Question: In one episode Phil said something he shouldn't have to Claire and tries to save himself by saying, "I mean, I love you" What episode was this and what did he say that he should not have said?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: I am not sure of the overall logic of the plot makes sense. If Musgrave's intention as a mole is to make sure the rabbit is sold to the middle eastern buyers so that there can be a pre-emptive military strike by the US, why did he interfere in the first place with the transaction by sending Ethan? He could have just let events take their course. Am I missing something?
Answer: Davian and Musgrave need Ethan to steal the Rabbit's Foot for them, which is why they get him involved and lure him to Shanghai. Once he does, they force him to confirm it's the real thing by threatening "Julia." Lastly Musgrave wants him to confirm that Lindsey thought Brassel was the mole and not him so that he can order the strike without suspicion. Musgrave doesn't send Ethan to interfere with the transaction - Ethan escapes and tracks Julia's location, which is not what Musgrave wanted or expected to happen.
Why would Davian need Ethan to steal when he could just sent one of his henchmen to do it?
Question: Why does Oliver Gates come up with ridiculous reasons for the people he defends whenever they commit murder? In the episode "Hate", Sean Webster was killing Muslims and Oliver claims that his hatred was genetic but, it was found out that Sean had been raised to hate Muslims after his dad left his mom and married a muslim. In the episode "Game" a guy is murdering people the exact same way that's done in a video game when it's clear the suspect is using the video game as a scapegoat for his crimes.
Answer: His clients are guilty and won't take a plea. He's using desperate defenses in hopes of swaying a juror or two. Also makes for better television. "Temporary insanity" isn't nearly as compelling as "the video games made me do it."
Question: Why does Mola Ram only use the kids and not the adults from the Village for slave labor? Wouldn't using the adults benefit them much more? Does he just think that children make better workers than adults twice their size and strength?
Answer: Adults are much stronger and smarter, making them a liability to enslave and could more easily revolt or escape. Children are far easier to intimidate and control.
Question: This movie shows Jason Voorhees didn't drown in Crystal Lake in the first movie because he's shown to be alive in this movie. It's a known fact that the kid Jason Voorhees can't swim, so how exactly did he avoid drowning in Crystal Lake?
Answer: This particular film does not address this, and seems to imply that Jason didn't drown and grew up living in the woods as a psychopath. Later sequels heavily imply (or outright state) that Jason was brought back as an un-dead creature by unknown supernatural means and cannot be killed in a conventional sense. As it stands it is best to view Jason in this film as un-dead, as the number of films that show him as supernatural far outweigh those that show him as a normal man. The character is generally remembered in popular culture as un-dead.
I think that the whole franchise didn't take much care of continuity (for example, in part 2 Jason is a woods-boy full of beard and hair, in the third he is taller and bald), but it's explainable to the fact that Jason managed to survive somehow, never told his mother he was alive (even because the camp was closed many times and Pamela never showed up frequently), watched her die and took her place for revenge. We always have the feeling that there's something supernatural in Jason, since he never dies he can be hit with axe, machete, fire and even hanged up, and he is still alive, but he definitely becomes something supernatural only from part 6 further. Yes, seeing as the story starts, it could be simpler to think Jason somehow returned as a ghost, as an Un-dead man, but in the first half of the franchise they gave a bit of reality to the thing.
What information in this sequel gives any indication that the kid Jason didn't drown in Crystal Lake?
The fact that he's a full-grown man instead of a young boy. The fan consensus, and the original intent of the filmmakers, is that Jason is a human being, albeit extremely tough and completely insane, in parts 2-4, and comes back as an undead being in part 6.
That's valid along with the small house in the woods, except that doesn't explain how a kid that can't swim didn't drown in Crystal Lake.
Luck, misinformation, etc. Yes it's vague, but a lack of explanation doesn't entirely constitute a mistake.
Answer: That is indeed a plot hole, and up to speculation. The best guess is that Jason somehow made his way ashore, and chose to hide in the woods rather than face further bullying from the rest of the kids.
Question: What did the woman say to Dom just after the briefing after getting to Mexico?
Question: After getting caught and locked up in Dr. No's lair they have some coffee which made them fall asleep. What was the point of this?
Answer: The scene is fairly faithfully adapted from the Ian Fleming novel, in which Dr. No enters the room and "examines" Bond and Ryder (who are both naked in the book and passed out on their beds rather than on the floor). It's not really explained in either medium why he does this, but the book is a bit more detailed about No checking them out in a kind of medical/physical sense.
Mr. Monk Paints His Masterpiece - S6-E14
Question: How come Monk's Painting of Natalie isn't shown for the rest of the scene?
Answer: It was apparently embarrassing and ridiculous, enough that Natalie tried to burn it. It's funnier if you let the viewer image what it looked like.
Question: If Ernesto stole Hector's guitar, why wasn't he cursed too?
Answer: The criteria for being cursed were never accurately established in the film. All we have is the words of the specialist: "You're cursed. [...] Dia de Los Muertos is the day of giving to the dead! You stole from the dead!" This seems to imply that the act of theft must have taken place on Dia de Los Muertos and the owner of the stolen object must have been dead.
Answer: In my opinion, I would say it may have been specified in Hector's will that his guitar would go to Ernesto in the event of early death.
Question: Why was the money wrapped up in aluminium foil?
Answer: When criminals transport large amounts of money, it is often wrapped in foil and plastic to protect it from accidental damage from liquids and fire. There is also an urban legend that wrapping it in foil will keep it from being detected by scanning equipment.
Question: When Val and Earl first come into Perfection the sign says population 14. If you add up all the characters in the movie excluding Rhonda, there's 14 people. The question is who is taking care of Melvin?
