Best movie mistakes of 1994

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Ace Ventura: Pet Detective picture

Other mistake: When Ace rescues the dog and replaces it with a toy dog, the toy dog is in an impossible position. Ace had to place it there when the door was still open, but if the door was closed after that the man would have knocked it over. (00:03:25)

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D2: The Mighty Ducks picture

Other mistake: When Adam comes in and says "when I woke up this morning, the pain was gone", Connie is mouthing his lines behind him.

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The Shawshank Redemption picture

Factual error: Towards the end of the movie when Andy is escaping, he breaks open a sewage pipe and is covered with its contents. It is physically impossible for the sewage to shoot out of the break like it did. In order for that to happen there has to be pressure. But there is none there, because the end he crawls through is empty and the end is in the open air. (01:52:20)

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The Lion King picture

Audio problem: (May only apply to the original VHS release.) When Scar has Zazu locked up in a cage, Zazu mentions Mufasa's name and Scar yells at him, "What did you say?" Right before Scar's actual line, whilst Zazu is talking, you hear Scar's "What did you say?" line very faintly in the background, even though Zazu has not even mentioned Mufasa yet.

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The Mask picture Video

Revealing mistake: When The Mask is dancing with Tina and he turns her into a human tornado while spinning her around, none of the onlookers in the crowd show the slightest bit of amazement at the impossible feat that just occurred in front of them, indicating that the extras were not directed to react to the special effects.


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Speed picture

Character mistake: There is no way on earth that a police officer would shoot a hostage in the thigh to 'take them out of the equation'. Anyone who suggested such a thing would likely be taken out and shot themselves. Bullet wounds to the thigh are often fatal, as an injury to the femoral artery causes massive and frequently unstoppable blood loss. Breaking the femur often leads to fat embolisms as bone marrow gets into the bloodstream and then to the lungs. In fact a broken femur is a life threatening injury in itself, and a shattered femur - a typical bullet injury - would almost always result in a total amputation. You cannot aim carefully enough to avoid the bone or artery as their position in the body varies, (as will the bullet trajectory upon impact). Jack is an experienced cop and would know the potentially disastrous consequences of shooting someone in the thigh. He'd shoot him in the foot. (00:21:05)

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Dumb and Dumber picture

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, Harry's van has bucket seats, yet later on when the "gas-man" rides along, he is sitting on a bench seat in-between Harry and Lloyd. (00:38:00)

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Suggested correction: Mental isn't sitting on a bench seat, it's implied he's sitting on the floor of the van in between the both of them. Although hard to see, the backs of the bucket seats can still be seen behind Harry and Lloyd at certain points. You see a fair bit of it behind Harry whilst he's dancing as Lloyd sings the line "and if that mocking bird don't sing".

Suggested correction: Maybe the bench-seat folds down; out of the way somehow?


There's no evidence of this, especially since we see the floor where the bottles are. And it doesn't explain where the bucket seats went.


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True Lies picture

Factual error: The terrorist with the AK47 is unaware of the fact that a Harrier is hovering just outside the window until he slowly turns and see it there. He does a double take when he sees the Harrier just five metres away! A Harrier is an incredibly loud aircraft; you can hear them from three kilometers away. At that range the floor would shake with the noise and he would have been in no doubt whatever that he had been under attack for some time.

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Guyver: Dark Hero picture

Revealing mistake: When running towards the "bear attack", Sean activates the Guyver. Close ups of the armor attaching itself to his body show that's not really Sean as his arm and leg are both seen not moving even though he's running to where the attack is occurring.

More Guyver: Dark Hero mistakes
The Crow picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene at the bar with Gideon when the black guy pours Gideon a drink it is only about 1/3 full. When Gideon drinks it in the next shot it is almost full.

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Pulp Fiction picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene at the apartment with Brett, Vincent closes the briefcase and leaves it on the kitchen counter. He continues to smoke until it's almost time to shoot Brett. They shoot Brett and the scene fades out to be continued later. Later we see that after shooting Brett, Vincent is focused on Marvin still in the corner having a panic attack. Jules tells Marvin to knock it off and the man comes out of the bathroom. Jules and Vincent shoot him, then Vincent chides Marvin for not telling them there was someone in the bathroom. Vincent only has his gun in his hand, no briefcase. Jules and Vincent argue about 'the miracle' and they leave. Marvin never leaves the corner until Jules tells him 'let's go'. Nobody has the briefcase. (00:18:10 - 01:53:30)

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The Santa Clause picture

Revealing mistake: When Tim Allen startles Santa Clause and he falls off of the roof, Santa's foot kicks up a blanket that was used to look like some snow on the roof. (00:14:10)

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Stargate picture Stargate mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Throughout the movie, in the shots of the guys on the alien planet, the white reflector screens and film crew's reflections are visible in their sunglasses. (00:40:20)

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More Forrest Gump mistakes
The Swan Princess picture

Continuity mistake: When the evil king's female assistant is "turned into" Odette, and Prince Derek is dancing with her near the end, he puts the locket on her. The chain goes around her hair, and in the next shot, it's under her hair. They were dancing the whole time, so how could she or Derek have pulled her hair out of the chain?

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The Little Rascals picture

Continuity mistake: After the Ballet, Alfalfa is being chased by the two bullies and Alfalfa is carrying a handkerchief that Darla gave him. He dives into someone's pool and swims across. When he gets out, he picked up his underwear but the handkerchief is gone. In the race, he has the handkerchief back.

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A Million To Juan picture

Continuity mistake: When Juan's girlfriend Anita first shows up by standing on the stairs during opening narration, the camera backs up and you can see the convertible interior of the Mercedes that Juan gets later on in the movie. (00:05:15)

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Star Trek: Generations picture

Other mistake: As the Veridian star is destroyed, Picard raises his hand to supposedly shield his eyes from the sun's light, but he is looking in the wrong direction; the sun is behind him, and there is no light on the rest of the front of his body.

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Little Giants picture

Plot hole: In the Cowboys' last possession of the final game, Spike makes a long run before being stopped on the goal line. The Cowboys' next play is a run up the middle. The Little Giants stop the run and the Cowboys lose possession, but since that was the first possession of a new set of downs, the Cowboys would have three more chances to score.

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Wyatt Earp picture

Other mistake: When in the tub in Arkansas, Wyatt is bare chested. In bed with Josie he's suddenly sprouted a lush garden of chest hair.

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