Question: Why did Erik despise humans so much, even though it was a mutant who killed his mother?
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Box Cutter - S4-E1
Question: Why did Gus kill Victor?
Chosen answer: There are several possibilities. Gus primarily does it to make an example out of Victor. Victor is one of Gus' most loyal henchman, and yet he had no problem killing him. Meaning it doesn't matter how loyal or valuable Walt is, he can still be killed and it won't bother Gus. However, Walt tells Jesse that perhaps Victor "flew too close to the sun." Meaning, Victor over stepped his bounds by learning how to cook meth. Gus didn't appreciate Victor's initiative and Gus only wants his employees to do the job they're given. Again, telling Walt and Jesse to do their job or else.
I think it was a combination of anger over Gayle's death and Victor being seen by witnesses makes Victor very vulnerable and therefore a dangerous liability to Fringe's empire.
Question: This might be an irrelevant question, because I can't remember if this happened in the movie or not, but in the book the Phantom asks Madame Giry for a foot stool - why did he want one?
Chosen answer: The Phantom's frequent request for a footstool in box 5, which he demanded be left empty - not sold to patrons, does come from the book (chapter 4, pages 11-14), and is not mentioned in the movie. It's never made quite clear precisely the purpose of the footstool. According to Mme. Giry, "I brought the footstool. Of course, it wasn't for himself he wanted it, but for his lady! But I never heard her nor saw her." She did find evidence of her, however. One night, a lady's fan was left behind. She also mentioned that the Phantom would leave a gratuity for her services. There is never a clear identity given of "his lady." I presume it may have been used for a young Christine Daae to stand on, so she could better see over the rail of the box to the Opera on stage below when Erik brought her. But if that's true, it is still unclear why nobody ever saw her, and why she had never seen the Phantom.
Question: What did the German kid say in the ambulance?
Answer: It was Duddits who said "Watch out from Mr Gray" supposed to be in English but sounds like German.
Question: Why is Prince Pondicherry absent from this film?
Chosen answer: The 1971 version of this story focuses on Charlie and the other children finding their tickets, followed by all of the action that takes place within the chocolate factory during the tour. While some narrative exposition of past events is given by various characters in the film's present time, it is absent any of the flashback depictions that peppered the 2005 version starring Johnny Depp. Not only is Prince Pondicherry's story not told, but we also see none of Wonka's strained relationship with his father as a child, nor the escapades which lead him to discover the Oompa Loompas, nor any of the scenes depicting Grandpa Bucket's past association with the factory, some of which were created for the 2005 film rather than coming from the original novel.
Question: What's the time frame of the show?
Answer: Roughly as follows. Linc "kills" Steadman in 2001. Michael robs the bank on March 9th 2005 and is sent to Fox River on April 11th. The breakout from Fox River takes place on or around May 25-31. Michael arrives in Sona on June 17th 2005. More details are here:
That wouldn't make sense because the original grave stone in series 4 has Michael's death date as 2005, which is supposed to be at least 3 years after Fox River.
Question: I Need to Know in which season and episode of House the following monologue took place. A dying patient is lying in bed and complaining about the chaplain who came by to visit him. The patient says that he wants to see a hell-fire and brimstone preacher, someone who believes in judgement and Hell, and who won't deny all the rotten things he'd done in life.
Question: When Harry and Hermione were sitting with Buckbeak waiting to see themselves as Lupin turned into a werewolf, why didn't one of them go to where Pettigrew escaped to capture him?
Question: When Sirius is a dog dragging Ron down the hole, why didn't the Whomping Willow attack him? And when they're leaving the hole (Sirius, Ron, Hermione, and Harry) the Whomping Willow stays still. Why is that?
Chosen answer: In the books, the Whomping Willow had a knot on its trunk that, when pressed, froze the tree. In the movie, the tree is stilled by using the "Immobilus" spell. When Sirius, in his dog form, pulls Ron into the opening at the base of the Whomping Willow, he does it fast enough that the tree has not responded yet to someone being there. It starts whomping moments later just as Harry and Hermione arrive. Later, when Lupin arrived, he stopped the tree by casting Immobilus. (Harry and Hermione watch him doing this when they go back in time.) The spell was still effect when everyone left the Shrieking Shack.
Question: In the end as Rose attempts to reach the whistle on one of the dead passengers, why does she detach Jack's arm from the door. If I recall, you can see that ice was keeping his right hand connected to the door. Why didn't she just say her goodbyes and leave him there, than surely his body would have been recovered and she could even perhaps visit his grave. Why does she remove his hand and drop him into the ocean?
Answer: Jack's arm wasn't actually attached to the door. His hand and Rose's hand were frozen in a grasp. In order to swim to the dead officer to extract the whistle from his mouth, Rose had to pry her hand and Jack's hand apart. She releases him to the water, promising to "never let go" [of life] as she, ironically, lets go [of Jack]. Had she not done so, she never could have saved herself swimming with Jack's dead body in tow.
