Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Amy Finch (played by Julie Bowen) was killed by Andy his first night as a werewolf in the cemetery. After he was cured of the werewolf curse, what happened to her undead form? Would she remain in limbo forever or would her soul be freed?

Answer: Even though it's never seen, she most likely would be free since Andy was able to free himself from his lycanthropy. However, this is just speculation.

Question: What happened to Weasel after Estelle bit down on his dick?

Answer: She leaves him to bleed to death, which, without prompt medical attention, he surely will.

Question: Did Theodore Roosevelt have the personality shown in the movie?

Answer: No, Adam and Barbara are just using their ghost powers to levitate her.


Answer: Lydia is being possessed, like during the "Tally Me Banana" scene earlier in the movie.


Lydia is not affected during the banana song scene.


Let me clarify: like the others at the dinner party during the "Tally Me Banana" scene.


Lydia was not possessed during the dinner scene or at the end of the movie when she levitated.

Question: Is this true that Jenny McCarthy almost got the main role in this movie but was fired after it was discovered that she couldn't dance?

Answer: Yes.

Answer: According to Jake Garber (Ron Perlman's personal makeup artist on Hellboy), he was allowed four hours to apply the makeup each day during production; but Garber said he gave Perlman an hour or so break right in the middle of makeup application, so the actual time in the chair was only about two-and-a-half hours. That was just for his head, neck, chest and hands every day. There were actually very few shoots that required full torso prosthetics and makeup, and the full torso with arms required about five hours, with several more makeup artists assisting.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: He probably did but we just didn't get to see it like we did in Terminator 2.


Question: How was there a thunderstorm and rain inside the ship while traveling through space?

Answer: That wasn't a "thunderstorm and rain" inside the Nostromo. It was condensation dripping down from the ship's ventilation/cooling system. When searching for the cat, Brett (played by Harry Dean Stanton) removes his cap and stands beneath a cooling shaft, allowing the condensation to splatter like rain on his head and face.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: What scene are you referring to?

Chosen answer: A single layer sleeveless top like Billy wears after his possession by the Mind Flayer would probably not make a big difference to his body temperature, but even if it did, it's possible he deliberately wore it to fight or hurt the creature invading his mind as he does later demonstrate some ability to keep it at bay.


Billy did wear long-sleeved top after his possession. It was unlike him. I know he used to wear sleeveless top or didn't wear top at the pool before his possession. Your second answer makes sense, though. Thanks.

Bunch Son

Answer: Doris was being possessed by the mind flayer, and like the rats, they craved fertilizer.

Chapter Six: The Spy - S2-E6

Question: With the doctors, Will points to one point on the map, and he says, "That's it. I just know he doesn't want me to see there. I think it's important." What exactly does he refer to that he thinks is important?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: The spot Will points out on the map is an an area he feels the shadow monster (Mind Flayer) is attempting to hide from him, so he thinks it is important. He later admits that the creature coerced or influenced him into indicating that point, and sure enough the soldiers the government sends in there are massacred by demodogs, so it was a deliberate trap where the mind flayer used Will to eliminate a perceived threat.


Chosen answer: The point they are demonstrating is that if they heat the samples in one flask, it has the same effect on the samples in the other beakers even though they are not being heated - basically that they react as if they are part of a hive mind or controlled by a single organism.


Question: Why would Heywood start chanting "fresh fish"? Betting on who will break down is pretty bad, but I understand they probably have nothing better to do. But what was the point of starting the chant? He seems to feel bad when Fatass is beaten to death, but what was he expecting to happen?


Answer: They were betting on who would break first out of the new inmates and the chant was meant to incite an emotional outburst from them. Most times, someone will just cry or break down. Heywood wasn't expecting Fatass to completely lose it and felt guilty because of his actions. This is one the first indicators in the film that some of the long term inmates like Heywood still have their humanity.


Answer: The ratings had declined in its last few seasons, and the series was cancelled.


Question: The clips shown in the credits of the movie; is the child featured in their now happy lives Witherspoon's real daughter Ava?

Question: How can Logan cut through heavy steel door, rotor of the helicopter, train and big metal robot, but can't cut through Shingen's katana? Was it also adamantium?

Answer: Likely it was. At one point in the movie they mention that Yashida was stockpiling adamantium.


Question: What was Dirty Steve's horse's name? Was he calling it Dog because that's its name or because he was high on peyote?

Answer: When Billy shoots McCloskey, and they are all skinning out. Steve says real quietly "Common Dog."

Answer: His horse was called dog, there are other scenes in the movie when he talks to his horse, but otherwise, he seems like the sort of guy to do it.

Answer: Most likely it was the horse's name. Dirty Steve just seemed like the kind of guy who would name a horse "Dog."


Question: Dalton Russel hides behind a fake wall in the supplies room. This would make the room smaller and items on shelves wouldn't fit the same way anymore. How wouldn't any of the staff notice this change in room size?

Answer: The hiding space was narrow and the change was unnoticeable to staff. Also, this is a large office supplies room that few people access, spend little time in, or take much notice. Therefore, its unlikely the altered space would be immediately detected. Everything was carefully planned, so the fake wall and the arrangement of the boxes and other supplies would have been considered. I have to add that it's a bit of a plot hole considering the tall, heavy metal shelving on the three sides that are loaded with supplies would take considerable time and labor to move and rearrange to accommodate building the wall and in the relatively short amount of time the robbers are in the bank. Realistically, perhaps it could be done, but probably not that quickly by one or two people.


Answer: The movie was completely finished over a year ago. It was the pandemic that delayed it. So it was the finished product that was released.

Question: At the end of the movie, Johnny Rico praises Zim who caught Brain Bug by saying "Good job, Sergeant." Then Zim answers "Thank you, sir. That would be private, sir." What does he mean? Sergeant is a higher rank than private, right?

Bunch Son

Answer: While Zim was a sergeant, he had to be demoted to private in order to fight on the front line.


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