Dumb and Dumber

Continuity mistake: Harry is wearing the bullet proof vest and gets shot. Yet there's no damage to it when he opens his shirt.

Continuity mistake: When Joe Mentalino eats the rat poison pills in the cafe, he dies and the character collapses on the ground with his head facing the left. But when the body is placed on the trolly a few shots later, the "dead" Mentalino has somehow managed to move his head to the right.

Continuity mistake: Before Harry and Lloyd begin their conversation about gambling, they seem to be driving by a lake; but from the inside, they're driving by a town.

Continuity mistake: In the scene at Harry and Lloyd's apartment, one of them opens a beer and throws the cap on the floor. In different shots the beer cap moves from place to place on the floor. (00:12:06)

Continuity mistake: At the truck stop, in the side shot in which Lloyd tells Harry to toss some salt over his right shoulder, Harry is holding his straws at an angle off the table. Then it switches to a front shot of Harry, and he is now holding his straws vertically on the table.

Continuity mistake: Right before the officer on the bike calls Lloyd a "pumpkin-pie-haircut freak", Lloyd is sitting back, straight faced, then after the officer says it Lloyd is leaning forward smiling.

Sir William

Continuity mistake: When Lloyd is swinging his arms in the van, pretending to be 'running at an incredible rate', they are driving through a countryside with nothing but open plains. In the next shot, when Lloyd says 'we're really doing it though aren't we buddy?', look outside the passenger window. They are suddenly driving past houses in a residential area.

Continuity mistake: When Mary's family is shown in their home in Aspen. Mary is sitting on the couch with hot chocolate in hand, and is shown with her right leg crossed over her left. However, when Nicholas walks in, magically Mary's left leg is crossed over her right. (00:29:27)

Continuity mistake: When Lloyd is peeing in the beer bottles, he hands them to Harry... it shows him holding the bottles... next shot, he isn't holding them, and the shot after that, he is holding them again. (00:26:00)

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Suggested correction: In the shot where he is "not holding them", they are simply out of the frame. He was actually holding them all along.

Continuity mistake: In the scene at the truck stop, just before C-Bass comes over to Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniel's table, the same teenage boy walks by the window twice with his girlfriend. Also, the "Aspen" hotel is really The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. The Stanley is the hotel Stephen King based The Shining on. (00:22:00)

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Harry stops and says to Lloyd,"look at the butt on that", there is a man with a blue coat that walks behind them into a store. When Harry and Lloyd turn around to keep walking, you can see the blue coat man entering the store once again. You may have to freeze frame it to see the man the second time. (00:57:45)


Continuity mistake: At the snow owl benefit, Helen raises her hand as Nicholas is introducing Carl. In the next shot which is the opposite angle, her hand is down, and she repeats the action, but with a drink in her hand.


Continuity mistake: During the snowball fight scene at the ski resort, it's either snowing or not depending on the angle. In one shot it's sunny. The first two shots showing just Harry feature snow. Cut to Mary and it's not snowing.


Continuity mistake: When Harry and Lloyd are at the truck stop, there is a man sitting behind Lloyd. In the shots of Harry only, he is leaning towards the window, in the shots of Lloyd only, he is sitting up straight. (00:22:06)

Continuity mistake: When Harry sits down on the toilet and lifts up his legs, his eyes are closed, and they remain closed until the very end of that particular shot. Then, when it switches to the front shot of Harry a few second later, his eyes are open, right from the very beginning of that shot. And if you look closely at that shot change, you don't see Harry do the action of opening his eyes - they just change instantly between the shots.

Continuity mistake: In the Unrated Version DVD, in the van sequence after Lloyd's second encounter with Seabass in the restroom, Harry says that he will stop talking about Lloyd's encounter with Seabass. Lloyd turns his head and looks over at Harry. Then it switches to a close-up on Lloyd from the other side, and we see him repeat the same action of turning his head and looking at Harry, this time more sharply.

Continuity mistake: Lloyd reads the article about Mary and can't even pronounce the word "the", yet when Harry says look on the briefcase for her name, he says "Samsonite" with no problems, and Lloyd can easily read the "Man Walks On The Moon" newspaper headline in the hotel bar.

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Suggested correction: That isn't a continuity mistake - it is meant to be funny or ironic... or part of the "dumbness." Humor is often comprised of violations of expectations. He can read a big word like "Samsonite" but not a three-letter word like "the." (Less likely, it is also plausible that he didn't actually read the word "Samsonite" but recognized it as a name-brand symbol).


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Lloyd is making drinks for him and Harry, there is a half full bottle with something that looks like whisky in it. Then the cameras changes angle to Harry for 2 seconds, and then again back to Lloyd, but suddenly there isn't half as much "whisky" in the bottle as before. It is impossible that Lloyd could have poured so much "whisky" into the glasses in only 2 seconds. (01:19:40)


Continuity mistake: When Lloyd and Harry are in the restaurant notice Lloyd's fork. In the side shot there is no fork, but when it changes to a front shot the fork appears. This happens several times throughout the scene. (00:22:00)

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, Harry's van has bucket seats, yet later on when the "gas-man" rides along, he is sitting on a bench seat in-between Harry and Lloyd. (00:38:00)

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Suggested correction: Mental isn't sitting on a bench seat, it's implied he's sitting on the floor of the van in between the both of them. Although hard to see, the backs of the bucket seats can still be seen behind Harry and Lloyd at certain points. You see a fair bit of it behind Harry whilst he's dancing as Lloyd sings the line "and if that mocking bird don't sing".

Suggested correction: Maybe the bench-seat folds down; out of the way somehow?


There's no evidence of this, especially since we see the floor where the bottles are. And it doesn't explain where the bucket seats went.


More mistakes in Dumb and Dumber

Lloyd: This didn't come out of our travel fund.
Harry: Oh.
Lloyd: Yeah, I was able to raise 25 extra bucks before we left.
Harry: Where did you get 25 extra bucks?
Lloyd: I sold some stuff, to Billy on 4C.
Harry: The blind kid?
Lloyd: [Laughing.] Yeah, yeah.
Harry: What did you sell him Lloyd?
Lloyd: You know, stuff.
Harry: What kinda stuff?
Lloyd: Few baseball cards, a sack of marbles, [coughs.] Petey.
Harry: Petey? You sold my dead bird to a blind kid? Lloyd, wh- he- wha- Petey didn't even have a head!
Lloyd: Harry, I took care of it.

More quotes from Dumb and Dumber

Trivia: When Jim Carry said "hey want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?" and makes the weird sound. That scene was not in the script (watch Jeff Daniels).


More trivia for Dumb and Dumber

Question: What is the name of the song that is playing during the opening credits?

Answer: It's called Boomshakalaka, by Apache Indian.


More questions & answers from Dumb and Dumber

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