds like an electric guitar with distortion and an acoustic guitar.

Answer: The Shazam app on my phone didn't recognize it, so it is probably just some nameless incidental music composed for the movie.


Hear You Me, performed by Jimmy Eat World.

Question: As we learned later that Lt Einhorn killed Roger Podactor, how did Einhorn get out of the big apartment after murdering him without being seen? The manager who is at the crime scene doesn't seem to recognize her.


Answer: The old lady said that she heard a scream and called the police. That could easily leave several minutes when she could escape through a back exit or merely hide in the building until after other police get there and said she just arrived. There is no reason to assume that the manager knows everyone who comes into the building, especially if she had only been there a few times.


Question: Just before Ferris makes it into his house, Ed Rooney appears and finally catches Ferris. Just as he's about to lay into Ferris, Jeanie appears and covers for him. As soon as Ferris gets in the house, Jeanie shows Ed Rooney his wallet and mentions that she found it on the floor causing him to be shocked. After being chased off by the dog, why did Rooney simply give up?

Answer: Rooney had gotten so carried away with trying to catch Ferris skipping school, that he illegally entered the Bueller house. Jeannie found his wallet and had proof that he had trespassed, an act that could get him arrested and fired from his job. She is blackmailing him to leave. He knew he'd lost and left.


Question: When they were about to blow up the one guy's car but wouldn't because his wife and kids got in it, I was wonder what kind of car was that the target was in?

Quantom X

Answer: '72 Citroen DS 21.

Whirlpool - S6-E3

Question: Why did the police officers shoot Rolanda after she got out of the elevator when she hollered "No!" at them and wasn't going to do anything?


Question: Why do they look into the scope soon as it starts to rise? The view part would still be in the water.

Answer: A good submarine skipper ensure he always has a low periscope profile, as it's easily seen when out of the water too much. That's why he looks through the scope even while underwater, so the scope is only just out of the water.


Answer: It was probably a deliberate mistake by the filmmakers to keep the action and plot moving quickly, rather than realistically waiting for the periscope to be fully out of the water.


Answer: DJ ratted them out, told the First Order their entire plan and to look for the little ships.

Quantom X

Question: This is about the assembly cut. Why does Dillon go from not caring if the company gets the alien to wanting to kill it, despite the rescue team being only a few hours away?

Sam Montgomery

Answer: Ripley tells the prisoners after the disastrous attempt to lock it in the nuclear waste tank, that when the "rescue team" arrives, they will likely kill everyone and take the xenomorph back. This prompts everyone to attempt to kill the creature, as everyone is going to die anyways, why not try?

Question: What happened to the binoculars Le Biche was holding on to?

Answer: This appears to be continuity or editing mistake where the binoculars suddenly disappear.


Question: Finn told the guy that the medallion meant a lot to Rose, but she never mentioned it to him. Why does the medallion mean so much to her?


Answer: The medallion is identical to one that her sister, Paige, wore. Paige served aboard a resistance space ship and sacrificed herself to release bombs that destroyed one of the First Order's dreadnought ships.


Answer: His final speaking role was in "Realty Bites," but his actual final appearance was in "A Tale of Two Springfields," where he can briefly be seen trying to climb over the wall of garbage.


Question: Why didn't Javed like the sandwich Jamal made for him?

Answer: The film does not explain, but O-ren's parents must have been involved in some sort of shady business dealings to have incurred the wrath of Matsumoto. When he is killed, O-ren's father is wearing the uniform of a United States Army Sergeant Major (pay grade E-9), which is the top rank of an enlisted man. He must have been working with Matsumoto in some sort of illegal smuggling ring that involved international connections through the U.S. Army that went bad, or maybe O-ren's father wanted more money and he was in the way, etc.


Question: Did the boy shoot the wolf? Or the horse?

Answer: He tried to shoot the wolf but he missed.


Answer: Spider-Man's powers are part of his DNA, so since the symbiote bonded with him, it was able to absorb Spidey's DNA into itself.


Question: When Damien killed Mark, he screamed and started to cry. Was he truly upset that he killed him, or was he putting on a show for his aunt and uncle?

Answer: Damien is still very conflicted, having thought of himself as a regular boy his entire life. While he is slowly embracing his nature, he hasn't lost his emotions, and he's crying because he's actually sad that he had to kill his friend.

Answer: He was truly upset, as he had not come to terms with being the Antichrist yet.

Jukka Nurmi

Question: I was watching the documentary on the trilogy. What exactly does Robert Zemeckis mean by "the ending with them going to the future was a joke?" What exactly is so funny about Marty and Jennifer going to the future and helping out their future kids from getting into trouble?

Answer: The original film was not written with sequels in mind. The sequels were only created after the overwhelming box office success and popularity of the first film. The ending is a "joke" because of how much more absurd the story has become, and the fact the audience doesn't actually see the future. Of course the joke is ruined somewhat because sequels were eventually produced and we did actually see the future, Marty and Jennifer as older adults, and their kids. When viewed in the context of a stand-alone film (and in the four years audiences had to wait until the sequel was released) this ending was indeed quite funny at the time.


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