Question: Why doesn't Howie try to escape when being carried up to the wicker man?
Answer: What's the use? He's surrounded, he can't fight everyone and there's nowhere for him to run.
He is also a fundametally religious man and he believes that he is going to die and go to heaven.
Question: When the informant drives his car up to the meeting place the helicopter circling above is a UH-1. Did they really use UH-1s in Somalia or had this something to do with the making of the movie?
Answer: During the making of the film the director couldn't rent or buy Blackhawk helicopters. So the only way was to contact the government to get their permission to get military Blackhawks from them. By the time they received it they were already filming so they used Hueys until the Blackhawks arrived.
Question: Three questions:- 1) When the palace guards arrest Aladdin, why doesn't the head guard recognise Jasmine until she pulls the hood of her cloak down? 2) When Jasmine tells the head guard to release Aladdin, he tells her that his orders are from Jafar, but surely Jasmine's command would trump Jafar's since he and the guards work for the Sultan, which means they also work for Jasmine (as she's their employer's daughter), so why obey Jafar but not Jasmine? 3) Later on after Jasmine has told the Sultan what happened, why is only Jafar reprimanded? Surely the guards would get told off too for not obeying Jasmine earlier on.
Chosen answer: 1) Razoul would have no reason to think the princess was out of the palace and wandering the streets. At most, he would assume there was a resemblance. 2) Jafar gets his orders and power from the Sultan, who trumps Jasmine. As vizier, part of his job is to relay the Sultan's orders. 3) The guards were just following orders of Jafar.
Question: I would very much like to have all the people featured in the montage during the Elton John song at the very end identified.
Answer: Interspersed with scenes of vigils, marches, AIDS quilt panels, and ordinary adults and infants with AIDS, the following famous figures appear: The three men in the newspaper photo shown are Michael Callen of NY, Anthony Ferrera of Washington, DC, and Roger Lyon of San Francisco (who is quoted in the headline, "I came here today in the hope that my epitaph would not read that I died of red tape"). Bobbi Campbell was a San Francisco AIDS activist, most remembered for initially opposing the closing of bathhouses during the crisis. Next is a picture of Ryan White, the young hemophiliac notable for acquiring HIV via blood transfusion, and fighting to remain in school when he had developed AIDS. Next is Michael Jackson walking up to greet Ryan White's mother - Jackson had become friends with Ryan White's family during his struggle. Next is Rock Hudson, actor and one of the first (but less than eager to be so) public faces of AIDS. Anthony Perkins, actor most famous for his role in "Psycho." Tina Chow - fashion icon and jewelry designer. Ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev. Tennis player Arthur Ashe. The cast of "A Chorus Line" followed by its creator, Michael Bennett. Performance artist Liberace. Freddie Mercury of the band "Queen." Princess Diana of Wales, notable for her charitable works for people with AIDS. Elizabeth Taylor, actress and co-founder of the American Federation for AIDS research. Elizabeth Glaser, wife of actor and director Paul Michael Glaser, who contracted HIV from a blood transfusion while giving birth and then unknowingly passed the virus on to their daughter. Basketball player Magic Johnson. Larry Kramer, co-founder of ACT-UP and the Gay Men's Health Crisis. Arthur Ashe again. AIDS activist Allison Gertz. News reporter Max Robinson of Chicago. Fashion designer Roy Halston Frowick, known simply as "Halston." Fashion designer WIlli Smith (AIDS quilt panel). Fashion Designer Perry Ellis. Singer-songwriter Peter Allen. Studio 54 owner Steve Rubell. Artist Keith Haring. Congressman Stewart McKinney. Actor Denholm Elliott ("Raiders of the Lost Ark"). Actor Brad Davis ("Midnight Express"). Actress Amanda Blake ("Gunsmoke"). Actor Robert Reed ("The Brady Bunch"). Philosopher and author Michael Foucault (AIDS quilt panel only). Tom Waddell, athlete and founder of the "Gay Olympics" (later named "Gay Games" due to copyright issues).
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Question: At the end of the third chapter, Petunia hesitates as though she wants to say something to Harry before she leaves, but she apparently changes her mind. Has J.K. Rowling ever revealed what she almost said? (I know that the movie has a deleted scene where Petunia mentions Lily, but that may not be canon).
Answer: Rowling said she was going to wish him luck and acknowledge that her hatred of magic was based on jealousy.
Question: What is the picture of women on the walls of the set? Not the butterfly picture, the others.
Answer: I believe you are referring to the artwork of Alphonse Mucha. On the wall next to the front door was "Feather" (which is one half of "Primrose and Feather"). Above the telephone in early episodes was "Zodiac". Also seen through The Apartment was "Spring" and "Autumn".
Answer: Or, you may be referring to Tranquillo Cremona's High Life (A Piquant Conversation), which hangs above the side table.
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Chosen answer: Because it was a human who started the Holocaust and got Eric and his family put into a concentration camp in the first place. Seeing how one human reacted to just another race he saw what humans in power would do to another race or species the feared.