Prison Break

Ogygia - S5-E1

Continuity mistake: On the tombstone in the previous episode, Michael's date of death is 11.4.2005. But in this episode, when Linc goes to the graveyard to visit Michael's grave, his date of death is 11.4.2010. It is also a different grave from the original, as the original was in South America beside the beach, and here we are led to believe it is in New York. (00:50:50)

Prison Break mistake picture

And Then There Were 7 - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: When Quinn falls in the well, he falls through and subsequently destroys the well cover. At the end of the episode when the Secret Service boys show up, an undamaged cover is lying next to the well, which Kellerman uses to cover it up. (00:29:30 - 00:38:30)

Season 1 generally

Factual error: When Michael fills the tank with water (below the stock room), he then strips his clothes off, and slides down a pipe and into the water at the bottom of the tank. Since the water level was way above him, the pipe he slid down and the access to get there would have been flooded also. There was no water in the pipe he slid down, so for that area to be dry, it would have to be above the water line.

Killing Your Number - S4-E22

Continuity mistake: Sucre and C-Note came to Michael's help with dealing with the general. Sucre has noticeably longer hair than normal. In the next clip his hair is gone. (00:20:00 - 00:21:00)

End of the Tunnel - S1-E13

Other mistake: When Michael climbs up the rope to get to the room below the infirmary, the rope is hanging from the manhole cover, but he still manages to lift the cover whilst hanging from it. In the next shot where he looks down the manhole, it's clear that there is nothing other than the rope he could have held on to while lifting the cover. An impressive accomplishment, defying the laws of gravity. (00:38:00)

Going Under - S4-E15

Continuity mistake: Michael is discussing a bargain with Sara but when he first draws it out it's in squares, then when the clipboard is lying flat on his stomach the letters are circled.

Under & Out - S3-E11

Plot hole: Gretchen, Lincoln, and Sophia were able to visit Scofield and Whistler in Sona without Gretchen being recognized. She was taken in for questioning in episode 9, but she managed to escape and kill General Zavala and one other guard. The other guards knew that she was the one who killed Zavala but she was still able to sign in for visitation.


Prison Break mistake picture

Bang and Burn - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: In the shot where Scofield and Whistler are clinging to the wire from the helicopter, one of the bad guys gets shot and falls out of the helicopter. He falls past the wire, but they're not hanging off it. (00:38:35)

Michael Bo Kjeldsen

Fire/Water - S3-E2

Continuity mistake: When Scofield has water poured in to his glass the water level isn't even a quarter full, however, when it cuts back the glass is half full. (00:02:00)


Buried - S2-E7

Revealing mistake: When Sara Tancredi is pulling her dead father off the door he lets out a very audible grunt and you can see his eyes and mouth moving around, a few seconds later he is on the floor and his eyes are dull and his skin slightly pasty. (00:16:40 - 00:17:05)

Disconnect - S2-E12

Plot hole: The Kansas police arrest Bellick for, and he is subsequently convicted of, Geary's murder based in part on a threatening voice mail he left on Geary's phone. But The Message's time and date would match the records of Bellick's admittance into the hospital, thus proving him innocent of the crime.

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Suggested correction: Not necessarily, The Kansas police would have to do an autopsy to determine cause of death and time of death. T-bag had killed Geary long before Bellick left the voice mail as shortly after, Roy's body arrives at the hospital. So the prosecutor could easily say the voicemail was left after Roy died to try and cover his (Bellick's) tracks.

No the paramedics said he died on the ride over.

The Sunshine State - S4-E16

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Sarah crashes into the agent's buggy, you see they have been replaced with dummies. When the car first hits, you see one of the dummies fall out, but they are both seated in the next shot. Also you see that it is not Sarah driving but a man. (00:36:50)

Melissa Jane Swift

Prison Break mistake picture

Cute Poison - S1-E4

Revealing mistake: Near the end, when Michael is unscrewing the sink before kicking the wall in, watch his hands in the foreground while he is talking to Sucre. Just when Sucre says "But what you were doing up there in the infirmary." Michael starts using his fingers to take the bolt out. You can see that there is no bolt, just him turning air, with a mystery 'unscrewing' sound effect. (00:39:35)

Prison Break mistake picture

Map 1213 - S2-E5

Revealing mistake: When C-Note leaps out of the train, you can see that the man jumping out of the train is a stuntman. He is much chubbier than C-Note (wearing a life vest) and his face is completely different. (00:22:20)

Prison Break mistake picture

Manhunt - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: When Steadman is watching the agent put the bags that contain the remains of Veronica Donovan into the trunk of the silver car, the license plate changes between shots. The first time we see the car, the plate reads "1029Q", the second time (close-up shot as the agent closes the trunk) it reads "9417X". (00:37:20)


Prison Break mistake picture

Unearthed - S2-E9

Continuity mistake: After Lincoln and LJ have been recognized by the waitress, they speed off down a road. During their conversation in the car, whenever we see LJ from (his) right side, his hair is blowing in a strong draft, and is blown away from the temple. In all other shots, his hair is completely calm, and is hanging down and forward, covering his right temple completely. (00:13:50)


Prison Break mistake picture

Chicago - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: As the train is approaching the police road block, we get a shot behind the police cars right before the train hits them. At that point all the policemen are gone. In the next shot, the policemen are back by the police cars. (00:28:30)


Michael Scofield: I thought your cousin was trying to move in on your girl.
Fernando Sucre: That's my other cousin but thanks for bringing that up, jackass.

More quotes from Prison Break

Trivia: The show was filmed in an actual prison (now unused) in Joliet. The death row cell used for Lincoln Burrows is the actual death row cell that held serial killer John Wayne Gacy.


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Answer: Roughly as follows. Linc "kills" Steadman in 2001. Michael robs the bank on March 9th 2005 and is sent to Fox River on April 11th. The breakout from Fox River takes place on or around May 25-31. Michael arrives in Sona on June 17th 2005. More details are here:


That wouldn't make sense because the original grave stone in series 4 has Michael's death date as 2005, which is supposed to be at least 3 years after Fox River.

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