Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: During the sequence where Schwarzenegger plays Hamlet, one of the knights looks remarkably like Robin Williams. Who plays him?

Answer: Since there was no name in the credit for this character, we do not know. However it did not look like Robin Williams to me.


Question: Why does General Grievous (a robot) have a choking cough and a wheeze? I can't fathom why someone would build or program this into a mechanical construct.

Answer: Grievous was originally fully organic, but was badly injured in a shuttle crash orchestrated by Count Dooku and rebuilt into a mechanical body. He developed a wheeze and cough during the battle of Coruscant where, after kidnapping Palpatine and trying to escape, Mace Windu crushed his mechanical skeleton onto his organs in an attempt to kill him. He failed, but gave Grievous the wheeze and cough that followed him for the rest of his very short life.

Question: What is the song that plays when the Bride is looking for the Pussy Wagon at the hospital?

Answer: It's the theme to the 1974 blaxploitation movie "Truck Turner" by Isaac Hayes.


Show generally

Question: Through season 3, there are many special guests, being from the UK, I don't know who they really are. Can anyone tell me and what they did or were in?

Answer: Try searching through for this one.


Answer: They don't hate Meg, it's just a recurring joke in the show about how she's so uncool, even her family can make fun of her for it.

Question: In the end scene when Simon Gruber has the automatic gun pointed at McClane, right before McClane shoots the gun off at the wire, why does he hesitate? He just has it pointed at McClane, but he doesn't start shooting until right before the helicopter crashes. Why does Gruber hesitate?

Answer: This looks more of a filmmakers decision rather than hesitation on the characters part. Its supposed to be that we see from McClane's point of view and that in a split second he sees Gruber and then the wire. While the shot is perhaps a little slow, it helps show the viewer what McClane is thinking, rather than it being Gruber just holding the gun.


Question: Did DaimlerChrysler re-introduce the Dodge Charger in conjunction with the film, or was their timing merely coincidental?

Answer: Given the massive hype surrounding the film, and the untold publicity it garnered the Charger, I think it's highly unlikely that it was a coincidence, more a cynical marketing strategy.


Question: If the beast was a young boy when he was turned into a beast, why is it the portrait of him he tears up looks like he does at the end of the film?

Answer: "Boy" is a rather broad term, and it can refer to someone who is grown but has not quite reached full manhood.


Answer: Additionally, it sometimes happened that artist made noble rulers look adult even while still young. So it could've been a historical borrowing to foreshadow his later appearance.

Question: At one point the dentist mentions that he's going to "see a man about a wallaby". I get the feeling that this is a reference to something. Is it?

Answer: This is actually an homage to Crocodile Dundee, where the character (who is Australian) says the same phrase but has to explain it to his American friend.

Answer: It's a reference to going to use the bathroom. The American equivalent is "going to see a man about a horse/dog" (depending on which part of the country you are from).


Answer: The pasta was was made into naughty shapes.


Question: Why is there an alternative U.S ending (special feature on the UK DVD version)?

Answer: In previews to American audiences there were lots of comments that it was not a good ending (not romantic enough) so they filmed an ending with Darcy and Lizzie kissing to make it more romantic. The ending in other countries matches the original ending of the book.

Question: What did Ennis mean at the end of the movie when he says "Jack, I swear"? It seemed really out of place.

Answer: I feel it meant "I swear our love will never die." Or "I swear I'll love you forever."

Answer: There's been a lot of discussion as to what this line actually means, but there's no definitive answer.


I feel like it is a statement of loss, what they had, what could have been, but Jack is now gone. They will never be together again, but the strong feelings of love and hurt that Ennis has been, and always will be, there.

The Old Order Changes - S5-E4

Question: When everyone is having the meeting about adapting their approach to customers in an American fashion. Captain Peacock says that he heard that Austin Reeds had an unusual position. What was it?

Answer: He actually said that they had an "interesting position," which doesn't refer to any job in particular but is merely a set-up for Mr. Humphries' innuendo-laden response: "That rumor's been going around for some time."

