Best TV mistakes of 2005

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Prison Break picture

Ogygia - S5-E1

Continuity mistake: On the tombstone in the previous episode, Michael's date of death is 11.4.2005. But in this episode, when Linc goes to the graveyard to visit Michael's grave, his date of death is 11.4.2010. It is also a different grave from the original, as the original was in South America beside the beach, and here we are led to believe it is in New York. (00:50:50)

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Criminal Minds picture

What Happens at Home... - S6-E10

Character mistake: After the murder that takes place while the team is at the church meeting, they gather together to talk about narrowing down the suspect list to the people who didn't show up to the meeting. Spencer shows up with a stack of papers and says 18 suspects didn't show up. We then see his actor break character and almost laughs when he looks over at Ashley, whose actress too almost breaks character from laughing.

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Grey's Anatomy picture

Throwing It All Away - S10-E15

Factual error: In the opening scenes, Arizona mistakenly says a child suffering from imminent liver failure is at risk for psoriasis, when the script called for the word cirrhosis. Psoriasis is a skin disease. Cirrhosis is the medical term for end stage liver disease.

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Ghost Whisperer picture

Birthday Presence - S5-E1

Character mistake: When Aiden and Melinda go the the hospital to visit Jim/Sam the picture on the hospital badge is of Jim Clancy not Sam Lucas... Jim has been in Sam's body for many years at this point. You can see the badge multiple times in the episode.

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The Office picture

Last Day in Florida - S8-E18

Continuity mistake: Toby competes with Darryl to sell Girl Scout cookies. Toby says it's his daughter's first year selling them. However, earlier in the series, Toby agrees to sign Dwight's apology letter from corporate if he buys cookies from his daughter.

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Supernatural picture

All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 - S2-E21

Continuity mistake: Before the Roadhouse fire, Ash and Dean are talking on the phone. Ash looks at his watch, on his left hand, it says 8:10, and has a black dial/face. As Dean and Bobby go through the rubble, Dean identifies Ash by his watch. Still on his left hand, it is now upside down, evident by the crown of the watch (used to move the hands of the watch) which previously facing his hand, is now facing his elbow. Also, the dial/face of the watch is now silver instead of black. This is a different watch, and was inadvertently put on the burnt arm upside down.


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Suggested correction: Many people buy another toothbrush to take on trips and since they were supposed to be going away, they probably decided to use them at home, as if this was their trip.

The whole point of the mistake is they say they have always shared a toothbrush. So why would they use separate on a trip?


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Bones picture

The Parts in the Sum of the Whole - S5-E16

Continuity mistake: In this episode, Booth and Bones are telling Sweets about their "real first case" together - the case where they actually met for the first time. During this episode, Booth, Bones, and Angela take some evidence to Caroline, and Booth introduces them both (most importantly Brennan) to Caroline. However, in season 1, episode 19, "The Man in the Morgue", (which would have taken place after this initial first meeting) when Brennan is accused of murder in New Orleans, Booth has Caroline fly to NOLA to be Brennan's lawyer, and he introduces the two of them. If they had already been introduced during the first case Booth and Brennan worked on together, they would not have needed to be introduced here; they would have already known one another.

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American Dad picture

Vision: Impossible - S9-E9

Continuity mistake: Steve receives a Rowflux and five containers of protein powder. He takes one of the containers leaving only four still on the floor. In a subsequent scene, Steve is still holding the container but now five containers can be seen behind him, giving him six containers altogether.

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Zoey 101 picture

The Radio - S3-E14

Continuity mistake: Chase gives Zoey a radio in this episode, but in 1-3 Webcam, when Zoey, Quinn and Nicole are in Zoey's room trying to figure out who is telling the girls' secrets to people, you can see that radio above Zoey's head.

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Ben 10 picture

Show generally

Continuity mistake: Season 4, episode 10 "Ben 10 vs. The Negative 10, Part 2": When the Forever King makes his announcement "Nothing will stop this little home-coming", he stands outside the Mount Rushmore base on bare soil. But in the scene where Max reviews the recording of this speech, all of a sudden we find the Forever King standing on a neatly tiled floor.


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Numb3rs picture

Prime Suspect - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: When Charlie Epps is writing a quadrillion on the whiteboard, the writing alternates between shots. Most noticably when he first writes it down, there is a significant downward tendency of the 000 groups. In the next shot, they are pretty much horizontal. Also the shapes of the commas alter.

Ronnie Bischof

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Avatar: The Last Airbender picture

Avatar Day - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When the village leader switches the wheel of punishment to Community Service, it is on the space next to Boiled in Oil. However, all of the other shots of the wheel have another section in between these two.


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