Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What did John said to the spider Smith after he said, "Remember the Proteus," and what did he mean by that?

Answer: He meant (as he says shortly after) that the spiders on the Proteus (that infected Smith) eat their dead/wounded, so when spider Smith's egg-sack is ruptured, the babies eat him.


Question: I don't understand why Spock insists that the magnetic boots must be on the Enterprise and not on the cloaked bird of prey. Spock points out that someone involved in the assassination conspiracy must be on the Enterprise, because this person must have altered the data banks. I agree with him. But why does that prove that the assassins who boarded the Klingon ship must have beamed from and returned to the Enterprise? How can he assume that the assassins and the computer hacker are the same person/people? Maybe there are assassins on the cloaked bird of prey and only a hacker on the Enterprise. Or, maybe the assassins might have beamed from the Enterprise but then carried on to the bird of prey, once their work was done, instead of returning to the Enterprise. And finally, if Spock does think the assassins beamed to and from the Enterprise, why is no one looking at transporter logs/records for evidence of unauthorized beaming to Kronos 1?

Answer: It's fairly simple - somebody good enough to hack the weaponry databanks on the ship would undoubtedly be able to alter the transporter logs, so, while they were undoubtedly checked (we do see Chekov investigating the transporters - he would certainly have looked at the logs), they'd be unlikely to glean anything from them. They'd also be good enough to cover their tracks, so they're not going to get very far investigating the computer breach. As such, the only specific thing that they can look for are the gravity boots - this does make the assumption that the assassins came from the Enterprise and returned to it, but, at that point, all they have to work with are theories. However, while the only specific items that they can look for are the gravity boots, the search might also turn up other items that could indicate complicity in the events on Kronos 1 - the hacker probably used some specific computer tools which could be found.


Answer: Also, as mentioned in the movie, gravity had not yet been restored to Kronos 1 when the assassins beamed back over. If they had not been wearing the boots, they would've floated off the pad. Spock even says something to the effect of that if they were from enterprise, they couldn't dispose of the evidence. If not, whoever altered the data banks is on board. So what they are looking for is there. (I don't remember the exact wording).

Answer: They found the Klingon Blood on the Enterprise transporter pad. That alone proved that the attackers were from Enterprise.

Answer: It is heavily implied that one who becomes a Force-Ghost achieves an untold level of power upon entering the state. Given that they have become a pure entity of the Force, it seems to back up the statement. Obi-Wan also becomes free to assist Luke in any case.

Darius Angel

In addition to this answer, I think Obi-wan also became powerful because he "let go." He did not feel a need to defeat Vader on this occasion - he was willing to surrender the fight and "move on" to a new state. Something that Vader might not currently understand.

Answer: I agree with Darius Angel's comment. I also think Vader expected a certain sense of satisfaction after defeating his former master. In reality, though, he was still "owned" by the Emperor and was living with the consequences of his choices. Defeating Obi-wan did not change much for him. Obi-wan, however, gained the benefits that Darius Angel mentioned.

Question: Who is Legolas' mother? Is she still alive? They only ever mention his father - Thranduil, King of Mirkwood. Does he have siblings?

Answer: Tolkien never mentions Thranduil's wife, mother to Legolas - whether this is meant to imply that she has died, or gone into the West is an open question. He also never mentions any siblings.


Question: I've seen some different Spiderman-magazines and on some of his costumes they have very large white eyes and some are significantly smaller, more like the costume in the movie. So is there anything that differs between the two costumes? Or is it just that the pictures are from different years or editions?

Answer: The artwork is always altering to some extent, generally based on the artist who's doing the drawing. Peter makes his own costumes, so it's not out of the question that he might make alterations from time to time, which can provide a 'story' reason, but the real answer is just that each artist will have his own interpretation of the character.


Question: When Rome is been destroyed by that superstorm, just after the Colosseum explodes which building is the one that is destroyed by the lightning bolts? (The one with the statue of a knight)

Answer: I believe you are referring to the Vittorio Emanuele Monument. Victor Emmanuel II was the first monarch of Italy in the mid to late 1800's. The monument has also been nicknamed the "typewriter" and the "wedding cake".

Question: On the soundtrack the Argentinian can be heard on the "Because We Can" song. What is he singing? I can't make it out.

Answer: It's Toulouse: "I only speak the truth, I only speak the truth".

Answer: The Argentinian sings "Well, you can bump and grind" - lyrics from the T-Rex song "Children of the Revolution"

Question: During the anime scene, is the sword wielding killer that finally finishes off O-Ren's father supposed to be Bill? Could this be the connection between Bill and O-Ren?

Answer: Bill was behind the killing of O-Ren's parents, we think. It is never clarified.


Question: In the scene where Malfoy is sitting in the great Hall (after the Hippogriff attack when he's cradling his arm), a black-haired girl says something like, "Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" Who is she?

Answer: It is likely that she is Pansy Parkinson, a very unpleasant Slytherin schoolgirl, who tends to join in with Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle when they pick on Harry and co.


