Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What is at the bottom of the pit of death? Is it just a flat bottom or are there deadly creatures or sharp stuff at the bottom?

luke skyjogger

Chosen answer: If you are referring to the pit Leonidas kicks the Persian messenger into, it's simply a dry well. There's nothing at the bottom, except what the messenger was after, water and earth.


Answer: In Mr Bean animated there is an episode where you see Mr Bean as a young boy and had the teddy then and he also liked mini cars. There is another Animated episode where Mr Bean discovers a UFO full of people who look just like him and they each have their own individual stuffed toy.


Answer: It's never been revealed.


May be able to find out more on the animated series.


Question: Did just New York get contaminated or did the rest of the world get infected?

Answer: The whole world is infected.


Answer: During the evacuation, it seems that only Manhattan is infected, or if there are infections elsewhere, it is not known by the government yet. Sometime in January 2010, things get worse if you follow the posters in the movie.

Question: After a fellow soldier throws his boots, Robbie walks ahead to retrieve them and discovers a large group of murdered children in, I presume, school or church uniforms. Is this moment based on a real historical event of WWII?


Chosen answer: Not as such. The only systematic massacre of civilians in the Dunkirk campaign was in the Flemish village of Vingkt, where the German 377th Infantry Regiment had fought a fierce battle against the Belgian Chasseurs Ardennais. On 27/28 May 1940, the Germans took revenge on the civilian population and shot some 40 men and boys in the village, including eight elderly men who had sheltered in a convent's cellars. They argued that anyone found in a building the Chasseurs had used was liable for execution. The film exaggerates for dramatic effect - dead schoolboys are more poignant than dead old men - but there is a core of truth in the story.

Question: Is Mr. Arnolds the man that was played by Samuel Jackson? If so, why was he at the power shed?

Jack Kaltenbach

Chosen answer: Yes, he's the same character. He went to the shed to turn the power back on initially, but when he didn't return, and the power didn't come back on, Ellie Sattler then went. She discovered Arnold had been killed by the raptor.

Question: Why is it that the Marines wore red in the first two films, but they wear blue in this one?

Answer: It was done to show how much influence and control the East India Trading company had over the Britsh Navy/Marines in the series. To demonstrate how the East India Trading company "owned" the British naval forces.

Bruce Minnick

Question: I was watching some of the movie on TV. In the scene with Peter's birthday dinner, when Peter says he has been busy, Harry asks "Taking pictures of Spider-man?" instead of "Taking pictures of your friend?", like on the DVD I have. Is there any reason why this was changed?

Answer: Both lines are said in the movie. When Harry first inquires he says "Taking pictures of Spider-Man?" casually. Later in the scene he says "Taking pictures of your friend?" in a rather irritated tone.

Answer: Mrs. Lovett is secretly in love with Todd. However there is no indication he has any romantic feelings for her. He is entirely focused on revenge, much to Mrs. Lovett's disappointment.

Question: When Juno first meets the Lorings, she mentions that she saw them in the Pennysaver, and, suddenly, Vanessa looks very shocked. Why?


Chosen answer: Because she is wealthy and she considers the Pennysaver to be "beneath" her. Their adoption request was submitted to a syndicate and that syndicate printed the request in all of its publications, the Pennysaver being one of them; Vanessa did not choose to appear in the Pennysaver.


Chosen answer: The Buffy episode "Fool For Love", and the Angel episode "Darla".


Question: When Will Smith enters the abandoned apartment looking for survivors, etc., he opens a cupboard to find some Spam. When he opens the cupboard, there is a magazine cover saying "Dogs can come out at dusk". I have two questions. One, why can the dogs come out at dusk and the infected humans can't? And two, when the encounter with Fred occurs, and the dogs are waiting for the strip of light to fade so they can kill Robert, is that the reason why the infected human hiding in the shadows could not come out? Because they cannot come out at dusk?

Answer: The newspaper page says "Infected dogs can come out at dusk. Stay in the light". My guess is that dogs can come out sooner because their physiology is just different. You're absolutely correct that it is the reason the dogs are out and the infected are hiding in the building waiting for the last ray of light to fade. The only reason the newspaper clipping exists is to set up this scene.

Question: Near the beginning of the film, why is Woody so shocked to learn of Andy's birthday party? Shouldn't he have a general idea, if not know outright, when Andy was born?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: If you'll notice, when he tells the other toys, he says that the party has been "moved to today". The other toys then mention that it isn't Andy's birthday yet and Woody says that they were probably trying to have the party before they moved to another house. Woody knows when the birthday is, but the party is not being held on Andy's birthday.


Question: What was the significance of Rex's cameraman being in on the assassination plot?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: It's not stated in the film, but if I had to make an educated guess I'd say his job is to make sure the news channel doesn't get any footage of any of the terrorist agents or the window the shots come from.

Chosen answer: In the TV series, the answer is anything you want it to be since Dracula never appeared again. But, in 2006 (that's 6 years after the episode was broadcast) a serial comic book was released 'Spike vs Dracula' and Angel does indeed know Dracula. But, again, this isn't the TV show, it's a comic book based on the TV show.


Chosen answer: Joyce invited him in offscreen. In a subsequent scene, Joyce mentions to Willow and Tara that she wouldn't normally invite a strange man into the house.

Cubs Fan

Question: In the beginning of the movie we have a Dinosaur. However, later the guys find the rock/sap with the mosquito in it and Hammond say they used the DNA from the mosquito to help with the creation of the dinosaurs. Then how did they have the dinosaur at the beginning of the movie?

Answer: The mining for amber to find dinosaur DNA was an ongoing project. They never created dinosaurs out of the ambered mosquito found in the movie... the dinosaurs in the movie were from other pieces of amber dug up sometime before the movie takes place.

JC Fernandez

Question: Just after Shrek asks, "What kind of quest?" someone in the background appears to be laughing. Who is it and why is he laughing?

Answer: I ran through the DVD three times and after Shrek says, "What kind of quest?", there is NO laughter at all! He says the line, then there is a quick edit to the next scene where Shrek and Donkey are emerging from a sea of sunflowers. There IS a backround noise of a bird; maybe that is what you heard?


Chosen answer: Either a criminal or a prisoner of war. Either way, "who he is" is of little consequence. All that matters is that Bourne killed him without knowing whether or not he deserved to die.


Question: What is the Thousand-Eyed monster's name?

Answer: His name is Ted Paulie.


Question: When the lady get killed in the garage door (I think), is this a parody of "Scream"? So, what happened in the real movie?

Answer: The whole movie is a pardoy of Scream. In Scream, the woman was slimmer and was lifted and killed by the mechanism at the top of the garage.


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