Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Well, if you look very good you can see that they don't wear exactly the same sweater. Ross's sweater has a little V-neck and they are all differently sewed.

Question: I read an interview with Peter Jackson that basically showed him this site and he commented on it. One of the mistakes was the notorious car question and Jackson said "We saw it but we didn't think anyone else could, so we left it in". However, a trivia just posted has stated that in the commentary, he denies knowledge. Did anyone else see that article and/or hear any other reports. I'd hate to think I was losing my mind....


Chosen answer: The article is at You're not losing your mind.

Question: Please explain this line to me: in the hospital talking to the camera, she says, 'Mom still cries when she sees a tilt-o-whirl and a fat lady in a tube top.'

Answer: The girl's father was a carnie (carnival worker), and he left her mother to continue being one. Apparently tilt-o-whirls and fat ladies in tube tops bring back memories.


Question: Was Minas Morgul (originally Minas Ithil by the Gondorians and sister city of Minas Tirith) reclaimed by the Gondorians after the war?

Answer: It's never stated. Assuming that it survived the turmoil of Sauron's destruction, the Gondorians would have taken control. Whether they would allow such a place of evil to continue to stand is an open question.


Question: What happens to Osgiliath after the war? Is the city rebuilt?

Answer: It's not clear what happens. Minas Tirith continues to be the capital of Gondor. It seems likely that Osgiliath would be rebuilt to some extent, but it probably never regained its full glory.


Question: After King Elessar (Aragorn) dies in 120 FA, what exactly happens to Arwen?

Answer: Arwen leaves Gondor after Aragorn's death, now ruled by Eldarion, their son. She travels north, to the now-deserted remains of Lorien, to Cerin Amroth, a grassy mound at the very heart of the realm where she and Aragorn first pledged their love to each other. She passes away there in 121 FA.


Question: During the "woman in the red dress" scene what is the music playing in the background?

Answer: The track is 'Clubbed to Death', the Kurayamino mix, by Rob D.


Question: Does anyone know the name of the ruins that the Fellowship pass on their journey? (a friend told me it was Weathertop revisited - I know that's not it.)

Answer: You're right, it's not Weathertop - looks totally different and completely the wrong direction. The Fellowship are heading south at this point, parallel to the Misty Mountains, so they're most probably in the land of Eregion, which, as a trivia point, is where all the Rings (other than the One Ring) were forged. Eregion and its largely Elven population were destroyed by Sauron during the Second Age, thousands of years prior to the War of the Ring - no placenames from that era are known, and the region is still largely uninhabited. The ruins that they pass are most likely the remains of some sort of outpost - it looks too small to be an actual settlement.


Answer: 1) The woman had a plastic sheet on her hand (which she later removes with tweezers so she would not have to touch it and be infected). When the poisonous side came into contact with skin, it burnt through it and entered the bloodstream, thus poisoning the recipient. 2) We are not told which virus it is but my best guess is that it is the same virus that they are trying to contain in Series 3.

Question: Near the half-hour mark, Gary Oldman pulls out a small box of green-and-yellow pills and takes one. What exactly is it?

Answer: Some kind of (unnamed) drug. Just to show how nasty the DEA agent is.


Question: After the fall of Sauron, Barad-Dur and Mordor as a whole, what was Mordor used as? Did it serve any purpose after the war? For example, did the survivors build a city/buildings?

Answer: It's never stated. It's certainly unlikely that there were any survivors on the plain of Gorgoroth, the north-west part of Mordor where Mount Doom and the fortress of Barad-dur were located. The remainder of Mordor, the more-fertile lowland area called Nurn, where slave-farms produced food for Sauron's armies, probably fared much better, but precisely what happened after Sauron's fall is never mentioned.


Question: I'm unclear about the ending in this film. Was he really Don Juan and the stories he told about his sexual antics are true after all? And was he lying when he said that he really grew up in Queens, etc., just to get out of the hospital?

Jeanne Perrotta

Chosen answer: I think the point is that it doesn't matter. He can be Don Juan if he likes - so can anybody - and who is to tell who someone else really is?

Question: What is A.J. doing when he burns Mark's CD? Why would he ruin his CD, if that's what he's doing?


Chosen answer: He is making sure the CD can't be played anymore because nobody really likes Mark's music.


I never understood that part because they were singing along to the song Mark chose to play.

Question: Why do Anakin and Qui-gon have to cover up the fact that it's Anakin's pod they want him to race? Anakin says, "You could make them think it's yours" (or something like that), and Qui-gon later says that he acquired the pod in a game of chance. Why the deception? What does Watto care, who built the pod?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: As a slave, Anakin is not allowed any possessions of his own. Anything the Skywalkers have, ultimately belongs to Watto, so if Watto discovered Anakin had a pod, he would claim it for himself and maybe have someone else race it. The Jedi, of course, needed Anakin to race, since he was the best pod pilot around (and to test his Jedi capablities).


Answer: Yes. Immediately after the Space Monkeys assault the police commissioner at the banquet, as they walk out the back exit, his pants fall off and he pulls them back up quickly.


Answer: Check out the trivia. It's already in there. (Yes, same swords).


Question: This actually applies on all three films. I'd like to know the font used in the the title sequences at the beginning of each movies which is the one used in "New Line Cinema presents...." and "The Lord of the Rings". (I'm not referring to the one used in the official logo which is "Ring bearer" or "Tolkien".)

Answer: The font used is a variation of the Elvish writing style, in English. Thus it is not available and was probable just made for the production. A good elvish font, if you want that style, is called Tengwar.

Question: In the extended version, The Mouth of Sauron tells the heroes that Frodo is dead and the Ring is on it's way to Barad-Dur. The heroes give up hope but continue to fight in honour of what Frodo has tried to do. But when the Great Eye glows brighter at the Rings destruction, the heroes all look up at it before it explodes and Barad-Dur collapses. Do they think Sauron has reclaimed the Ring or he has been defeated?

Answer: You can't really say what a character is thinking, unless there's a voiceover or something, but, given that they believe that the Ring has been captured, it seems likely that most may well believe that Sauron has reclaimed the Ring. Whatever they actually think, it's clear that something must be happening, hence their attention being drawn. If there is an exception to this, it would be Gandalf - given that he's of the same race as Sauron (lesser Ainur, known as Maiar), and both have powerful magical abilities, it seems possible that Gandalf might be able to sense what has really happened before any actual physical signs became apparent.


Question: I'm not really sure about it, because I realized it only after I went out of the movie theater but I think that when the Bride removed Elle's eye, it's the wrong eye - left eye instead of right eye. am I right?

Answer: Elle's eye patch is always on HER right eye, so Beatrix removed Elle's left eye.


Question: One of the trivia entries states that Ridley Scott prevented any members of the cast from seeing the chestburster until the scene was filmed so their reactions would look more natural. However I've dug up numerous sources (such as IMDB) that says this is not the case and the cast had indeed seen the creature before hand. Which is the correct version of this story?

Answer: The version that I've heard the most often, which seems the most plausible, is that the cast were pretty much aware of what was going to happen - the chestburst effect requires machinery, a fake torso and so forth, so it's a bit daft to imagine that they weren't aware of what was coming. What they weren't expecting was the sheer amount of blood squirted everywhere, so their reactions to being sprayed with blood are, to some extent, natural.


Poor old Lambert got the brunt of it.

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