Dumb and Dumber

Trailer not working?

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Continuity mistake: When Lloyd tackles Mary on the hotel stairs, she is wearing black pantyhose. By the time they get to the hotel room, she has miraculously changed into grey tights. (01:28:45)

More mistakes in Dumb and Dumber

Lloyd: This didn't come out of our travel fund.
Harry: Oh.
Lloyd: Yeah, I was able to raise 25 extra bucks before we left.
Harry: Where did you get 25 extra bucks?
Lloyd: I sold some stuff, to Billy on 4C.
Harry: The blind kid?
Lloyd: [Laughing.] Yeah, yeah.
Harry: What did you sell him Lloyd?
Lloyd: You know, stuff.
Harry: What kinda stuff?
Lloyd: Few baseball cards, a sack of marbles, [coughs.] Petey.
Harry: Petey? You sold my dead bird to a blind kid? Lloyd, wh- he- wha- Petey didn't even have a head!
Lloyd: Harry, I took care of it.

More quotes from Dumb and Dumber
More trivia for Dumb and Dumber

Question: What is the trailer both were watching on TV while they were having some snacks in bed in the Aspen hotel room?

Answer: It was a commercial for Pacific Bell. A telephone company.

More questions & answers from Dumb and Dumber

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