Leon mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Leon rescues Mathilda from the SWAT team and dodges the snipers, he shoots out a ventilation fan to make an escape route. He gets off two shots before we see the vent, but when it does we see about 7 bullet holes around the vent. Then the camera goes back to Leon as he continues firing. When the camera switches back, the holes around the vent are different. (01:27:05)

Leon mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mathilda spends her first night at Leon's apartment, Leon places a messily folded blanket on her in one shot. The camera then goes to a different shot of Leon, and then back to the original. However, we can now see that the blanket is mostly unfolded and placed neatly on Mathilda. ..... (and little pink doll she is holding changes position). (00:37:15)

Continuity mistake: Before the dreadlocked man starts looking at the vinyl records in the apartment, he places his uzi down with the butt facing the camera. In the next shot the barrel is facing the camera, and switches back again in the next shot.

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Leon: I'm late for work. I hate being late for work.

More quotes from Leon

Trivia: Keith A. Glascoe, who plays Benny, one of Stansfield's (Gary Oldman) men, was also a New York Firefighter and sadly died carrying out his duties during the September 11 attacks on the Twin Towers.

Jeff Walker

More trivia for Leon

Question: Near the half-hour mark, Gary Oldman pulls out a small box of green-and-yellow pills and takes one. What exactly is it?

Answer: Some kind of (unnamed) drug. Just to show how nasty the DEA agent is.


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