Question: How did Hagrid know where The Dursleys, and Harry Potter had moved?
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Answer: All underage wizards and witches have a Ministry "trace" on them until they are 17 years old that monitors their activities. Dumbledore would be able to use that to locate Harry and then send Hagrid there.
Also, Harry was no ordinary wizard child because of his connection to Voldemort. As he did not live in the wizard world while growing up, he was vulnerable to harm from the Dark Lord's follower. Extra protections were put on Harry, and he was watched around the clock. His location would always be known.
Question: How did all the colonists get relocated to where the queen is? Do the aliens paralyze them when interacting with them? I can't imagine Hudson going there to be cocooned without struggling.
Answer: In the original script, yes the aliens have a barb at the end of their tails which is used to sting their prey and paralyze them. This was deemed unnecessary, however and the idea was dropped. We are shown an alien grabbing Dietrich and carrying her away and they do indeed just seem to strong-arm their victims and carry them, kicking and screaming the whole way. Bear in mind that a xenomorph is considerably stronger than an average human. It doesn't appear to be any more difficult for them to carry an unwilling human than it would be for a parent carrying a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Could be even more than that, they could concuss their captives or release some sort of odour that causes sleepiness. Could be anything. The captives always wake up cocooned before being impregnated so they are anesthetized at some point. We know the facehuggers anesthetize their victims, so the fully grown xenomorphs must have still have the same chemical compound as well.
The comic books and novels go into great detail regarding the chemical the facehuggers use to put people to sleep. It has a name and everything. This chemical is what causes some people to have nightmares while they are subdued. Curiously, I've never noticed them saying the adult xenomorph also uses the chemical but like you say, it stands to reason that they do. Why the movies and novels etc. ignore this element entirely is anyone's guess. It seems like an interesting element that has been consistently left out and, like you also say, people just seem to "wake up" after being cocooned but before they are impregnated so obviously they were put to sleep at some point.
Question: How did the bottle end up in lake Michigan if it was thrown in the Atlantic ocean?
Answer: None of the bottles ended up in Lake Michigan. Theresa is from Chicago, and when she and her son are at Boston Logan Airport she tells her ex-husband she'll be staying in Cape Cod for a few days, which is where she finds the bottle on the beach, along the Atlantic Coast. Then after the newspaper article, Theresa learns of another letter in a bottle, which Theresa notes as "bottle #2", and this bottle was found in Ocean City, Maryland, also along the Atlantic Coast. Catherine's letter in a bottle was found at Virginia's shoreline, so all of the bottles were found on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.
Question: How come Sam and Aisha stopped being friends just cause Sam was hanging out with Yasmine?
Answer: Yasime was being mean to her.
But Sam wasn't. It was even obvious that Sam didn't like it.
Sam and Aisha were long-time friends and Sam wasn't standing up for Aisha at all. She continued being friends with Yasmine even though she was being cruel to Aisha. Being uncomfortable at Yasmine's insults is not going far enough to stand up for Aisha.
But Sam also didn't come to her defense either. So that's a good reason for Aisha to not like her.
Answer: Sam picked her prettier and more popular friends over Aisha. They still got along until Yasmine publicly humiliated Aisha.
Question: Spoiler: It's revealed that the first smaller predator was coming to bring a weapon to the humans to fight back against the bigger Predators. If this was the case, then why was it killing people when it first crash landed? It came across a completely different situation going on with soldiers taking out other humans, and it starts killing them, giving Quinn a chance to fight back and steal it's stuff. But why was it killing people to start with if it was bringing us a weapon to help?
Answer: The Predator had landed in the middle of a group of hostile Earth soldiers, who it judged would likely have just shot it immediately. It would have defended itself. And there's also the fact that it could just be for fun because, hey, old habits die hard.
Question: The movie Predator, is supposedly canon to only the first Predator film and never acknowledges the second film from even happening. Sort of a Superman Returns deal where it's a sequel to an earlier film, retconning the later films. This movie, however, acknowledges both of the first films but nothing about Predators is ever mentioned. But considering the premise of Predators, maybe just nobody in the film researching these aliens knows about the events of that film, however unlikely. So my question is this movie canon with all 3 previous films, or does it not count Predators?
Answer: Well, in the case of Predators, it was violent criminals, mercenaries and military being randomly kidnapped and dumped on an alien planet. From the perspective of humans, it would appear that the criminals and mercenaries had gone missing in a more mundane fashion or simply died. If the Predators were covert about it, the Predator researchers would not be suspicious at all. So it's entirely possible it's canon.
Answer: The second film is actually subtly acknowledged by Jake Busey playing a scientist named Keyes, implying that he is the son of Peter Keyes from the second film who was played by his father Gary.
Question: The 3 of them escape the T-1000 after the mental hospital and end up in the desert. Arnold explains the history of Skynet to Sarah and one line of dialogue that has confused me for so many years is me is that he says Skynet became self aware at 2:14am Eastern time. That would be 11:14pm in Los Angeles. Why does the film imply the bombs were dropped during the late morning or early afternoon?
Answer: Skynet became self-aware at that time, but didn't launch the attack until the humans got scared and tried to pull the plug on Skynet.
Answer: The only indication of the time of the bombing was Sarah's nightmare, which was based on the story told to her by Kyle Reese. Despite this, even with Skynet becoming self-aware in the late evening / night, it doesn't mean it launched the missiles instantly. It may have chosen to wait before attacking.