Answer: According to one of the writers, his parents were both immature ne'er-do-wells who would often abandon him for long stretches of time. So he's pretty much on his own. Hence, his parents are not counted on the population sign, since they're barely there for him. It's also mentioned in the original script (which can be found online) that they spend a lot of their time in Las Vegas, presumably gambling. (Val says the line "Why don't his parents ever take him to Vegas with them?" in regards to Melvin in scene 13).
Answer: His Uncle Nestor.
To my knowledge, nothing in the film indicates Nestor is related to Melvin.
When Nester dies, Melvin lets the audience know that was his dad.
Um... no. No he doesn't. All he does when Nester dies is shout "No way, man! You guys have gotta do something!" to Val and Earl. He definitely never says Nester was his dad. As I said above, the writers have specifically said his parents were immature ne'er-do-wells who just aren't around most of the time. In fact, it's even mentioned in the original script that his parents were often away in Las Vegas rather than taking care of him.
Question: How did Shannon know that Robby was living with the Larussos?
Answer: Daniel said he called Shannon but she never picked up, when she came back from Mexico she probably saw Daniel called and figured out the situation.
Answer: Daniel told him.
Question: Why does Carlton believe that his driving too slow was the reason he got pulled over? Will even stated that the real reason they were pulled over is because two black people driving an expensive car in a lower-middle income neighborhood looked suspicious. It was a case of racial profiling but, at the end of the episode, Carlton still believed it was because he drove too slowly.
Answer: Because Carlton is naive, trusting, and optimistic. He lived a pretty sheltered life in Bel-Air and just doesn't think police officers would do anything unjust. At this point in his life, he just hasn't gone through the things Will has to make him think otherwise.
Question: In real life, had Tarzan been raised by apes from the time he was a baby, would he have actually been able to be educated to act and speak like an ordinary person?
Answer: I'd have to disagree with the previous answer. Being that Tarzan was raised by apes from infancy, there are many higher-level brain functions that he (in real life) would never have completely developed, such as upright walking and other motor skills, cognitive and speech abilities, social interaction, and so on. There are some vital human-brain capacities that if not learned at certain stages of early-childhood, cannot or can only partially be learned later. However, it is highly unlikely an infant could survive long in such an environment.
Answer: Any answer would be speculative at this point since we don't have enough examples of feral children living in the wild until Tarzan's age. Most children that become feral either start out at an older age, 5 or 7, where they know how to speak a language, or are found before they hit puberty. This makes teaching and integration somewhat easier. There was a case of a boy living in the wild for 15+ years that still had difficulty interacting with society even in his 60's and 70's. He had the ability to speak but eventually lost it as he became more feral and he had huge difficulties understanding technology, like radio and cinemas. In all probability, Tarzan, and similar characters, would not be able to learn how to communicate, even if he could learn to speak English. He would have an even more difficult time learning how to socialize and live as "normal" adults do. And I could not see any possibility he teaches himself how to read and speak English, or any language.
Answer: In the books, Tarzan was self-taught after he discovered the house his father built. He learned to read English using the elementary books his parents brought with them to teach the child they were expecting, these books were in the house. While studying these books, he mimicked many of the things he saw in pictures, which could have included walking upright. He did not learn to speak English until he was a young adult after traveling to Europe. Also, after rescuing Paul D'Arnot in Africa, the French officer taught Tarzan French as the two of them left Africa for Europe.
Yes, but the question was could he "in real life" be educated and learn to speak like an ordinary person if he had been raised by apes from the time he was a baby. You are only describing how Tarzan accomplished that fictionally in the book. In real life, that could not have happened.
Question: Why did Jason Voorhees not tell his mother he was alive? This sequel shows he's alive, and she wouldn't be murdering people if she knew he wasn't dead.
Answer: The way I understand it, they just never crossed paths again after his incident. She's not exactly been hanging out around the lake where he went under. Jason has some heavy mental issues to boot and wouldn't know how to find her till it was too late. He was a lost scared little boy.
Question: In the first street race everyone scattered when they were informed of the police coming. Why? Surely they could say they were out for a walk, and for those with cars, a night drive?
Answer: It's pretty obvious they were gathered together for an illegal street race. And most of those cars had illegal upgrades that would have been discovered. Not only that but most of them probably had some hard drugs and weapons on them. They were all gathered in a huge group late at night with loud cars which probably breaks many regulations and codes, including noise levels. The police had everything they needed for "Probable Cause" to stop and search everybody there and find all these things.
Question: Who was the Native American corpse with the knife in his chest that Wilkinson saw after climbing the ladder inside the cave?
Answer: It's impossible to know. Presumably, we are simply meant to assume it is a random Native American and no-one of significant importance.
Question: In Biff's casino Marty is escaping Biff and his goons - he goes into the stairwell and jumps from one stair to another. What I don't understand is how this stairwell works as it seems to be double, with 2 sets of stairs ending up on the same floor parallel to each other, one on one end and one at another but on the same floor. Does this even make sense? Can anyone tell me why a big building would have 2 sets of stairs in 1 stairwell going parallel and end up on the same floors? Any special name for this type of stairwell perhaps? I can't find anything on it.
Chosen answer: Your assumption is pretty much correct. There are 2 staircases spiralling around each other like a double helix. It is a fairly common way of constructing fire evacuation staircases as it allows a greater number of people to use them at the same time.
I see, so it's purely for fire escape reasons or more to handle overflow capacity in general?
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Answer: I remember that. A quick search suggests it to be season 7, episode 8: "Clean Out Your Junk Drawer." Phil asks Claire "When did you get so old?" :-).