Question: At the end of the movie, as Rick, Evie, and Johnathon are leaving Humanatra, we see that Rick's bag is filled with gold from the city. How, where and when did Rick find the time to get some of the gold if him and his friends were fighting for their lives?

Answer: Beni (the bad guy serving the mummy who eventually gets killed by the bugs) can be seen carrying the gold out of the city. He then returns to get more, but can't get out any more. Rick and Evie just take the camel that Beni planned to use for the transport of his gold; they don't bring any gold out of the city themselves.


Question: How much of a difference is there between the David Lynch version of this film and the Allen Smithee one?

Answer: A lot. The Allen Smithee version is nearly twice as long, the intro scene is completely different, narrated by a man and containing stills of artist renditions of events. The version contains many new scenes, additional dialog and extensions of existing scenes and some minor plot changes. The most famous scene only found in the Allen Smithee version is one of the Fremen making the water of life.

Question: What I don't understand is: Dumbledore has the brilliant idea of using the Mirror of Erised to hide the stone in. Yet the mirror is in some room in the castle, where Harry eventually finds it, and not inside the guarded area, where the stone is hidden, until very much later into the movie. Why is that? Even if it was there to teach Harry its secret, it would mean the stone was less efficiently guarded. Or did Dumbledure just get the idea of using the mirror later into the movie ?

Answer: Presumably, Dumbledore came up with his idea after catching Harry in front of the mirror, after he explained the mirror's "power" to Harry. It is safe to assume that the stone was stored in some other magical manner that was less secure before Dumbledore decided to use the mirror.


Question: Was there a deleted scene on what happened to Nick? He seems to disappear and reappear out of nowhere.

Answer: No, there wasn't. I thought so too, but, no. In the original script I read there was, but they took it out for time reasons and never filmed it. Therefore, if it was never filmed, then it is not possible to be a deleted scene.

Question: How did Jenny's mother commit suicide?

Answer: She overdosed on prescription pills.


Question: Did they change the CG Jabba the Hutt's appearance? It looked like he was a lot more green than in the original special edition. If they did, then why? I thought he looked fine in the original.

Answer: Yes, they have altered Jabba a bit - after he appeared in Episode I, they tweaked the model used in the special edition to bring it closer to what we've seen elsewhere.


Question: Did anyone catch what Mac is talking about thrust? Or is she just mumbling?

Answer: The first bit is "Thrust! I went over my calculations, hen, and I figure that the key element we're missing is thrust". Rocky says that he didn't catch a word of it, and Mac replies "Thrust! Other birds like ducks and geese, when they take off, what do they have? Thrust!"


Answer: Mac said, "Thrust! The key element is thrust! Other birds, like ducks and geese, when they take off, what do they have? Thrust!"

Question: In the train scene, they cut to Chris Rock alone and he says something. I think it's "pilgrimage". Is that right or is it something else?

Answer: It's "poopie trim". Ethan Suplee says that line when he is awoken in multiple roles. It originated in Mallrats, and is a reference to an inside joke between director Kevin Smith and script supervisor Carol Banker.

Question: What happened to the family at the end of the TV series?

Answer: Presumably, they're still "Lost In Space." The series ended before a final episode was shot. In the 80's, series creator Irwin Allen considered doing a TV reunion movie with the original cast to bring the Robinson family home, but with the unfortunate passing of Guy Williams, the idea kind of fell to the wayside.

Question: After all of the snow melts, wouldn't it go into the ocean and cause the same disruption as before?

Answer: Who says it's going to melt? The point of the movie is that global warming has upset the ocean currents and triggered a new Ice Age. The snow is going to be there for a long time to come yet - say 10,000 years?

Oscar Bravo

At the end of the movie the astronaut reports that he 'has never seen the air so clear.' Perhaps suggesting that the storm has cleared the air. So maybe it does melt. Also, to create 15 feet of snow on top of 1/2 the world, the air moisture would have to come from somewhere, the oceans. And thus bringing back the pre-storm sea levels when melted.

Maybe it will be there for a long time unless we introduce gases in the northern hemisphere re trapping the heat, and melting the snow.

Question: Was there supposed to be some more of the scene between Carter and Susan after she had killed the third shark?

Answer: I assume you are referring to the scene after Susan killed the second shark (she was killed before the third shark was killed). The comments LL makes to finish that scene do seem a little out of place with what they were talking about but the film does have a number of scenes cut out. Most of the deleted scenes on the DVD deal with character development and dialogue but there is no evidence the scene was cut as the DVD's deleted scenes dont have any extra footage on that scene or alternate dialogue.


Answer: Yes, Susan and Carter actually share a kiss in the original ending. They grew smitten with one another in unreleased deleted scenes leading up to it. The kiss is interrupted by Sherman "Preacher" Dudley clearing his throat, who's still recovering from his wounds. This, of course, was part of the unreleased original ending that was changed at the last minute due to test audiences wanting Susan to die. The footage was never released but there are stills from said kiss and this was how it was scripted to end. Fans started a petition on the Change site asking Warner to release the original ending and even Thomas Jane is promoting it on his Instagram account. But as of now, the ending has yet to be released.

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