Dumb and Dumber

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, Harry's van has bucket seats, yet later on when the "gas-man" rides along, he is sitting on a bench seat in-between Harry and Lloyd. (00:38:00)

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Suggested correction: Mental isn't sitting on a bench seat, it's implied he's sitting on the floor of the van in between the both of them. Although hard to see, the backs of the bucket seats can still be seen behind Harry and Lloyd at certain points. You see a fair bit of it behind Harry whilst he's dancing as Lloyd sings the line "and if that mocking bird don't sing".

Suggested correction: Maybe the bench-seat folds down; out of the way somehow?


There's no evidence of this, especially since we see the floor where the bottles are. And it doesn't explain where the bucket seats went.


Continuity mistake: When Lloyd tackles Mary on the hotel stairs, she is wearing black pantyhose. By the time they get to the hotel room, she has miraculously changed into grey tights. (01:28:45)

Continuity mistake: When Lloyd drops Mary off at the airport and hugs her goodbye, in the background there are two men walking towards them. The camera changes to the angle behind Mary then behind Lloyd and then back to the side. When it returns to the side view the two men are farther away but still walking toward them. (00:07:25)

Continuity mistake: When Harry and Mary go out on the date to the ski resort, when they get into a snowball fight, the camera shows Harry, and it's snowing, but when they show Mary (who is supposed to be right beside him) it is not snowing. It keeps doing that, when it shows Harry it's snowing, and Mary it is not (or vice versa). (01:17:50)

Continuity mistake: When Lloyd asks if the bartender knows Mary, he originally grabs the bartender with the left hand. But in the next shot he lets go of him with his right hand. (01:19:18)

Continuity mistake: After leaving the diner, Lloyd & Harry are pulled over by a motorcyle cop (Harland Williams). As the cop notices the beer bottles on the floor of the van, you'll notice his hair has a curl hanging over his forehead. Right before he takes a drink of one of the bottles, the curl is gone. It cuts to Lloyd & Harry trying for a brief second , and when it cuts back to the cop saying "You'd shut your mouth if you knew what was good for ya," the curl is back. (00:28:06)

Continuity mistake: When Lloyd states that the map says they've only driven a quarter of an inch, you will see a creek with a unusual tree growing around it. You see the same creek and tree when Harry and Lloyd pick up the "gas man". (00:37:00)

Continuity mistake: When Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are in the restaurant, just before they encounter Seabass and right after they call the waitress "Flo", Jeff's coke glass is on his right side. The next shot shows it on his left, then his right, then his left again, without him touching it. (00:21:56)

Continuity mistake: After Mary removes Harry's tongue from the pole her ski out fit is blue when before that it was black.

Continuity mistake: When Harry and Lloyd are leaving Providence, in the first shot of the highway we see them driving on Route 146. In the next shot showing the Highway, they are driving on Route 95 South. There is no way they can be driving on both highways at the same time, and, if they could, they would be driving in opposite directions at the same time.

Continuity mistake: When Lloyd is trying on tuxedos, the shot from the back of Harry's head you see a short cigar in his mouth. In the next shot from behind (when he stands up), the cigar gets bigger. (01:04:40)

Continuity mistake: When Harry and Lloyd go to the preservation dinner, Nicholas is standing by the front door. A few minutes later, he is up on the stage starting the presentation and introducing Mr. Swanson. Then instantly, he is back by the front door talking to his comrade. There is no way Nicholas could have done what he did in so little time - he doesn't look out of breath -- and without being seen.

Continuity mistake: During the snow owl benefit, Mr. Swanson (Mary's dad) is introduced. The next shot is from behind the stage facing out to the crowd and you see Mary's stepmom (Teri Garr) raise her arm in the air as if to "present" Mr. Swanson. The very next shot is from the audience perspective facing the stage, and Teri's arm is at her side, and she raises it up again to present him. (01:06:44)

Continuity mistake: Towards the beginning of the movie at Lloyd and Harry's apartment during the scene when Harry is behind the couch yelling at Lloyd about going to Aspen you can see an empty beer bottle, when Harry walks around the Couch again the beer bottle has moved.

Continuity mistake: After Harry and Lloyd start gagging over the atomic peppers, we see a brief shot in which everyone else in the restaurant looks at them (and the waitress suddenly appears in that shot as well). But in very the next shot (back to Harry and Lloyd, still gagging), nobody is looking at them (and the waitress, who was there just a moment ago, disappears).

Continuity mistake: When the "gas man" falls to the floor due to the atomic peppers that Harry and Lloyd sneaked into his burger, Harry and Lloyd laugh at him, and Lloyd even points at him. Then he stops pointing at him and looks at Harry. But only a moment later, in the very beginning of the next shot (a close-up of Harry and Lloyd), Lloyd is instantly pointing again.

Continuity mistake: When Harry and Lloyd start singing "Mockingbird," we see a front shot of the "gas man" getting annoyed and gritting his teeth. Then it switches to a side shot, and his annoyed expression is now different, instantly.

Continuity mistake: When Nicholas Andre shoots Harry twice in the chest, the gun is empty after the two shots. The camera then moves to Harry getting up and shooting back. When the camera returns to Nicholas, the gun is not empty. (01:32:25)

Continuity mistake: When Lloyd drops Mary off at the airport, the interior of the car is different once Lloyd gets back in.

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Suggested correction: The interior is the same, but looks different due to the direct sunlight in the first shot (blue instead of black). The only difference is the steering wheel, which is not contain the airbag on the way to the airport, but is totally different when Lloyd is back in the car and is driving right before the impact.

Dumb and Dumber mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Early in the movie when Lloyd gets his wallet trapped in the newspaper machine, it shows his wallet, however in the very next shot his wallet is not there.

Visible crew/equipment: When Lloyd is daydreaming about Mary as the doors to Mary's house open and Lloyd picks up Mary. He lifts up her skirt to show a little flesh, in the background you can see the feet of two crew members laying on the ground holding the doors open. (00:31:10)

More mistakes in Dumb and Dumber

Lloyd: What do you mean you don't bet? Wussy! Wussy!
Harry: I never have and I never will.
Lloyd: Yeah, right. I bet you twenty bucks I can get you gambling before the end of the day.
Harry: No way.
Lloyd: I give you three to one odds.
Harry: No.
Lloyd: Five to one?
Harry: No.
Lloyd Ten to one?
Harry: You're on.
[Lloyd and Harry both shake hands and smile.]
Lloyd: I'm gonna get you.
Harry: Nuh-uh.
Lloyd: I don't know how, but I'm gonna get you.
Harry: Nuh-uh.

More quotes from Dumb and Dumber

Trivia: When Jim Carry said "hey want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?" and makes the weird sound. That scene was not in the script (watch Jeff Daniels).


More trivia for Dumb and Dumber

Question: I live in the UK and I was watching this movie when it was broadcasted on T.V. When Harry is trying to fix Mary's toilet I could have sworn I saw Harry literally rip the toilet off the floor and tip the contents out the window and yet I have never seen this on the video or DVD. Could I just have been imagining it or does it have something to do with the American version?

Answer: This is a scene that was cut from the theatrical release of the film, but is present in the extended cut and some international DVD versions.

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