But what is the "interesting position"? That is what I want to know. Does it mean that employees at Austin Reeds often dress up to try and get more customers or something else?

The interesting position just means an interesting job - it doesn't matter what it was. As mentioned previously, it is just a setup for Mr. Humphries' response.

Answer: He had a thrombosis - basically a blood clot in the muscle of his leg that cut off the blood supply and caused part of the muscle tissue to die. The second-to-last episode of the first season explains the circumstances in detail.


Question: What is the name of the song that Wendy keeps hearing in the movie? The one with the "Walking Behind You" line? You can hear this song when Ian is following Wendy to the town's Tricentennial, and on the train.

Answer: "Turn Around, Look At Me" performed by The Vouges.


Answer: Turn Around, Look at me by Letterman.

Answer: The copyright information provided in the answer is wrong. Although there's a lot more to it, works published before 1978 are protected for 95 years (28 years for the initial term and 67 for the renewal term). "My Blue Heaven"'s copyrights were renewed in 1953 and 1957. Works published after 1977 are protected for the life of the artist plus 70 years. It should be noted that the movie "My Blue Heaven", starring Betty Grable, came out in Dec 1950 in which the song was sung during the credits, which would have been during the Korean War (not that I'm saying that's the reason for its use).


Answer: My guess is because Fats Domino's version was #17 on Billboard's charts for 1957. It helps identify the time period. And, I think, at the time copyright laws only protected material for 25 years after release so the song was free to use. Now, material is protected for 75 years.


The Korean War was fought between 1950-53. The song didn't exist yet.

Question: Just curious if anyone had a theory about Dr. Gordon. Zep and Adam are still in the house, we see them at the end of the movie. But where is Dr. Gordon? After seeing Adam & Zep's dead bodies, I kind of thought we'd see Gordon stuffed in a closet somewhere. Or maybe his lack of presence means he got away?

Rochelle McCarty

Chosen answer: In Saw 7 you find out Jigsaw found Dr. Gordon, kept him alive, and that he's been helping Jigsaw ever since.

Answer: Saw 3D shows that Dr. Gordon did in fact survive the events of Saw, was nursed back to health and has been helping Jigsaw with his games since then. The reason Dr. Gordon doesn't show up until then is because Cary Elwes, the actor who played him, got into a dispute got into a dispute with the producers because of payment issues after the first Saw film was made.

Question: Jigsaw intended for Xavier to go in the needle pit, but Amanda is thrown in instead. Did Jigsaw anticipate that it might be someone besides Xavier, so that all the needles looked dirty, but weren't going to infect anyone with anything? Did Amanda know that she had nothing to worry about, besides the pain of the needles stuck in to her?

Rochelle McCarty

Chosen answer: This is probably the case - although knowing Xavier's mannerisms, it wasn't out of the question for him to put someone else through this torture, so it was always a possibility that she could be thrown in instead. Amanda would have known that the excrutiating pain was the only thing to worry about.

Sam Johnson

Question: If Mr. Orange had not been killed would have he had to face charges for shooting the woman in the car, despite being a cop on an infiltration job?


Chosen answer: There would definitely have been an investigation. But it was also self defence and /or a reflex action of being shot himself. Also he could claim that Mr. White shot her.

Soylent Purple

Forensics would prove him wrong if he attempted to implicate Mr. White for the shooting.

Question: I read on a website that one difference in the ending from the book is that Kathy is arrested. Can someone tell me if the ending in the book is much different from the film and what exactly is Kathy arrested for?


Chosen answer: In the book, when Behrani learns that his son has died at the hospital, his grief turns into rage at Lester and Kathy. He returns to the house. He finds Kathy there and strangles her. Believing she is dead, he puts on his uniform, then suffocates his wife, who is sleeping in the bedroom. Then he suffocates himself. Kathy revives and finds their bodies. Both she and Lester are arrested. As they await trial, Kathy, who is in jail, has been pretending that she is unable to speak since Behrani attempted to strangle her. She mimes a request for a cigarette.


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