Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: During the trash compacter scene, Luke gets sucked under by the one-eyed monster thing, which leads to Han and Leia trying to find him. But if the water's only about knee deep, why is it so hard for him to be found?

Answer: Presumably because the monster has pulled him through the lair of whatever they are standing on into whatever space the rest of the body of the monster lives in. Obviously, the monster doesn't live in the part of the part of the compactor that does the compacting or it would be already compacted.


Question: This is in regards to the tournament in this movie and in part 3. Is it compatible to tournaments in real life? In real life, are they physically hitting each other or do they pull back on their punches? What do they do in the tournaments in both movies that is not allowed in a real life tournament?


Chosen answer: Without knowing the exact style of karate, it is impossible to answer. I perform in martial arts tournaments but we wear various protective gear and are prohibited to strike at targets like knees (as in the movie) but are also prohibited from "excessive" contact on legal targets. My brother-in-law, though, does another style - and he won a match by kicking a person so hard he broke ribs and the other participant couldn't continue - so my brother-in-law won the match. Different styles differ. Back in the 70's and 80's "Point sparring" was very popular. This is where the contestants pull their punches only making light contact. This was considered a good skill to have as it taught one control their punches and to learn distance. It was very boring to watch and with the development of safer protective gear point sparring pretty much went away.

Zwn Annwn

Question: In the scene just before Sirius Black is killed he says "Good job, James." Is there someone else named James or is he mistakenly calling Harry by his father's name?

Answer: Sirius is mistakenly referring to Harry as his father, James Potter. After everything Sirius has been through, he is rather emotionally unstable and immature. He has tended to see Harry as a peer and replacement for his dead friend James, rather than acting like Harry's godfather.


Question: Is the sneak peek of "Half-Blood Prince" accessible only with a DVD-ROM drive?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Yes.


Question: Why does Carmen answer Juni's question by saying "my feet stink?" Is this a reference to another movie?

Answer: In the 2nd Spy Kids film, when they can read each other's minds, Juni proves it by thinking Carmen's feet stink, at which point she smells her shoe and agrees.

Show generally

Question: I seem to remember a parody where Stewie dresses like Maria from The Sound of Music when she sings "I have Confidence." If it is not just my imagination, can anyone tell me what episode and season this was?

Answer: This actually came from the "Stewie Griffin: Untold Story" DVD. It was split into three episodes, and I believe this particular scene came from the first one.


Question: Why does Wallace change his tune suddenly when offering the Haynes sisters a drink on the train, considering that a few seconds before he was not too pleased because Davis had given their tickets to the sisters?

Answer: While initially not pleased their tickets had been given away, Wallace used his war injured arm to gain passage (a running gag in the movie) and once on the train it no longer mattered that they did not have tickets. Besides, they were very pretty girls that they already knew and liked.


Question: When Harry and Hermione go back in time to rescue Sirius and Buckbeak, does Dumbledore know that they are rescuing them? It's just that earlier the execution happened quickly, but when they go back in time, Dumbledore seems to be distracting the executioner and Fudge so that Harry and Hermione can do what they need to do.

Answer: Yes Dumbledore knows that they are rescuing Buckbeak and Sirius, because (and this is a little complicated) he is planning to tell Harry and Hermione (the Harry and Hermione who have just left Hagrid's Hut, not the Harry and Hermione who are now rescuing Buckbeak) to go back in time and rescue them, so he is presuming that a future Harry and Hermione would currently be rescuing Buckbeak. Hope that doesnt play with your mind too much!


Show generally

Question: In a second-season episode Roy wears a cool shirt that simply says 'meh' on it. Has anyone else on another TV show worn this shirt? I've seen it somewhere before but I've never seen the IT Crowd so it's not by Roy. Thanks.

Answer: The shirt is available from and is fairly popular in the nerd culture, so it's possible you've seen it in real life or online.

Question: What's the deal with the song Paula sings to Andy in the scene at the store. I have a feeling there's something comical behind it. Does anyone know what she's singing?

Cody Bowers

Chosen answer: The words translated are "When you clean my room, I can't find anything. Where are you going in a hurry? The football game." Even if you can't understand a foreign language, the last word of the love song is recognizably "football".


Question: In the middle of Kermit and Fozzy's song "Movin' Right Along", they meet up with Big Bird who says, "I'm on my way to New York City". Is this meeting on another movie starring Big Bird or am I sadly mistaken?

Answer: This is Big Bird's only movie where he says this line. It is a reference to his going to New York hoping to get a role on Public Television (the station that created "Sesame Street") This is verified in TV interviews with the late Jim Henson and on Wikipedia.


Question: What does Rose's mother mean when she says that Rose's father left them bad "decks"?

Answer: She actually says "Your father left us nothing but a legacy of bad debts hidden by a good name" - bad debts meaning debts he would never be able to pay.


Question: What was the significance of showing us Lyla dropping her necklace outside the hotel? Louis didn't pick it up did he?

Answer: I think it was a necklace she was given by her father, and it breaking shows that she is breaking away from him. Her father picks it up, not Louis.

If her father picks it up, how is Wizard wearing it later in film?

Answer: While Harry can be a given name, it is also a standard "informal" version of the name Henry. For example, in the UK Royal Family, the younger son of Prince Charles, officially named Prince Henry, is commonly referred to as Prince Harry.


Question: Is Riddick's trick with the knife when the Lord Marshal first shows it to him physically possible? I can't tell if it's just CG or simply a very talented hand at work.

Answer: Completely CGI, and in my opinion, pretty bad CGI too. There's no way you can flip a knife underneath your hand they way that he did. Also, the entire scene is pretty herky-jerky, a good tip-off that it's CGI.

Nick Bylsma

Answer: No, the house used in The Skeleton Key is not the same house used in Forrest Gump. The house used in Forrest Gump was a set built just for the movie in South Carolina. The house for The Skeleton Key was in Louisiana. The Forrest Gump home in Greenbow, Alabama (actually filmed in a parish in South Carolina) was torn down along with Jenny's house, which was also a set.

Question: I keep hearing about the mistake where Harry says there is twenty four hour's worth of Felix Felicis in the bottle, when there is in fact twelve. But I checked for it and he says 'all twelve hours' worth'. Is this mistake only in the American edition (I have the British)?

Answer: This mistake was corrected in later printings, so you may have the corrected version of the book.

Show generally

Question: On Law & Order: SVU the character Alex Cabot had to enter the witness protection program. How did they bring her back for the show Conviction?

Answer: It was never explained on the show. The series only lasted 13 episodes so they didn't have time to go into how or why Cabot returned.

Maria Santos

Question: Why does It leave the picture of Georgie in 1985? The only reason I can think of is to alert the Losers Club, but It doesn't want them to come so that makes no sense.

Answer: It does want the Losers to come to Derry. If you remember, Mik tells that by the site of the Bellwood murder, It painted the words "come home, come home, come home", a clear message to the Losers. In the next part (chapter 10, part 5), they also speak about how It would want them back, to exact revenge on them.


Question: Gandalf explains in this movie how he survives fighting that fire creature from the 1st movie. But I am confused here. They show in flashbacks him and the fire creature falling down the crevice and landing in a pool of water. Next scene they are on the top of the mountain fighting in snow. How did they get from the pool of water to the mountain of snow?


Chosen answer: It was a long fight lasting many days, after they fell, the Balrog climbed all the way to the peaks of the mountains, and Gandalf followed it.


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