Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Does anyone understand how the function of the architect works? As told in the movie, the architect creates the world of the dream, and then the subject is brought into that dream and fills it with their subconscious. So doesn't that mean the architect must be the main dreamer, with the subject and others acting as the participants of that dream so that the architect can set the infrastructure for the subject to populate? Otherwise, the story would need to explain how the architect has the power to override the dreamer's dream framework.


Chosen answer: The architect designs all of the dream layouts then teaches those layouts to the people who will be the main dreamer for each level. They could be the main dreamer on one of those levels, but by having the architect teach the layout to different people, that means that the architect can move into each successive level along with the group and you can always have someone in the group who is very familiar with the layout of each dream level.


Question: If Vanellope's true rank is princess, how come she doesn't know or remember?

Answer: When King Candy went to delete Vanellope's code making her a glitch, he also locked all of the stuff the racers and citizens knew about Vanellope in a chest. Since Vanellope was also one of the racers, she would have forgotten everything about herself.

Casual Person

Question: During the clock tower scene at the end, why is it necessary for the DeLorean to be going 88mph at the exact moment lightning hit the clock tower? When the Delorean was struck by lightning while it was in mid air at the end of the second film, it wasn't going 88mph at all, yet it was still shot through time. Seems the Delorean could have been parked in the street in front of the clock tower connected to the wire and just wait to be struck by lightning and sent back to 1985, no?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: The DeLorean was spun on its axis at 88mph when it got struck by lightning, that's what caused the backwards 99 and the time jump. Unbeknownst to Doc he'd accidentally switched on the time circuits.

Show generally

Question: Is this show going to be a part of the Justice League universe DC is creating with the Man of Steel? I'm just wondering, because A) The Green Arrow has been a member of the Justice League in the past and B) they haven't done anything yet in the show to deny or confirm that it's going to be part of that.


Chosen answer: There is no evidence at this point to suggest that this is the case. Most indications at this point suggest that Green Arrow is not under consideration as a likely character for any proposed Justice League movie.


Chosen answer: The turkey's stuffing.

Bart Gets a Z - S21-E2

Question: When Ned goes into the muffin store, Ned asks "One cran-bran, for the Flan man". What was he asking for? (00:15:45)

Chosen answer: He was ordering a cranberry bran muffin.


Question: Has it ever been stated where witches and wizards go to school before they go to Hogwarts? I mean Hermione and Harry obviously went to Muggle primary school, but what about people like the Weasleys?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: According to J K Rowling, most wizarding families choose to home school their children prior to sending them to Hogwarts. A few enrol their children in nearby Muggle schools in order to give them a more rounded view of the world, but most take the home schooling option.


Question: When the sorting hat is speaking, can all children hear it, or only the one who is beneath it? I ask this because when the hat shouts 'Gryffindor!' everyone in the hall seems to hear it.


Chosen answer: In the book, the only words the hat said out loud for everyone were the house assignments. Everything else was said telepathically with the one wearing the hat. In the movie, since we can see the hat's mouth moving the whole time, we're led to believe that everything is spoken out loud.


Question: When Harry buys his wand at Olivander's store, Olivander says 'well, give it a wave'. How come Harry already knows how to use the wand?


Chosen answer: He doesn't know how to use a wand at all. Ollivander told Harry to give the wand wave to test it, and the wand is reacting a bit uncontrollably because Harry does not know how to use it properly and also because that particular wand is not suitable for him. When Harry tries the wand that he eventually buys, it is reacting favorably because it is choosing Harry to be its master.


Question: In the flying lesson scene, what happened to Neville's broomstick? Was it bewitched? It did remind me of the scene where Harry had trouble with his broomstick.


Chosen answer: In the books they explain that the brooms for their lessons were old and getting worn, and some of their flying charms weren't working like they use to. Neville was exceptionally nervous about the flying lessons as he had never flown before. The combination of the crappy broom and his nervousness made the broom lose control.

Chosen answer: It's not known for certain, but Hagrid apparently arrived on the flying motorcycle that was seen at the very beginning of the movie. Presumably he parked it somewhere nearby and flew back to Hogwarts on it.


Chosen answer: She wasn't in one of the groups (Geeks, Emos, First Years, Posh Totties and Chavs), she was an outsider. The girls later give her a makeover as each one of the cliques, but she ended up as herself and said she "felt like a St Trinian".


Question: Why does the Colonel let Spirit escape at the end of the movie? I know it's meant to be a sign of respect. But why would they respect each other? In my opinion they have no reasons to have mutual respect.

Answer: You don't have to have mutual respect to do what is right or just. Letting Spirit escape was the morally right thing for the Colonel to do.


Answer: Because the colonel saw that Spirit and Little Creek had a strong bond, and how hard Spirit had worked for his freedom.

Logically, it never should've started. All of this trouble for a single horse while there's important military duties and concerns should've never really happened. You could argue that it was to chase Little Creek, but the Colonel never regards him. It was all for Spirit.

Answer: Because he probably gave up.

Question: In the scene where Carnegie and his men were looking for Eli and Solara while they were sleeping, Solara tried looking through Eli's bag to see the book. When she opens the bag you could see the book with the name "The Book of Eli" on it. Later when Carnegie steals the book from Eli there is just a cross on the book, not the book Solara saw in his bag. Why wasn't it the same book?


Chosen answer: It was a name tag and was attached to his backpack, not part of the book.

When he opened the backpack there was a patch saying "Hello, my name is Eli" which made me wonder if he was blind and had been a braille student or teacher. Also, he seems to always check where the sun is for direction but a totally blind person could easily lose the ability to discern west from east or day from night. I simply can't believe that a blind man could fight like he can. I love the movie and have watched it several times and each time I'm looking for hints.

Question: At the end, Yoda tells Obi-Wan that he will meet Qui-Gon again. Is this true? And if so, why and what will Qui-Gon tell him?


Chosen answer: Qui-Gon is the first Jedi in generations that has lived beyond death as a Force ghost. That is what he is to teach and tell both Yoda and Obi-Wan.


Question: How old were Hansel and Gretel as kids in the beginning of the movie? How much time passed to when they were adult? And how old were they then?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Hansel & Gretel's ages are never mentioned in the original fairytale. But Cedric Eich who plays young Hansel is currently 13 (August 10th, 2000). The age of Alea Sophia Boudodimos who plays young Gretel is unknown, but I'd guess that she's a similar age.


Chosen answer: We see clips from The Invasion of Time, The Five Doctors, Arc of Infinity and DragonFire.


Question: When Lucky Day tripped and lost the race, was that actually an accident or was that part of the race being rigged? Like a fighter taking a fall.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: There is nothing that indicates the race was rigged. it was likely an accident.


Question: When Martin threw Will's phone out to sea in anger, was it just in anger about what happened? Or was it just an excuse to do so, like thinking his enemies would be tracking them via Will's phone?

Quantom X

Question: Throughout the film, are there a series of deliberate 'Back to the Future' references? I noticed two straight away - Daniel says 'If you put your mind to it anything is possible, you can do anything' which is repeated several times during BTTF. Also, when Daniel and Kumiko are at the dance, the song 'Earth Angel' can be heard. The song at the climax of the dance in BTTF. Are these deliberate, as BTTF was a year before this movie?

Professor Lazarus

Chosen answer: No it is not deliberate. what Daniel says is a common saying, and Earth Angel was a popular song. coincidence at best.


Answer: Also, Daniel's "put your mind to it you can accomplish anything" (before painting the fence) was used in the first film from 1984 - a year BEFORE Back to the Future came out.

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