Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why does Tracy start starving herself?

Answer: It was most likely because of her tongue piercing - she didn't want her mom to notice, and it would have been painful.

Answer: Young girls starve themselves for a variety of reasons. Many are insecure and have unrealistic expectations of how their bodies should look and stop eating to lose as much weight as possible. For others it a combination of trying to be thin, having something in their lives that they alone can control, an an act of rebellion, and so on. This often develops into a real disease called anorexia that needs medical treatment.


Did you watch the movie before you answered? This is not really an answer for this character's situation.

I'm pretty sure, due to Tracey's home life situation and the arguments between her, Mel, and the drugs that caused her to lose control and depression. As we can see when she cuts herself and starves herself, it makes more sense.

Answer: As someone else wrote, it could be the tongue piercing, and I think it was also her rebellious attitude. She wanted to be "difficult" by refusing to eat with the family or eat what her mother cooked.

Question: Before dinner, when Rose is telling Jack the name of people who are gathered downstairs, she points out a man who has a wife who is Rose's age, and says that his wife is in "delicate condition", that she's trying to hide it, and it's "quite the scandal." If the couple is married, why does the woman want to hide her pregnancy?

Answer: At this time, and particularly in higher society, most personal matters concerning women, and particularly a pregnancy, was considered something extremely private. This would be never be discussed openly with strangers. The man in question is John Jacob Astor IV, and the woman is his second wife, Madeleine, who was 29 years his junior, hence the possible source of the "scandal."


Madeleine actually survived the disaster and went on to have the child.


Answer: At the time, it was a big scandal surrounding John Jacob Astor's divorce then marriage to Madeline, even his grown sons were in opposition. It wasn't until after the sinking that the sons met with her in support.

Question: How did Larry find out that "Dakota" was the word for making the horses stop the carriage?

Answer: He looked the information up at some point during the montage that showed him doing all the historical research.


Is it actually shown on the website he looks at on screen or just implied?

Question: When the woman at the employment agency tells Larry about the job, she says that everyone who has been sent to the museum has been turned down for the position. If the old night guards just wanted to steal things from the museum, couldn't they have just given anyone the job and the instruction book?

Answer: They were looking for someone who would be willing to KEEP the job after finding out that everything comes to life at night. All the other applicants freaked out and quit after the first night, just as Larry would have if not for his son.

Answer: It looks like a T-mobile Sidekick II.


Question: Is is true that Mace Windu's lightsaber has the letters BMF on it somewhere?

Answer: Reportedly so, yes; the prop department replaced the activation plate stud with a small plate with these letters on it, in reference to Jackson's Pulp Fiction character. Sadly, the authorised replicas available do not include that particular feature.


Loco Motives - S7-E10

Question: Ernie dell makes a video email of his suicide and Gil opens it. How did it get emailed? He would have been dead and therefor unable to hit the send button. If it was a live feed, when gill opened the email he would have had to click on the link to the feed, and he would have come into the feed at the live point not at the beginning.


Chosen answer: He could have set the email to be sent at a later time automatically. Many mail programs have this feature. If the email was set to send itself with an attachment, it would have sent whatever video had been recorded.

Question: When Professor Lowe calls Dieter Perez to tell him about his findings on Earth 1, Perez makes note that one of the viables was named Vorhees and deduced it was Jason Vorhees. My question was how did Lowe know it was named Vorhees? 1) Rowan at the beginning acknowledged she had yet to prep the chamber which means no paperwork. 2) The students found no paperwork when they found the chamber and had no time to look for paperwork once they realized they needed to get Rowan to a lab to save her right away. 3) Rowan did not give him Jason's name when she first woke up. This is obvious in the scene after Lowe talked with Perez he was talking to Rowan and she brought up the story about Jason and he acted like he never heard the name before. So how did he get Jason's name for his report to Perez?


Chosen answer: There is a certain difference between filling out paperwork and preparing a chamber for cryogenic freeze. Rowan may have reserved the cryo chamber for Jason, filled out the forms and put his tag on it, but she had yet to prep it properly (check that every detail was in working order, maybe run a test, re-check, etc). So there may have been a tag on the chamber with the name "Vorhees" on it, Rowan just did not think of this as "prepping".


Question: I heard that there were going to be six Spider-man movies. Does anyone know if that is true?

Answer: No, it's not. Or, at least, it's not planned that way at the moment. The stars were contracted to do three movies; those contracts have now expired and, while Tobey Maguire has indicated that he would do a fourth if the script was good, there is, as of 2007, no apparent movement towards making a fourth film. While the franchise has been very successful, so Sony would undoubtedly be interested in continuing, as things stand at the moment, there are no concrete plans to do six in total.


Question: What are the "accidents" that Jar-Jar caused and got banished for?

Answer: It's never stated in a canon source, but according to Wookipedia, the accidents were: (1) destroying a gasser oven during a party Boss Nass threw, and (2) crashing Boss Nass' heyblibber, which is essentially a more luxurious version of a Gungan Bongo.

