Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Odometer. It's the thing in the car that measures how far you've gone. It's a joke on how many guys she's been with.

Kaitlin Schwartzel

Question: Is the reanimation of dead people the purpose of the virus, or an unforeseen side effect? If it's a side effect, what was the original purpose of the T-Virus?

Answer: Actually the T-Virus was originally meant as a cure for a genetic disorder that Dr. Ashford and James Marcus daughters suffered from. The reanimation was a side effect and James Marcus was killed by Dr. Alexander Isaacs so he could take control of it and turn it into a bio-weapon.


Answer: The original virus was a "Fountain of Youth" type of thing. Reviving dead cells so the host would stay young. It was so powerful that it reanimated the dead.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Wait, wasn't the original virus meant to control the scientists daughters genetic disease, not an eternal life serum.

Show generally

Question: Does anyone know when the complete third season is being released? An ad said it was coming 2004 but does anyone know a specific date?

Answer: It is scheduled to be released on August 24.

Hollywood A.D. - S7-E19

Question: Is the "Sixteen Months Later" in with the current timeline (2000) and the "Sixteen Months Earlier" sometime in 1999? Because if "Sixteen Months Earlier" was sometime in 2000, then "Sixteen Months Later" would be in 2001. If you're a true X-Files fan, you'll know that in 2001, Mulder was missing and Scully was pregnant. So that would be a MAJOR plot hole.

Answer: As it says in the season seven mistakes, it would be a plot hole either way.

Answer: No difference at all - Oliphaunts and Mumakil are simply what the creatures are called in different languages - Oliphaunt being the term used in the western lands of Middle-Earth, while Mumakil is from the language of the Haradrim from the southern reaches. As a note, Mumakil is plural - an individual creature is a Mumak.


Question: In the scene where Schindler has just seen the body of the girl in the red coat, and is now talking to Stern about the fates of the workers, it seemed to me that Schindler's eyes were brown and not black and white. It might be just me seeing things, but I thought it might be something symbolic, that his eyes have truly been opened. Does anyone know if this is right or if the eyes are colorless?

Answer: His eyes are colorless.

Question: I was wondering about the title change from "Leon" to the "Professional". Was the title only changed in the U.S. and if so why?

Answer: According to the title was only changed in the United States and the reason why was maybe audiences would find the title, "The Professional" more appealing than "Leon."

Tobin OReilly

Question: Is there any particular significance to the thieves' color-coded aliases, or did Quentin Tarantino merely assign them at random?

Answer: Not sure if QT assigned the names in any particular order, but I believe that the inspiration to use colours as names was taken from the excellent movie "The Taking of Pelham 123" starring Walter Mathau.

caroline b

Answer: I'd say probably not.

Question: I read on that Uma Thurman played a girl named Daphne in this movie. I have watched over and over and read the end credits and can't find her anywhere. Is she in this movie?

Answer: Wrong movie. She is in Where The Heart Is (1990), not Where The Heart Is (2000).

J I Cohen

Question: When Jules is first talking to Jess about joining the team and the guys are mocking them, what does Jules mean when she shakes her hand? Does it mean anything?

Answer: It's an English thing. The term "wanker," used a couple of times in the film, is an insult, usually to a guy, meaning that he masturbates (presumably because he isn't actually having sex at all). What Jules does is the hand signal meaning "wanker," and you can see why if you look at exactly how she's waving...

Question: I have the special edition widescreen on video, and still I have never spotted the stormtrooper who runs into a wall on the Death Star. This is supposed to be some kind of classic mistake, still I can't see it no matter how hard I try. Has it been deleted for the special edition? (Some claim that it hasn't, but I can't find it).

Answer: It was never taken out, but it can be hard to spot: the stormtrooper actually runs into the door of the control room where C-3P0 and R2-D2 are hiding. When they charge into the room, keep your eye on the door at all times; just before the camera starts to follow them to the left, you'll see the last one in bang his head.


It also had sound added to it.

Question: Were there any alternative scenarios created for this film, in which someone other than Mr. Orange is the cop?

Answer: To the best of anyone's knowledge, the only scenario ever created was that Mr. Orange was the cop.

Answer: It's not clear. Given that they owed a lot of money to the Duke, he probably closed them down.


Question: Seconds before Satine makes her entrance on the trapeze singing 'Diamonds...' Toulouse whispers something to Christian. It starts with 'Christian, we've successfully...' what else does Toulouse say?

Answer: Toulouse says to Christian, "Mission accomplished. We have successfully evaded Zidler."

Chosen answer: Terrorsaur was probably removed because his character was far overshadowed by Tarantulas. Both characters were treacherous and backstabbing towards Megatron, but it wouldn't have made sense to have two characters who served the same purpose, story-wise. Scorponok was removed because they wanted to introduce Quickstrike, and it wouldn't have made sense to have two scorpion characters on the show.

Answer: As realistic as the sex scene is, it's very uncommon for actors to have sex for a film.

Chosen answer: Both married, on camera, in front of the entire film crew? I don't think so.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Why do both Dan Akroyd and Chevy Chase get in trouble for cheating on the exam (since Chevy is quite obviously the only one cheating)?

Answer: Dan Akroyd was giving Chevy Chase the answers to the test, KGB was one of them.


Question: Frodo, Bilbo, and eventually Sam and Gimli, travel to the Undying Lands in the West. Do they become immortal once they are there?

Answer: No. Tolkien was very specific about this - mortals who travel to the Undying Lands remain mortal and will live out their normal lifespan.


Answer: Hedwig is a snowy owl.


Answer: I dont think there was, it was just another guest star appearance.


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