Question: If Vivica Fox's daughter is 4 years old, why was she on a school bus?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: When Vukovic and Traxler are watching Silberman question Reese, Vukovic mentions a guy they brought in who apparently burned something and did something else I couldn't quite hear. What's he actually talking about?
Answer: The quote: "He had this guy in here last week who set his Afghan [a breed of dog] on fire. Screwed it first, then set it on..." [and here Traxler interrupts him].
Question: In the extended version, if Faramir is so worried that Gollum will prevent Frodo from completing his quest, then why doesn't he kill him? I know that Frodo 'has to believe he can come back' and so on, but don't you think it is vital Frodo's journey to save the world is made as safe as possible?
Answer: Gollum is the only one who can guide Frodo to the stairs and through the tunnels above it, as he is the only one to have gotten into Mordor that way. And besides, Gollum is under Frodo's protection, and if Faramir had willingly hurt someone in the company of a guest, his and Gondor's honor would be ruined. This may not seem like much in our time and place, but in Middle Earth it matters a lot.
Question: What style of black leather jacket does Ethan Hunt wear just before the chase scene near the end of the movie, I've been looking for ages trying to find something similar?
Answer: The costume designer was Lizzy Gardiner, who can be contacted through Sandra Marsh Management ( The IMDb is the best place for questions like this.
Question: When Milhouse meets his Shelbyville double, he tearily says "So this is what it feels like when doves cry." Could someone explain this reference to me?
Answer: It's a reference to a Prince song. See
Answer: There is a clasp on the chain, which can be seen in shots in all three movies. However, as noted in several mistakes on this site, there are some shots where The Ring is inexplicably off the chain in subsequent shots.
Question: Is it possible for a 10-year-old kid with straight hair (Episode I) to develop a natural curl within the next 8-10 years (Episode II)? I can understand Anakin now having a darker hair color because he no longer lives on Tattoine (where the two suns were constantly lightening it), but where could the curl have come from?
Chosen answer: Absolutely - my cousin as a child had straight blonde hair, but around puberty (also soon after the Chernobyl explosion - draw your own conclusions) his hair went dark and curly. I'm sure someone can expand on the specific reasons why it might happen, but it's certainly possible.
Question: I understand Samara "haunting" her parents, spooking the horses, killing everyone who watches her video as an act of revenge, but why then does she torment (or at least "talk to") Aiden? Aiden has visions of Samara days before his cousin is killed, and for some reason, she seems to interact with him a lot, though we never see it in the movie.
Answer: For some reason, I always thought that Samara started to show things to Aidan after he went to Katie's room during her wake. There, he sees a figure on the TV and the proceeds to tell Rachel that it's not Katie's room anymore (clever word play as Katie had died so nothing was hers anymore, but it also implied that Samara's spirit had taken over her room). Since Aidan was a kid just like Samara when she died, she probably attached herself to him and began showing him things and it seems to have gotten worse after Rachel watched the tape and was infected by Samara. As for the drawings showing Katie's death, Samara didn't show those images to Aidan. Katie herself told him that she was running out of time and possibly that she was going to die. This obviously caused a huge impact on Aidan prompting him to draw those pictures.
Answer: Aiden is psychic. He can sense Samara, though he doesn't understand exactly what he is experiencing.
Question: Can someone please explain the scene where McClane and Hans are alone near the roof. Hans says his name is "Bill Clay" and the camera zooms in on a board with the name Clay on it. What is the significance of this? Does this give Hans away? And if so how?
Answer: No, this doesn't give Hans away - the zoom represents McClane checking the board out - getting proof that there is indeed a person in the building with that name (listed as W. Clay, for William). Hans has obviously done his homework, but McClane doesn't trust him anyway, hence the trick with the empty gun.
Actually, it said "Wm. Clay", which is for William. W. Clay could have been for Wanda or Walter or Wesley or Waldo, etc.
It's most likely "WM" for William Mark Clay or similar - no reason William would have an extra letter tacked on but others wouldn't.
Wm is commonly the initials for "William", as opposed to W for "Will." On the board, it shows WM simply because they don't have/use any lower-case letters; they're all block letters.
Answer: John already knew what Hans looked like. He saw him through the vent on the top of the elevator (after sending Karl's brother down wearing the sweater) - He also saw Hans shoot Takagi (which is why he says "Just like you did with Takagi" after Hans says he's gonna count to three).