Answer: As the T-800 explains, Skynet attacked Russia first, and the Russian counterattack is what hit LA.
Question: While at the high school, after the witches arrive, Max says "This is your host, Boris Karloff Jr." Is that a real person or a name made up for the movie? With the witches thought to be burned alive, why did Binx snap at Allison and Max for opening the book. With the witches gone, he wouldn't have anything to worry about, right?
Answer: Boris Karloff was a real actor who is mostly famous for playing Frankenstein and The Mummy in the 1930's. He had many other roles in classic horror films of that era.The young host is naming himself after the actor. Binx may have been concerned that the witches were not truly gone, and therefore wanted to exert some caution. His concern was warranted.
The answer is true, but the question asked about Boris Karloff Jr, who didn't exist. Boris Karloff had only one child, a daughter named Sarah. As for Binx, he was angry about them opening the book and even states that nothing good could ever come from it. He was not only cautious about the sisters (and any concern he had there was valid), but he also knew that everything in the book was evil and didn't want to risk other issues it causes whether the sisters were involved or not.
Question: Why did they decapitate Wallace after he said "freedom"? I thought they implied that if he said "mercy", they'd give him a quick death, but if not, they'd continue to torture him. So what would they have done if he said "mercy"?
Answer: In the end, they just gave up. They realised he was not going to say it before dying anyway, so they ended it. If he would have said "mercy" they would have done the same thing, but it didn't matter anymore. They couldn't break him.
Question: Before Stanley was found innocent and left Camp Green Lake with Zero, how long were those two in the camp?
Answer: From the looks of it there is at least half a year.
Answer: 2 weeks.
Question: How did the Yelnats get a lawyer, and how was Stanley found innocent?
Answer: This is explained a bit more in the book. When Stanley and Zero made it to the top of God's Thumb, Stanley sang his families song to Zero. Zero was a descendant of Madame Zeroni, who had cursed the Yelnats family to bad luck when Elya, the Russian ancestor of Stanley, decided not to carry her up the mountain and sing the song to her, which would have rejuvenated her. By singing the song to Zero, Stanley had (by extension) sung to Zeroni, and removed the curse. Then, in the scene directly after, we see Stanley's father find a method of repairing shoes immediately, eliminating the requirements of harvesting a massive amount of resources when you could repair the shoe instantly. Stanley's dad marketed this technique and made a large amount of money quickly, enabling him to get a lawyer. The lawyer interviewed his classmates, who backed up Stanley's alibi, making him innocent.
Question: Why did Estes attack Will with the paddle oar when he said "we're not going anywhere", and what did he mean by that?
Answer: I think that Estes already knew that Will was Ben's son. He had made a comment about a man (Ben) killing his wife (Sarah) in the same room Julie and Will was staying in. He also makes a comment about Will having his mother's eyes. So he probably recognized him. He also knew that the answer they gave to the radio host was wrong, and that proved it was a set up from the beginning.
Question: Was there any indication or hints that Will was actually Ben Willis' son before the reveal at the end?
Answer: I believe it was supposed to be a surprise plot twist, I don't remember there being any indication that Will was setting them up.
Question: When Tommy was shot, Henry said they shot him in the face so his mother couldn't give him an open casket. Why would they care about that?
Answer: Family, and respect for the family, is deeply ingrained in Mafia culture (and in Sicilian culture). Denying Tommy a funeral wherein his family can pay their last respects (the purpose of the open casket) shows the extent to which Tommy angered and alienated his bosses and cohorts.
Question: After Peter is possessed by Charlie and he clicks his tongue for the first time after standing up, he starts to walk towards the tree house and heads off screen. The camera lingers though, and focuses in on something lying on the ground in the background. What is that on the ground? It almost looks like a dead dog or possibly the dead dear from earlier, but the shape isn't quite right. It does appear to be some sort of animal but I can't make it out. What is that the camera lingered on right then? And why? It's not shown again. (01:57:45)
Answer: Earlier in the film, Peter swerves the car to avoid hitting a dead animal in the road, resulting in Charlie's decapitation. That animal appears to be a goat (a ram) with slightly curled horns. Within the context of this movie, this is probably a Sabbatic Goat, alluding to Occult symbolism associated with the Mystic Pentagram and the Satanic deity Baphomet. The implication is that Satanic forces caused Peter to swerve off the road, killing Charlie in preparation for migrating her soul into Peter. The dead animal seen in the background at the end appears to be the Sabbatic Goat again, marking completion of Charlie's soul migration into Peter.
Question: Right at the end, a former co-worker of Dick's drives alongside and says he's working for a great new company that trades in oil and gas. It's called Exron. Dick looks at him and says "oh" and the look he gave is one as if he knows something bad or it should have meaning (if that makes sense). What is the look on Dick's face for?
Answer: He says he works for "Enron", a notorious company that was involved in a major fraud scandal.
Question: When Mark leaves from the city with his dad... how come the family all beat him to Midland? You see them meet him at the station.
Answer: The train could have multiple stops between their home in Chicago and their old home in Midland. Lots of trains stop at many different towns and cities to let people on and off so this train could have made stops as well.
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Answer: The Trace only detects when underage wizards use magic. Still, it wouldn't be difficult for Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard in the world, to find or track them.
The trace can also be used to determine location. In Deathly Hallows there was concern that Voldemort's Death Eaters were able to ambush the Trio by using the trace to find them, but Ron insisted it automatically broke when a wizard turned 17.
raywest ★