Question: How did the morgue director put the explosives in the casket? I thought only Kyle knew the combination.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: The holiday cabin that's built over the well looks 50 years old, but Samara's dad hasn't aged that much since her death, and we're shown her mom pushing her down the well. This makes no sense at all time wise - if she was pushed down the well and the cabin was built on top shouldn't the cabin look almost new?
Answer: A poorly maintained cabin, especially with extensive weather damaged would be difficult to age. The only real clues to its age would be subtle clues, like outdated electrical sockets and their placement, that changed over time. Additionally, a poorly constructed cabin wouldn't age as well. You can find 50+ year old homes that look new and newer homes that look 50+ years old.
Simpsons Already Did It - S6-E7
Question: Butters/Professor Chaos suggests creating a website and posting secrets about everyone in the town. General Disarray says that "The Simpsons" already did it. What episode of "The Simpsons" was this?
Answer: S12e06 "The Computer Wore Menace Shoes." Homer creates his own webpage using the name "Mister X" and eventually begins posting rumors he overhears about others on his webpage (which turned out to be actual secrets, getting the townspeople into trouble). Incidentally, this Simpson's episode parodied "The Prisoner" in the 3rd act, which goes along with what Chef says that the Simpsons also reuse other people's ideas.
Answer: A teaching hospital is a type of hospital, but it would be somewhat similar to a general hospital since they're not specialized in one area. Besides the ER, surgery, and ICU, the hospital contains various other departments, including a psychiatry department.
Answer: It would be considered a non-profit hospital run as a charity. It's also affiliated with a medical school and is a teaching hospital, although which college it is affiliated was never mentioned.
I meant does he work in mental hospital, or a general hospital.
Question: Why would the airport not x-ray a casket? Did the morgue director order them not to?
Answer: Often times cargo, such as the casket, are sent by "known shippers" and it's the known shippers that were responsible for screening. So the airport would not x-ray cargo that was already deemed secured (i.e. safe).
Question: After Toomes says to Peter "Really? Stark?" Did Liz say "so cool"?
Answer: Yes, we hear Liz say, "So cool" but since she's sitting behind Adrian we don't actually see her saying it.
Question: They take a bunch of fireflies and put them in a jar with a lid to use it as a lamp, is this really possible? How many of them would be needed?
Answer: First, you'd have to figure out how much light production you would qualify as being sufficient to consider the fireflies in a jar a "lamp." Lights are often rated in footcandle, lumens, or lux. Without getting into what all that means, you could probably hike a path in the dark with just 25 lumens, which is a little less than 2.5 footcandles. (By comparison, a bedroom may have 20-50 footcandles but an outdoor parking area may only have 1-5 footcandles and street lighting may be 1-3 footcandles). With that in mind, it also depends on the species. The most common firefly in the US produces 1/40 a candle. So 40 fireflies for 1 footcandle and 100 to have a "lamp" to hike with. It should also be noted males light every 5 seconds and females light ever 2 seconds, so you would need more if they're not all lighting up at once.
Question: Why did Mariko's father hit her the night Yashida faked his death?
Answer: Shingen is angry that his father left the company to Mariko instead of himself. He believes Mariko somehow manipulated her grandfather and is unworthy of the honor.
Question: Mariko said to Yukio that she could not tell her something now, on the night Yashida faked his death - what could she not tell her?
Answer: Yes, She didn't want anyone else to hear about it until the will was announced 3 days after Yoshida's death.
Question: Yukio said that it was always difficult for Mariko to make friends, but why?
Answer: It isn't really explained, however Mariko is distant and depressed. Presumably she has always been so.
Question: When the toys run into Zurg at the elevator, why is Zurg targeting only the belted Buzz instead of Andy's Buzz, too?
Answer: Having only one blaster, it would be hard to target both Buzzes at the same time. Since the anti-gravity belt Buzz was in front, he targets him. It's reasonable to think he may go after the second Buzz after he defeats the first.
Question: How come the velociraptors became so friendly when helping with chasing down the Indominus Rex, when earlier in the movie Owen nearly got killed by them if it wasn't for the gate that separated them?
Answer: It shows that they can never be fully trained or domesticated and their behavior is unpredictable according to the circumstances they're in. Owen was nearly killed at the beginning because the raptors had become overly excited by chasing the pig and then after the helper guy fell into the enclosure. This was out of the normal routine for them, and they immediately went into hunting mode with anyone becoming prey. Owen was barely able to control the situation. Later, Owen was able to re-established his alpha role, and the raptors were focused on the T-rex. Even then, Owen could barely control them, and they probably would have attacked him and the others if the T-rex had not re-appeared.
Question: Do all Slytherin students have parents in league with Voldemort? Basically, what I'm asking is if all the parents of the Slytherin students are Death Eaters?
Question: Why was the AT-AT walker on Endor not used in the battle of Endor?
Answer: The AT-AT walkers were too large to be practical in the dense forest, unlike on Hoth in the previous film, which was largely barren and thus better suited for the use of the AT-AT walkers.
Question: What differences are there between the original SNES version and the GBA remake?
Answer: The snes had better sound quality and more variety of music, but the GBA has brighter graphics and deeper colors. The GBA added a few more mini-games plus Karozene, and you can save at any time. But Diddy can't do continuous cartwheels on GBA. Most people who like the game still prefer the snes version.
Question: Am I missing something? How is it possible for McPherson to fall in love with Laura?
Answer: While investigating her supposed murder, McPherson interviews many people who knew Laura and gave their personal accounts about her. The more McPherson learns about the beautiful woman, the more intrigued he becomes, eventually almost to the point of obsession. He was more infatuated and physically attracted than actually being in love with her.
Question: Is Fiona Shaw possessed by the child? The way she looks at the camera made me think of that.
Question: What caused the oxygen tank to overheat that led to the explosion?
Answer: In real life, there were a number of incidents that ended up damaging the number 2 oxygen tank, which was then installed in Apollo 13, without anyone realizing there was a dangerous problem. Exposed fan wires inside the tank caught the teflon lining of the tank on fire when the power fans were turned on for the third time. The following website explains the pre-flight issues that damaged the tank as well as the chain reaction of events after the fire.
Question: Why are the officers wearing dress blues in the beginning of the movie? The replacement commander of the 110th has a chest full of ribbons...The black military police officer at the command center. Everyday military officers would be wearing Class A's or fatigues.
Answer: Although it's technically a mistake, it is common in films to show military officers in dress uniforms with medals and ribbons to show that particular soldiers are important. A layperson may not know military uniform protocols but they can certainly tell that dress uniforms with a lot of medals signifies high rank at a glance.
Question: In Child's Play 1,2 and 3, we learn that Chucky bleeds once he is human, so why would not the cops notice blood on the ground or wherever Chucky met his demise, test the blood and verify that it belongs to Charles Lee Ray, hence confirming Andy's and his mother's story?
Answer: The police would be very skeptical that a serial killer could transfer his soul into a child's toy. Even though in the first movie Detective Logan and his partner finally believed it, in the second movie it was stated that the police denied everything. Even though several people did survive Chucky's rampage, it could easily be chalked up to an overactive imagination brought on by severe psychological trauma.
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Answer: He would have planted the explosives into the casket before the body was put in it and when Kyle was not present. Being that he was the mortician, he would have access to the body and the casket to prepare it for transport back to the USA.
raywest ★
Are you saying since he was the morgue, he would have had the code as well as Kyle?
I believe Kyle also left the casket open after saying her final goodbyes. The morgue director could have planted the bombs and detonator at that time.