Cubs Fan

Question: Where were the diamonds hidden on Frank's body?

Answer: Bond's answer to Felix at customs is "alimentary, Mr. Leiter". As in the alimentary canal of a human.

Answer: They were hidden IN Frank's body.

Zwn Annwn

Question: I've looked through all the comic book stores in my area and I can't find any Creepshow comic books. I know the books are real (albeit written after the show), does anyone know where to find them?

Answer: Ebay.


Question: I read that Bail Organa was going to have a female aide/assistant in this movie, but George Lucas wanted her removed because the actress who played her posed for Playboy magazine. Was her name still in the credits, or are there any scenes where they forgot to or couldn't remove her image?

Answer: The character that you're thinking of wasn't an assistant to Bail Organa, but was a Senator named Bana Breemu, who was working covertly with Organa, Padme and several other Senators to persuade Palpatine to attempt a diplomatic solution to the war. While Bai Ling, the actress who played Breemu, did pose naked for Playboy, Lucas has always denied that this was the reason for the cuts, stating that the subplot involving the group of concerned Senators was cut from the film several months prior to her Playboy appearance. The deleted scenes in question were included on the DVD release - if Lucas was really that concerned about her Playboy appearance, he could easily have left them out.


Question: Can anyone explain what the meaning behind the baseball game was? All I get from it is that Chad didn't think Ryan was good enough to play.

Answer: Although the dialogue makes it hard to follow, the game was actually a challenge between Ryan/Gabriella and Chad. If Ryan's team won, Chad and the guys would have to perform in the talent show; if Chad's team won, Gabriella and Ryan would have to forget the whole thing. Ultimately Ryan won the respect of the guys even though his team lost the game hence Chad asking what would he have to do in the show.

Question: I've seen this movie a couple of times, but I still don't get the deal with the man in the car that Sam goes to at night. What was he going to do?

Answer: Male prostitution.


Question: When Dooku asks Obi-Wan to join him, does he really want to destroy the Sith, or does he have another plan?

Answer: Of course he doesn't want to destroy the Sith - he is a Sith. He's using disinformation to distract Obi-wan, put him off-guard and make him look elsewhere for Sith involvement. If he does persuade Obi-wan to join him, then he gets a possible mole inside the Jedi Order and somebody who he might influence into a potential apprentice. If Obi-wan doesn't, but manages to escape, then he'll have the Jedi Order off balance trying to deal with the new information. If Obi-wan doesn't escape and dies in the arena, then Dooku's lost nothing by giving him information.


He also wants to overthrow Palpatine at some point, as is the Sith way, so turning Obi-Wan would give him an ally in his own plans against Palpatine.

Question: When Hero Boy gets back from the toy room in the train, what were all the kids shouting?

Answer: After "Hero Boy" gets back into the train the kids are all laughing and spouting gibberish. This is often done in post-production when backround noise or talking is necessary. They aren't saying or shouting anything in paticular, just a bunch of kids jabbering on about nothing. I listened to that section three times and it's just gibberish.


Question: Has JK Rowling ever stated what would have happened if Harry had joined Slytherin and/or become a Dark Wizard? Would Voldemort have sought to slay or recruit him? The scene where he's provoking Harry into using the Unforgiveable Curse on Bellatrix got me thinking.

Answer: She's never said, but I should think Voldemort would see Harry as an even larger threat if he'd joined Slytherin/become a Dark Wizard. Voldemort would assume that Harry would still be trying to kill him, but to take over his rule instead of ridding the world of it.


Question: Why did Sao Feng keep yelling for more steam in the beginning? Was he trying to smoke out the guys who were underground?

Answer: Sao Feng enjoys his luxury bathhouse and demands that hot steam continually be provided on his command. Barbossa's crew mates, meanwhile, have infiltrated the boiler room directly below and incapacitated the bathhouse workers. When Feng orders more steam, the crew scrambles to figure out how to operate the controls before being detected. Meanwhile, Feng becomes impatient when the steam he wanted has not been provided and angrily yells for more, which the crew is finally able to provide before arousing any suspicion.


Lisa's Wedding - S6-E19

Question: Do "Bart to the Future" and "Lisa's Wedding" episodes share the same continuity? I only saw second one and I'd like to know if president Lisa is the same Lisa who was in love with Hugh, or Bart who has a band with Ralph the same Bart who used to demolish buildings etc? Or are they just independents predictions without connections? I'm not even asking about Future-Drama, because it'd be weird at this point, Lisa graduating in high school in 2013 and being at university in 2010.

Answer: They are not supposed to be, but there is no way to tell for sure. The only thing that appears to be the same in each episode are the additions made to their house. But some of the other differences could be explained by the fact that one is around 12-15 years in the future, and the other is 30 years in the future.


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