Question: Did Mrs. Voorhees kill those people at the beginning of the movie too?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: When Robin asks Rabbi Tuckman to marry him and Maid Marian, Rabbi says that he's on his last customer and that he'll be right out, and then we hear a crack, a guy calling out in pain and the Rabbi telling him "Put a little ice on it. You'll be fine." What was the joke? I never understood what he did that made the guy call out in pain. Can someone please explain?
Answer: He was giving the man inside a circumcision. Earlier in the movie, Rabbi Tuckman showed Robin and the Merry Men a small handheld guillotine. He gave a demonstration by taking a carrot (or a candle, doesn't matter which) which was to represent a man's penis and used the guillotine to cut the tip of the carrot off.
Question: In the scene when the Black Knight Ghost and the 10,000 Volt Ghost are destroyed, I can see how the Black Knight was destroyed but how was the Volt Ghost destroyed and also, how could a jumper cable hurt him? I never understood that part exactly.
Answer: The jumper cables "conducted" the 10,000 Volt Ghost into the Black Knight, causing them both to explode.
Question: What's the name of the song that plays right after the gang change out of their disguises from the spooky island castle ride?
Answer: The song is called Bump in the Night.
Question: How did Mary Jane get Scooby snacks? I thought they were made just for Scooby, (Hence the name). I've seen a lot of episodes of Scooby-Doo but not every single one, so that's why I'm asking.
Question: I've never adopted kids before so that's why I'm asking this question; When Stuart is being adopted, I noticed that on his papers, the parents were listed as Mr. And Mrs. Little. My question is, why aren't their first names on there? George's first name was, so why weren't theirs on there as well? Is that a mistake or is it common?
Answer: I wouldn't call it a "mistake" as the movie did that on purpose for both a gag and an emphasis on Stuart becoming a Little. This is definitely not practice for actually adopting children. You must put your first name on the paperwork.
Question: When Maggie asks Barney if he still thinks about Billy after his death, he says "We keep it light until we have to get dark. Then we go pitch black." What exactly does Barney mean by this?
Question: One of the first steps in the defeating of Davy Jones was for Will to find out where the key to the chest was. In order to do that, he had to play that game with Davy Jones. How exactly did the game work?
Answer: The game is called Liar's Dice, and the idea is to bid on the numbers that are rolled among all players. For example, player one might suggest that among all players, 3 sixes have been rolled. The next player can either up the bid (by suggesting there are more than 3 sixes, or he/she can change the number rolled in question as long as they count higher than the previous suggestion, i.e 4 sixes or 4 twos, but they cannot say 2 fives) or they can call the bluff of the previous player. If at least 3 sixes were rolled, then the bid is true and player two loses. If there are fewer than 3 sixes, then player one's bluff has been called and he loses. In the case of the game between Will, Bootstrap Bill and Davy Jones, Bootstrap purposely gave a ridiculous bid in order to spare Will from losing. By making such a bid, he forced Davy Jones into either calling his bluff or increasing the bid himself, in which case Will would have then called Davy Jones' bluff and won the game.
Question: It makes sense to me how Joy, Sadness, Anger, and Disgust's colors represent the emotions they are. Here's what I don't get though. How does Fear's color (purple) represent the emotion he is?
Chosen answer: The filmmakers noticed that the traditional color for cowardice (Fear) was yellow, but Joy was already yellow (not because she was cowardice). Purple was then used for Fear, primarily because Joy was already chosen yellow. Docter states that "Fear was kind of, frankly, the leftover color. We tried to design them in a nice ensemble group so they looked good together."
Question: What was Ratso cooking in the frying pan (the scene where he was slicing green pepper into the food)?
Answer: Coconut.
No, we see them trying to break the coconut (and failed miserably) after Ratso made that dish (and it looks like some kind of stew, probably made from the tomato we saw them steal at the same time they stole the coconut, and green peppers).
