Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Iris is driving to Amanda's house from the airport, they are driving southeast along the shore. But LAX is east of Santa Monica, which is where the cab turns to head inland. Am I the only person thinking this is wrong?

Answer: This is typical in many movies where a commute to a specific location is deliberately inaccurate. I live in Seattle and have seen movies that were filmed here showing someone driving to a real location in a direction that in no way would get them there. There are logistical considerations in filming, such as what locations are more scenic, physical barriers for film crews, obtaining permits, traffic considerations, and so on.


Question: How did the church catch on fire? I know that in the scene before, Johnny drops a cigarette but he and Pony were also there the entire night. There is no way the blaze would have started once they left all them hours later. Also, what purpose did the children have being there? Why would they take a school bus to an old run down church? I get if they were going to just look but the adults let the children inside even though it was falling apart.

Answer: We don't know when the fire started, or even that it was Pony and Johnny who were responsible. But they knew that their cigarettes were the most likely explanation and so saw rescuing the kids as their responsibility. I recall the school being near the church for a picnic or something - the kids were explicitly told to stay away from the actual building. They were disobeying their teacher's orders by venturing inside.

Answer: In the novel, it's stated that the children were there for a school picnic, and that there was a possibility of them dropping a lit cigarette (which could have happened another time off screen in the movie).

Answer: Stottlemeyer was already upset after the phone call. He was trying to get "Kevin" (who would have to be a judge, but no further character information is given) to issue a restraining order with no evidence of needing one, except that Adrian Monk said she needs one. Kevin said he would need to "sleep on it." So it's clear they've been trying to provide protection and unable to get the results they need, which seems to be based on no one trusting Monk the way Stottlemeyer does. He's just angry that they failed to protect Linda despite all their work. Although it does feel like a scene was cut, or altered, from the show that shows the futile attempts to protect Linda which built up to his outrage.


Answer: While walking upstairs in the victims house randy starts messing with his out of place tennis shoes. When he gets upstairs to monks he has on other shoes. Could have to do with the expensive rug.

Question: Even though both Eggs and Winnie jumped into the manhole to slide into the Boxtrolls' lair, why was only Winnie shown sliding down it?

Question: When Remy is stuck in a cage, chef Gusteau tells Remy he never did. Remy never did what?

Answer: Remy tells the imaginary Gusteau that he's given up, and Gusteau replies that Remy is only as free as he imagines himself to be. Remy counters that he's "sick of pretending" to be a rat for his father and to be a human through Linguini. He then adds that he even pretends Gusteau actually exists, just so he can have somebody to talk to, and that all of Gusteau's responses are what he himself already knows to be true. So when Remy asks, "Why do I need to pretend?" that's when Gusteau tells him, "But you don't Remy. You never did." Which basically means Remy is both a rat, and an extraordinary cook.

Super Grover

Question: How would the United States charge Lokar for his crimes even if he was exposed? He's not an American citizen.

Answer: He would be charged as an International War Criminal. Bosnian war criminals were charged by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, a body of the United Nations.


Answer: S04e15, "The Kids Rob a Train."


Answer: Yes, he is.


Question: Did Patton really promise to control his temper before being assigned to the third army?

Answer: He most likely would have had to agree to monitor his temper and behavior and also his habit of making off-the-cuff, politically incorrect or politically charged remarks. He at times spoke or acted impulsively.


Question: Why does it seem like they used CGI on Daniel Radcliffe's face? Multiple times like on the train when he is talking you can see that his face is edited. What happened?

Answer: This is never explained, but a possible answer is to spend less time on his makeup. Also, he might've not had the look the crew were going for.

Question: When Luke surrenders to the Imperials on Endor, Darth Vader gives the Commander permission to search for other Rebels. Why does he say "Bring his companions to me" if he and Luke are about to leave for the Death Star?

Answer: Presumably, Luke's companions would be transported to the Death Star or wherever Lord Vader happened to be once they were captured.


Question: Why did it take so long for the police to arrive at the Murphy's House since Kevin called 911? Since he called them we went through the Spider Scene, Kevin cutting the rope, Marley rescuing Kevin and then after he returned Kevin home the cops finally arrived. Why did it take them so long to arrive?

Answer: A lot of things come into play during a police call and it's not all cut and dry. Proximity of units to the call, other calls happening at the same time, severity of other calls, location of backup units, etc. Realistically, anything under 10 minutes is considered a fast response time. I've personally waited in upwards of 40 minutes for police response at my job.

Answer: A lot of things happened after Kevin called the police but all of these things took place pretty quickly. And the movie is set in a suburban area so it took the police more time to get there that it would've taken, say, downtown.

Lol, suburban police respond in minutes. Big city police, even downtown precincts, can take 30 minutes or more.

This depends on where you live, and what the police department is like - i.e, being understaffed. I've heard of my local police taking three hours to respond. I live in a suburban area.

Answer: This is just one of many inconsistent and/or unrealistic details in this movie. Police would normally respond to an emergency call much sooner. If the movie were more realistic however, the plot could not play out in the funny way that it does.


What's unrealistic about it? There's a caller claiming to be in the house which is a possible hostage situation. In that case, you would want as many officers as you could get on scene, emergency call or not.

Answer: There had been a hoax call that evening already so perhaps this is actually much more accurate than initially thought.

Answer: Suburban cops usually do not respond quickly.


Question: Here's something I don't understand. When Zack and Gray are in the Gyrosphere, they go to a territory that is not part of the ride, leading to the Indominus attack. My question is, how is this even possible? The ride was shut down, they heard a voice in the sphere tell them to return back to where the ride began, and they could be seen visually on a map with other Gyrospheres, so wouldn't someone know where they were heading and basically forbid it? It's one thing for Claire to go exactly where they last were, but surely the guy operating the ride, or anyone else associated with it, would notice one that didn't come back?