He never sees Hans' face in either scene. In fact, once the scene where they meet on the roof was added (midway through filming, once the director realised Alan Rickman could do a passable American accent), the scene where Hans shoots Takagi was reedited in such a way as to be clear that McClane never gets a good look at Hans' face, only hears his voice.
Question: Why is there a lamb in the 'death tape'? I've seen this film at least 20 times, I've figured out everything else except the relevance of the lamb.
Answer: There were lambs on the hillside (near the red Japanese maple tree) that Samara was gazing at when her mother killed her.
Wasn't that just horses?
Answer: The lamb is normally associated with innocence.
Question: What exactly is the space jockey and why haven't we seen it in the other films except its fossilized self sitting in the what I call the laser gun?
Answer: It's another race of space alien that is also subject to infection by the Aliens. This particular one was infected and moved as far as it could from its race's known space and broadcast a warning before it died. The presence of eggs in the hold may indicate that it was a research ship. The race was never used in other Alien movies because it adds a new dynamic to the plotlines: two alien species, locked in mortal combat and neither particularly friendly with humans. In the Alien pseudo-prequel Prometheus we learn these beings are known as the Engineers and have interesting ties with both the aliens and humans as well.
Answer: Other theories, mostly developed in the comics derived from the original franchise, assume the xenomorphs were biological weapons conceived by the Space Jockeys for some interstellar war of theirs. Hence, the crescent-shape derelict was just a bomber, full of eggs and operated by a single pilot to minimize risks of accident with this mostly dangerous cargo. - what just happened though.
AKA, the plot of Prometheus.
Question: This may have been obvious but I wanted to check, the guy that kills Adam Goldberg horribly with the knife and shoots Tom Hanks, he was the guy they let go with 1000 paces, right? Nasty thought. The translating private shoots him at the end as well, right?
Answer: They are two completely different people. The soldier they let go, who (probably unknowingly) shot Miller and who was killed (or murdered, as I prefer) by Upham after he surrendered was a member of the Heer (regular army)— - you can see the insignia on his collar. The man who stabbed Mellish was a private in the Waffen-SS (military arm of the SS) - —you can see the "SS" runes ("lightning bolts") on his collar. They have similar shaved hairstyles, but if you look closely at them in side-by-side screencaps, you will notice the differences. The Waffen-SS character also does not seem to recognize Upham when he encounters him on the stairs; the Heer character seems surprised to encounter Upham when he surrenders.
Question: In the part where Bianca's friend is asking "I know you can be overwhelmed and underwhelmed, but can you ever be just whelmed?" Bianca answers something like, "I think you can be in Europe" What does she mean?
Answer: The answer doesn't mean anything, it's deliberately stupid to show us from her very first scene how much of an airhead Bianca is. The implication is that Bianca's thinking of something practised in Europe that isn't in America.
Question: What is the significance of the second video Amelie gives the glass man? I understand the first one - the horse is with the cyclists, and yet different from them, like the girl in the painting. But I don't get the second one.
Answer: As far as I can see, Amelie is just trying to give him a view of the world, so he doesn't become entirely cut off.
The Ziff Who Came to Dinner - S15-E14
Question: In "The Ziff Who Came to Dinner", Lisa mentions a website of hers when she's in the attic. Does anyone know the address? Did anyone visit the site?
Chosen answer: The site is It doesn't exist.
Question: When Dr. Buddy is in the control booth at Yankee Stadium, he's talking to a very old man who he's about to tell what message to put on the scoreboard. The way the film is cut, hanging on the old man for a few extra seconds makes me believe he's someone special in real life, but I saw the movie on a special movie channel promo weekend, and the end credits were squashed up to make room for cast interviews. Anyone know who this elderly gentleman might be?
Chosen answer: That would be the famous Bob Sheppard. He is the long time Yankee announcer. For more info:
Question: What is the significance of Bourne's and The Professor's headaches? The Professor might have explained it just after he mentioned them, but I didn't catch what he said.
Chosen answer: It's something to do with the conditioning that the Treadstone agents go through. The precise cause isn't clear. It is mentioned more in the sequels, but not to any great extent - either PTSD or medication seems to be the root of it.
Question: What is the song being played during the scene when Henry is being chased by the helicopter towards the end? It starts when he puts the bags in the trunk of his car before going to pick up his brother, but it's not on the soundtrack and I can't see it listed in the end credits.
Chosen answer: The song is called "Jump Into The Fire" by Harry Nilsson, and is not on the original motion picture soundtrack.
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Answer: Even for a child as young as that age, who is probably in pre-school, they still have buses that take them to school. Having grown up in America I rode on one with children that young.
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