Question: When Mr Turner notices Kale, it is presumed that he let his victim go. But then later in the film, it comes to the viewer's knowledge that the woman never left. How could Mr Turner fake that?
Chosen answer: When Kale goes in Mr. Turner's house to find his mom, he finds a red wig and heels (when he saw the girl leaving Mr. Turner's house, that was Mr. Turner wearing the wig and taking her car to make it seemed like she had left safely).
Disagree. No way a grown man like that could fit into the dress, or be convincing.
Attack Of The Mutant (2) - S2-E3
Question: How are the comics still being written? The Masked Mutant is dead and it's kind of obvious that the Galloping Gazelle is going to retire, so how is Skipper still receiving them? Also, how did he change into a superhero?
Answer: Whoever created the Masked Mutant comics would still be around to create other comics even with the Masked Mutant dead and the Galloping Gazelle retiring, so Skipper could still receive different comics with all new characters. When Skipper goes into the Masked Mutant's lair, he is hit with a beam of light that turns him into a comic book character so after saying that he's the Colossal Elastic Boy, he turns into the hero at the end of the episode.
Question: Why didn't the gangbangers kill Alonzo at the end? Did he just get away with no trouble? I thought they were going to kill him, because he was hated in the neighbourhood.
Answer: They grew sick and tired of Alonzo's arrogance and probably decided he wasn't worth the effort. Alonzo was however killed by the Russian Mafia because Jake was told that Alonzo killed one of their couriers and had to pay them one million dollars by midnight or he would be killed himself.
Question: In the Astronomy tower, Dumbledore tells Harry to go and get Professor Snape, but then Harry has to hide. So, how did Snape know that Draco and the Death Eaters were in the Astronomy tower with Dumbledore? Draco would not have told him because he did not want help with the mission.
Answer: Snape was acting as a double agent for Voldemort. He knew because the Death Eaters who invaded told him.
Answer: According to the Star Wars Wookipedia, Obi-Wan was born in 57 BBY (Battle before Yavin) and Revenge of the Sith takes place in 19 BBY. This means Obi-Wan must be in this movie, aged 37 or 38.
Answer: There's never a point during their time on that planet that depicts their he ever can't. He starts out hiding in Padme's ship and waiting for the opportunity to show himself. Shortly after they fight and ends when Obi-Wan leaves Anakin for dead and leaves. There's never a point that he can't sense him.
Question: Does Vader sleep in his suit?
Answer: Darth Vader has a special chamber in which parts of the suit can be removed for comfort. When he is not in the chamber he must wear it at all times in order to survive.
Answer: Darth Vader does have his own personal chamber made to assist him with the equipment /suit he wears as well as, I'm sure, for resting/meditation purposes. Also keep in mind that Jedi/Sith, especially those trained to use the force (particularly those having mastered it), don't need the same sleep requirements regular folks need. They can "sleep" sitting straight up, on top of much harder elements and they can even "draw" energy from the force to help them stay awake. The expanded universe, via the books, gives more examples of Jedi/Sith sleeping or measures they take.
Question: Do clones have the option to choose whether or not to obey the Chancellor's orders? Because not all clones did - Captain Rex for example.
Answer: The Clone Wars series depicts the insertion of a biochip during the cloning process on Kamino - in Star Wars Rebels, Rex mentions he removed his own chip before Order 66. He was warned of their function by Fives after Tup's chip had malfunctioned.
Clone Wars season seven actually clarifies that Rex didn't remove his chip on his own, but was able to resist Order 66 long enough to tell Ahsoka to read his report on Fives, which allowed her to learn about the inhibitor chip and remove it from his head. Rex being able to resist it suggests that Wulffe may have also resisted it long enough for his to be removed, since he also seemed fairly close to his general.
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Answer: Yes. She killed them as well.
Mrs Voorhees murdered Barry and Claudette because, in her mind, at least, she thought that they had caused her son to drown. (I realise that's not what you asked).
Alan Keddie