Answer: The Gyrosphere does not have any limitations as to where it can go. It also does not shut down and return to base automatically when the ride is closed. It appears to operate like a normal vehicle would, in that the driver has full control over where it goes. Under normal circumstances, the vehicle would be more closely monitored but the film makes a point to show the ride operator being a young, unenthusiastic kid who is flabbergasted during the emergency. He seems to be more concerned with the angry visitors yelling at him than in making sure all the Gyrospheres return.


Question: Is the timeline in this movie supposed to be somewhat non-linear? For example - in the scene where Karen and Gill go to Kevin's school to talk to the principal and psychologist, it is specifically mentioned that the new school year is 4 months away meaning it is approximately April since kids typically began school in August. Later, when Larry comes to visit and is talking to the dad in the garage, he mentions the Super Bowl (which you reasonably would have assumed they just watched) but that takes place in January. Plus, Larry's mom tells them that Cool (Larry's son) has just finished eating lunch. How? If they just watched the Super Bowl, it would be dinner since the game is always played in the afternoon. And despite being in "St. Louis" (we know they actually filmed in Florida), it never seems to be winter. The end is really the most confusing with the birthing order. We learned earlier in a scene that Karen is pregnant and is due in February. At some point around this time, we find out that Julie is also pregnant. At this point, Julie's mom Helen has just gone on her first date with Mr. Bowen (Garry's biology teacher) but the end, Helen is having a baby, Julie and Tod's baby barely looks a month old and Karen's baby looks to be about 4 months old. Did Helen marry Mr. Bowen immediately and get pregnant right away?

Answer: The movie is being told in a linear timeline. You have just about all the information right! I think the one thing you are letting throw you off is your assessment of the Super Bowl. You are surmising that they had just watched the game that day, but my assessment is that they are talking about the game from months ago (bearing in mind that Larry has not been around for years and has not seen his father since the last Super Bowl). My belief is the movie takes place in May. That would add up with Kevin's next year of school being 4 months away as schools usually start in September, and the math also works out with Karen's February due date. This would also explain your concern about the weather. As for Helen's baby, it is not made clear whether or not she married Mr. Bowman, nor does it really matter for timeline purposes, but they consummated the relationship not long after the first date and she got pregnant.


Question: Why did Bryan risk his and Kim's life by forcing Kim to drive through the shooting soldiers into the courtyard of the U.S. Embassy in Istanbul? They just could've stopped in front of the guarding American soldiers and gotten help. The Albanian mafias who were pursuing after Bryan and Kim were even not behind them because they got already killed by the train. Why?

Bunch Son

Answer: I'd say there is no reason other than because it's a movie. Logic and reality are often supplanted in favor of more dramatic and exciting action scenes.


Question: Why does Sonny write the time that Solozzo calls him at his home to tell him that he has Tom Hagen? He writes "8:30" on the cabinet. I think it's explained in the book, but there is some significance to it.

Answer: Because Solozzo says Hagen will be released in three hours with Solozzo's proposition, i.e., the new terms in the wake of Don Corleone's death (at this point, Solozzo believes he is dead). Sonny writes down the time so he knows exactly when to expect Hagen to be released, and he writes it on the cabinet because he has no paper nearby (he quickly looks around for some before writing on the cabinet).

Show generally

Question: What happened to Julia? They spend time building up a character and then she dated Frasier and they broke up, and in the next episode there is no mention of her leaving the station - no one talked about her?


Chosen answer: TV shows frequently have short-term characters who never appear again. Maybe Julia got another job. Maybe Julia still works at KACL, even if she is never shown or mentioned.

Answer: She became victim to "Chuck Cunningham Syndrome." Which is described as: "when a character in a television mysteriously vanishes from the show. No write-off, no death, not even a passing explanation of what happened to the character."


It's annoying when they introduce the character build it up and then get rid of it with none of the characters mentioning it.


Question: Does anyone know the specific setting at the end where Jude Law dies. I know the general settings but would love to know this specific trail. It's beautiful and I'd love to hike it.


Answer: The movie is set in North Carolina and the Appalachian Mountains, but it was mostly filmed in Romania and the Carpathian Mountains, so the trail may be located there, making it harder to pinpoint. Cold Mountain and the surrounding Shining Rock Wilderness are part of Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina. I suggest checking for a Pisgah web site that might have info and also North Carolina's state website for tourist info. There may be a NC government office that markets the state to the movie industry that can help. However, I suspect the trail is probably in Romania. - P.S. Here's a link that might help:


Question: As Duncan prepares to kill Doc Shabbit, it sounds like Doc says it's hard to kill a man looking him in the eye, isn't it Bill? His name is Duncan not Bill, or am I mis-hearing it?

Answer: He says "ain't it, pilgrim?"


Question: In real movie time how long did each dream last? The hotel dream time, the city dream, and the snow mountains dream. I don't buy it that they spent 8 years hiking in those mountains.

Answer: The dream is stated to last about 20 times as long as time in the real world, with the flight taking 10 hours. This means that the first level would be 200 hours (just over a week), the second level would be around 20 weeks (about 5 months), and the third level about 100 months (just over 8 years). However, that is the length of time for the entire dream, start to finish. That is not how long each person stays in the dream. They were not hiking in the mountains for 8 years, just a few minutes or an hour at the most. However, if they were to miss a kick on any level, they would either have to stay in that mountain base for the full 8 years or get kicked down to limbo for even longer, potentially.


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