Dumb and Dumber

Continuity mistake: When Harry has his tongue stuck to the chairlift, there is frost on the pole when he licks it. Later, when he asks the kids for a cup of warm water, there is none. Then when Mary removes his tongue, the frost is back. (01:14:35)

Continuity mistake: There is a scene just after Lloyd meets Beth in the bar when Mary is skiing along and looks around for Harry who is still stuck on the ski lift. The shot is comprised of a long shot of her skiing to a grey marker and then a close up of her stopping and looking around. It is obvious in the shot when she comes up to the marker that the woman on the skis has much darker hair than Mary and is her "ski double". (01:13:20)

David Mercier

Continuity mistake: When the policeman is driving next to Harry and Lloyd's van telling them to pull over after their encounter with Sea Bass, the lines on the road are single broken lines. After they pull over, the police man walks over to the van and the road lines are double solid. (00:27:45)

Continuity mistake: Speaking of the airbag mistake, how about the fact that the hub of the steering wheel in the Cadillac Limo was small, and could no way have an air bag behind it? (00:08:40)

Continuity mistake: When they have left the cafe without paying, and Lloyd has to pee, Harry's hair is blowing in one shot because the window is down and in the next shot the window is up and his hair is not blowing. This goes back and forth for the duration of the scene. (00:26:00)

Continuity mistake: When Harry is speaking to the girl at the gas station, he tells her he's going to Aspen and she takes the cigarette she is smoking out of her mouth. When the camera pans to a front view of her jeep in the next shot, the cigarette is back in her mouth and she takes it out again.

Continuity mistake: When Harry and Lloyd first arrive at the truck stop, you can see a man with a white hat leaving the diner after the 18-wheeler passes by. Later on in the scene, the same man is about to exit again.

Continuity mistake: When Mary and Harry are talking about the "Bull-Shit" there is a shot of Mary close up where she is laughing and smiling. Look behind her and you will see a woman in a black and gold glittery dress walk past. Then when the shot changes to both Mary and Harry together the woman is instantly 3 or 4 feet in front of where she was and seems to be engaged in a conversation with someone else already - instantly. (01:06:50)

David Mercier

Continuity mistake: At the ball Helen and Harry are talking and in the background you can see Lloyd and his hat is on the bar. A second later he shows off his butt and he is holding his hat. (01:10:29)

Continuity mistake: When Harry and Mary go out on the date to the ski resort, they get into a snowball fight. When Harry is shoving her face in the snow, the first time it shows Mary she is facing one way, but when they show her again she is facing a different way. In addition to this before the camera cuts to a different angle on Harry you can see Mary's nose is bleeding immediately after she stands up. The camera then cuts to a different angle and it isn't. (01:18:21)

Continuity mistake: When Mary leaves her briefcase on the airport floor, Jim Carrey is seen running and sliding to the briefcase. In the scene directly preceding that, he is nowhere to be seen, yet instantly he is teleported within 20 feet of the briefcase. (00:09:35)

Continuity mistake: The film appears to begin in the summer. Look at the outside shots in Rhode Island when either Harry or Lloyd are driving; green grass and many leaves on the trees. As they travel further west the landscape appears to be fall. Then finally in Colorado it appears to be the dead of winter.

Nick Connor

Continuity mistake: Right after Lloyd runs into the jetway at the airport, the guy who witnesses his fall moves to the window to watch. He is grinning from ear to ear in his reflection, but immediately has a 'that had to hurt' look in the next shot. (00:10:15)

Continuity mistake: When Lloyd is driving Mary to the airport, at one point he says "What's the matter, nervous about the flight?" When he says this look at the white van in the rear window, it's right up next to the limo. However when the shot cuts to Mary it's already several meters behind them despite the very slow movement the limo has made. (00:04:30)

David Mercier

Continuity mistake: When Lloyd tells Harry to throw some salt over his right shoulder, he puts the salt shaker next to Harry's burger and fries. The next shot shows the salt shaker behind the basket of Harry's food. (00:22:49)


Continuity mistake: When Sea Bass demands to know who hit him with a salt shaker in the diner, we cut back to Harry and Lloyd's table and Lloyd begins pointing at Harry. When the camera angle changes, Harry turns around and Lloyd begins pointing a second time.

Continuity mistake: When Harry delivers the dogs, there is no carpet on the floor in the car. But when the indians are sitting in the car suddenly there is a carpet on the floor. (00:38:55)


Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, Harry's van has bucket seats, yet later on when the "gas-man" rides along, he is sitting on a bench seat in-between Harry and Lloyd. (00:38:00)

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Suggested correction: Mental isn't sitting on a bench seat, it's implied he's sitting on the floor of the van in between the both of them. Although hard to see, the backs of the bucket seats can still be seen behind Harry and Lloyd at certain points. You see a fair bit of it behind Harry whilst he's dancing as Lloyd sings the line "and if that mocking bird don't sing".

Suggested correction: Maybe the bench-seat folds down; out of the way somehow?


There's no evidence of this, especially since we see the floor where the bottles are. And it doesn't explain where the bucket seats went.


More mistakes in Dumb and Dumber

Harry: I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this.
Lloyd: I was thinking the same thing. That John Denver's full of shit, man.

More quotes from Dumb and Dumber
More trivia for Dumb and Dumber

Question: I live in the UK and I was watching this movie when it was broadcasted on T.V. When Harry is trying to fix Mary's toilet I could have sworn I saw Harry literally rip the toilet off the floor and tip the contents out the window and yet I have never seen this on the video or DVD. Could I just have been imagining it or does it have something to do with the American version?

Answer: This is a scene that was cut from the theatrical release of the film, but is present in the extended cut and some international DVD versions.

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