Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Answer: No, it's just coincidence. J K Rowling took the surname from Ian Potter, a childhood friend, and she simply picked a first name that she liked.


Question: Why did the killer place the key into the bathtub together with Adam? If it hadn't been sucked down the drain the game would have been over pretty quickly.

Answer: The key wasn't supposed to be visible at first, that's why Jigsaw asked "what do voyeurs see when they look in the mirror?"

Answer: That was the original point of the game. Adam was meant to have free roam of the bathroom, so that it tempted Dr. Gordon to want to kill Adam more, as he is much more powerful in this case.

Question: When Luke is about to take off in his X-Wing while training on Dagobah to save Leia and Han, Obi-Wan says "That boy was our only hope," but Yoda says "No. There is another." Who is this "other" Yoda is talking about?

Answer: As we find out in Return of the Jedi, Luke's twin sister, Leia.


Question: What could possibly be the purpose of the photograph that was placed on the box in the wall? If it was there, then Lawrence was supposed to take it with the box together - but he fails to notice it. Was that their only chance to get out of there alive or what?

Answer: There was no photograph on or in the box on the wall. The contents were: A cell phone, 2 cigarettes, a lighter and a note. The picture was in Lawrence's wallet which told them to look for the X on the wall.


Question: I know that two of Blaster's cassette robots are called Cubbie and Bolts, but what are the other two's names?

Answer: Actually, you are wrong about the first two. The cassettes are: Eject (robot), Grand Slam (tank), Raindance (jet), Ramhorn (rhino), Rewind (robot), and Steeljaw (lion).

Bruce Minnick

Question: When James Bond goes to see Professor Dent at his office, it's morning. After he leaves, Dent goes out to Dr. No's island and picks up the caged tarantula. The next time we see Bond, he's returning to his hotel, and it's night, probably late, as he goes to sleep soon after. Where did Bond go between seeing Dent in the morning and returning to his hotel that night?

Answer: It's obvious what he does between those times. In "Goldfinger," Felix Leiter sees him just moseying off between an event and the climax of the movie and says to his pal "Ten'll get you one it's a drink or a dame." No doubt Bond's using his time...productively.

Question: The Alien asked why is the main character so special. Well, why is she so special? Why is she the only one to not forget her child when obviously other parents have forgotten theirs. It can't be the mother/child bond since others have forgotten.

Answer: She is special since she apparently is the only one not to have forgotten.


Question: When Dr. Octavius is out cold in the hospital, he has bandages covering his eyes. Since his eyes were protected during his demonstration and when he took them off to see his wife had been hit by debris, why would he need the bandages? His eyes were never damaged.

Answer: As the surgeons were going to be using metal cutting equipment, it makes sense they don't want bits falling into his eyes - the surgeons themselves all have protective goggles on. His eyes were also arguably damaged from the light of the artificial sun, despite the protective coverings. It's why he's wearing sunglasses for the rest of the film. It's also noted in the comics that Doc Ock's eyes were damaged during his accident, thus making him sensitive to bright light.

Question: Two songs were playing in Sebastian's car. One song as noticed twice was 'Power Struggle'. He was listening to another song later on in the movie. What was the name of this song and who plays it?

Answer: The song is Charlie Big Potato by Skunk Anansie. Very good song when played very loud.

Question: I was really confused by the ending, who were the three figures we kept seeing, and what were they trying to do?

Answer: The figures are spirits who figured out how to contact the living, like Michael Keaton's wife. But where his wife wants him to help others, the three spirits are evil and want to only do bad things.

Question: What happened at the end? How did they get out of that fix?

Answer: We may never know. The ending was originally a set-up for a sequel, but the sequel never materialized.

Cubs Fan

Answer: Michael Caine himself once suggested in an interview that all they had to do was wait until the bus, the engine of which was still running, ran out of fuel. The fuel tank was at the rear of the bus, hanging over the cliff and so adding weight at that end. As it emptied, the balance would shift to the front and they would be able to move the gold forward. How they could then get it off the bus, or transport it from the roadside is another matter.

Question: When Zatara goes to Mr. Morell's house to find out information about Dantes and about the others that he wants revenge on, why do they keep showing Morell's granddaughter looking at Zatara? Does she realize that he really is Dantes or is it some other reason?

Answer: I believe it's just because there is a dirty smelly man that she doesn't recognise visiting her ailing grandfather, she just wants to keep an eye on things.

Question: In the scene where the infantry is retreating from the first attack on the arachnid planet (the night attack) we see that Rico has been seriously wounded to his leg and cannot even stand up. He was all alone and then we see him kill the first attacking bug with a shotgun mode of the rifle, but when the second bug attacks it seems that he didn't kill the bug and it killed Rico (he screams a lot). Later on, he is in a liquid tank, and his leg is being healed. My questions are these: Who saved him ? How did someone saved him when he died, or even if he didn't die who bothered returning for him when no one was sure if he's dead or just missing in the squad being somewhere else? How come he was in a healing tank while the military filed him as "DEAD" ?

Answer: When Rico, Diz and Ace report to the Roughnecks, they find out that Lt. Rasczak saved him. He was listed as dead, because Carmen checked just hours after the battle. With the MI's huge personnel losses, all the dead and wounded hadn't been confirmed yet. He was listed as dead because he didn't return with his unit.

Grumpy Scot

Question: On the DVD menu there is a gallery option and when you look through the pictures there is one which is certainly not from Halloween Resurrection, which Halloween film is it from?

Answer: It is part of a deleted scene which wasn't included on the DVD. It is about a couple who are camping out and Michael steals their car.

cameron davies

Question: I don't understand why we hear a very high pitched ringing sound sometimes (like when the detectives find the bodies in the attic, or when Karen sees what really happened in the house).

Answer: That ringing sound is the sound the girl makes when she is getting ready to kill someone.

Question: Why, since no one knows that Violette is Fern, does one of the girls come up to Violette and say, "so I hear you were the last person to see Liz Purr alive"?

Answer: Because that was deliberately spread as a rumor to make Violette even more mysterious and intriguing.


Question: Very near the beginning, Marianne is playing this tune that she says was her father's favourite and Elanor tells her to stop. What is the tune and is it possible to find music for it? It's not the 'Weep You No More Sad Fountains' one.

Answer: This song is titled "Father's Favourite" on the movie soundtrack and you can listen to a sample here: You can also purchase sheet music for the song here: music&type=rec.


Question: Does 1138 appear at all in this movie? I don't remember seeing it.

Answer: At the end of the film, after Anakin destroys the control ship and all the wardroids shut down, it can be seen written on the back of one of the droids that were guarding Jar-Jar and Captain Tarpals.


Question: What is the name of the song at the start of the movie? It's by Sean Paul.

Answer: "Three Little Birds" by Sean Paul & Ziggy Marley.


Question: Can anyone tell me what exactly a kneazle is? I know Crookshanks is part kneazle, as stated in Corrections, but I don't know what that means.

Answer: To summarise their entry in "Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them", a companion book written for charity by J K Rowling (under the pseudonym of "Newt Scamander", a Kneazle is a small cat-like creature which is intelligent, independent and occasionally aggressive which, should it take a liking to a witch or wizard, makes an excellent pet. They have an uncanny ability to detect unsavoury or suspicious characters and can be relied upon to guide their owner safely home if lost.


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