Pulp Fiction

Continuity mistake: In the scene at the apartment with Brett, Vincent closes the briefcase and leaves it on the kitchen counter. He continues to smoke until it's almost time to shoot Brett. They shoot Brett and the scene fades out to be continued later. Later we see that after shooting Brett, Vincent is focused on Marvin still in the corner having a panic attack. Jules tells Marvin to knock it off and the man comes out of the bathroom. Jules and Vincent shoot him, then Vincent chides Marvin for not telling them there was someone in the bathroom. Vincent only has his gun in his hand, no briefcase. Jules and Vincent argue about 'the miracle' and they leave. Marvin never leaves the corner until Jules tells him 'let's go'. Nobody has the briefcase. (00:18:10 - 01:53:30)

Pulp Fiction mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When they are giving Mia Wallace the adrenaline shot, they mark her chest with a red magic marker. When the shot has been given, the red mark has disappeared. (00:57:20 - 00:58:10)

Continuity mistake: When Vincent is shooting up, we see him taking out and assembling his special chrome-plated syringe. In the following close-up of the actual shooting-up, the syringe is a standard disposable plastic one.

Continuity mistake: At the beginning, when Brett is initially shot by both Jules and Vincent after Jules' Ezekiel speech, we see Jules' gun becomes empty on firing the last shot. However, on returning to the same scene at the end, when Jules and Vincent shoot Brett the gun does not empty; in fact Jules is able to repeatedly shoot the guy who comes out of the bathroom afterwards and the gun still isn't empty.

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Suggested correction: It's very hard to tell whether Jules' gun is empty or not, he is pointing it almost right at the viewer, and the scene is proceeding too rapidly.

It's easy to tell. You can see the slide is locked back in the first scene, indicating it's empty. If you can't see the slide is back, look at the ejection port. It's grey/silver color when the slide is forward (i.e. round in the chamber) and black when back (i.e. empty).


Continuity mistake: The tall "Big Kahuna Burger" bag, disappears when the camera faces Brett yet it's there when the camera is behind Brett. The bag is only a few inches to the left of the soda when the camera is behind him so it should be there in the front shots too, yet isn't. (00:14:30 - 00:16:20)


Pulp Fiction mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the flashback with Christopher Walken, we see him hold up the watch, and its hands are clearly pointing in different directions. But when we see a close-up of the watch, it is set to 12. (01:04:20)

Continuity mistake: When Mia and Vincent arrive at Jackrabbit Slims, they stand in front of a desk and confirm their booking. Throughout her exchange with the 'greeter', Mia's fringe is swept to the side, looks a bit greasy, and is separated. When they go to walk to their table in the next shot, it's suddenly perfect and covering her whole forehead. (00:41:10)

Continuity mistake: In the beginning when Ringo and Yolanda are discussing bank robbery and Yolanda says "Then well what then? Day job?", Ringo has his hand with the cigarette on the table. When it cuts he suddenly takes a lung full of smoke. (00:02:35)


Continuity mistake: When Butch is driving the Honda to and from getting his watch at his apartment, from the inside of the Honda the windows are opaque and dirty and hard to see through, but shown from the outside the car windows are clean and you can see through them.

Continuity mistake: When Vincent takes Mia home after giving her the shot, Vincent and Mia talk, then Mia finally tells Vincent the Fox Force Five joke. Before and while she tells the joke, in every shot behind her, her arms are down by her sides, yet in every front view of her, her arms are folded, or one arm is up by her mouth. (00:59:50)


Continuity mistake: When Vincent and Jules get to the bar where Marsellus and Butch are at, Jules is handed a bottle. Then the bartender says he heard that Vincent is taking Mia out and Jules haves a sip from the bottle and lowers it. When it cuts he lowers the bottle again. (00:23:50)


Continuity mistake: When Butch escapes on the chopper (Grace), the chopper appears to have a side draught type carburetor in front of the stock Harley Davison air filter. When he arrives back at the motel to pick up Fabienne, only the stock air filter is present.

Continuity mistake: After telling Fabienne to hop onto the chopper, Butch grabs its handlebars. But in the next shot he grabs the handlebars again. (01:51:00)


Continuity mistake: When Ringo suggests they should rob the cafe they are at, Yolanda puts her right hand on the table saying "This place?" while her left hand is under the table. When it cuts to her saying "A coffee shop?" we see her leaning her left arm on the table. (00:02:50)


Continuity mistake: In the pawn shop scene, the blood stain on Butch's shirt changes several times from shot to shot.

Continuity mistake: When Vincent shoots Marvin in the face Vincent can be seen facing the windshield of the car, not aiming his gun at Marvin. In the following shot he is facing Marvin and turns to face the windshield again.


Continuity mistake: In the opening scene, when the camera focuses on Yolanda, the closest car in the background is a moving yellow jeep. But the next car to pass by the window in the next shot is a large white delivery van.

Continuity mistake: At Jackrabbit Slims the red ketchup bottle on the diner table moves about five times between different shots. Sometimes it's behind Mia's milkshake, sometimes it's out on the table, right beside Mia. (00:41:25 - 00:44:45)


Continuity mistake: Lance is sitting at home eating cereal and watching the end of a Three Stooges short, "Brideless Groom," on television. During the subsequent phone conversation between Lance and Vincent, we can hear the short's soundtrack continuing in the background. The soundtrack then abruptly changes to an earlier scene in the short (Christine McIntyre slapping Shemp around) and then to a different short altogether ("Sing a Song of Six Pants," with Harold Brauer talking about a safe combination).

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Suggested correction: "Brideless Groom, Sing a Song of Six Pants, and Disorder in the Court" are all 3 featured on the same single copy of a DVD release of The Three Stooges (I own it). Trudy, the one WITHOUT all the "stuff" in her face, is still seen in the same room watching the TV also. She very easily could have changed scenes with a single click of a remote, as the camera is not focused on her during the shots of Lance on the phone with Vince.


94, no DVD.

Continuity mistake: In the scene at the apartment with Brett, Vincent closes the briefcase and leaves it on the kitchen counter. He continues to smoke until it's almost time to shoot Brett. They shoot Brett and the scene fades out to be continued later. Later we see that after shooting Brett, Vincent is focused on Marvin still in the corner having a panic attack. Jules tells Marvin to knock it off and the man comes out of the bathroom. Jules and Vincent shoot him, then Vincent chides Marvin for not telling them there was someone in the bathroom. Vincent only has his gun in his hand, no briefcase. Jules and Vincent argue about 'the miracle' and they leave. Marvin never leaves the corner until Jules tells him 'let's go'. Nobody has the briefcase. (00:18:10 - 01:53:30)

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Vincent: Jules, if you give that fuckin' nimrod fifteen hundred dollars, I'm gonna shoot him on general principles.

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Question: What exactly does the title of this film mean? Is there even an answer to that?

Sir William

Chosen answer: It is a reference to a class of fast-paced, sensationalistic, and frequently exploitive stories published in cheap magazines from the 1920's through the 1950's. They were called 'pulp' because of the cheap quality of the paper they were printed on, as opposed to the 'slicks' which were more like full-color magazines of today.

Rooster of Doom

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