
Answer: No specific reason is given; it's most likely intended to highlight that her family are bad people (they are drug dealers after all) and to show in contrast that Mathilda and her little brother are not, so we feel badly for them.


Question: I was wondering about the title change from "Leon" to the "Professional". Was the title only changed in the U.S. and if so why?

Answer: According to IMDb.com the title was only changed in the United States and the reason why was maybe audiences would find the title, "The Professional" more appealing than "Leon."

Tobin OReilly

Question: Near the half-hour mark, Gary Oldman pulls out a small box of green-and-yellow pills and takes one. What exactly is it?

Answer: Some kind of (unnamed) drug. Just to show how nasty the DEA agent is.


Continuity mistake: In the very first scene where Old Tony is debriefing Leon, we see Leon pick up his glass of milk and drink the entire glass. However, if you look at the reflection of Leon's glasses as he takes the glass away from his mouth, you can see that the milk is not finished. (00:02:30)

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Mathilda: Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a kid?
Leon: Always like this.

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Trivia: There are many similarities between A Clockwork Orange and the film Leon. Both main characters 'Alex' and 'Leon' are seen drinking milk many times in the films. Stansfeild (Leon) and Alex (ACO) both listen to Beethoven to stimulate their violence and the song 'Singing in the Rain' is featured in both films.

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