Black Dog

Question: Red is involved in weapons smuggling but why would he hijack the rig that Jack was driving if the weapons were supposed to be delivered to Cutler?

Question: Why did Jack pull into the weigh station when Earl told him not to?

Answer: It would have been suspicious if he didn't do it.

Answer: Drive by an inspection station that is open and let me know how far you got before being stopped. Unless you have preclearance you must go through scale.

Answer: At this point in the movie, Jack did not know who was giving Red their location. He suspected it to be Earl, so he went the opposite way that Earl told him because he assumed they would have run into Red if he took 85 like Earl said.

Question: Is the whole thing with truckers seeing "a black dog" when they have been on the road too long true, or made up purely for the film?


Chosen answer: It's an old trucker's myth that has been around for a long time. There's no known origin for the story, but supposedly when truckers become drowsy, they can see a demon-like black canine of some sort running along the side of the road. This legend was incorporated into the movie.


Continuity mistake: Before the biker disconnects the air lines, he is shown on the back of the truck. At one point you can see that the air lines are already disconnected. Not to mention that the trailer tires will lock up without air, and shortly after the entire truck will lock up. (00:57:20 - 00:58:20)

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